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“Ubiquitous Living” RFID Interlaced Future Planned For the World Population

26 Feb

This 2 hour documentary exposes what’s being planned for urban populations of people around the world as early as 2017.  I have located no reporting at all on this in American TV or film media.No reporting = an uninformed public who has no idea what’s being planned and therefore cannot voice an opinion in opposition to same.

The world as these planners see it will soon be so riddled with intentional, planned interactive RFID technology that life “off the web” will become practically impossible. I’m watching this documentary as I type this post. This ‘ubiquitous world’ is not one that I have the least bit of interest participating in. As I’m sure there will be millions like me, I wonder just what exactly these planners intend to do with us, with non-chipped, non-RFID friendly human beings?

Here’s the 2 hour documentary video report:

See also

See also

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Featured Product in 2012: Midland XT511 22-Channel FRS/GMRS Two-Way Emergency Crank Radio

Historic Interview: Aaron Russo, Alex Jones: From Freedom to Fascism

12 Jan
Aaron Russo, 2006 at Cannes Film Festival. Tak...

Image via Wikipedia

Reposted by popular demand on 01.12.2011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Copyrights Secured by the Filmmakers in 2009.

Please share, re-post, retweet.

This is the full feature length film. Share this with everyone you know. Aaron Russo is no longer with us, but his words and American patriotic spirit live on.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Michael Savage RE A National ID Card: “Over My Dead Body.” Contact Your Senators, Speak Out

19 Dec
Just after the operation to insert the RFID ta...

Image via Wikipedia

#teaparty #twisters #gop #tlot #tsot #palin12 #spwbt #sgp #tcot

American Patriot RED ALERT! Urgent!

12.18.2010 By CK Hunter

They are at it again!! The senate is trying to pass legislation regarding a compromise to immigration reform that will include carrying a national ID card. This will be the beginning of embedded RFID chips in the hand, as all the national ID cards will have embedded RFID chips in them. The insidious gradualism tactic of using creeping stealth legislation to insert RFID embedded ID cards into the mainstream of American life has to be identified, published and broadcasted by truth researchers, and stopped dead in it’s tracks. I will gladly die before I carry an RFID embedded national ID card.

Just like Michael Savage said: “Over my dead body!”  I could not agree more! Sound off after you read this, and share this post, the video clips and wake up your friends and neighbors everywhere. Tell them to bury Washington D.C. with phone calls, emails, and feedback, saying NO to any sort of national ID card. This is now RED ALERT urgent.

Chase Kyla Hunter





Tags, human RFID chip, RFID evil 666 plans, beast RFID 666, michael savage, national id card evil RFID plans, new world order agenda exposed, stop national ID card plans