Tag Archives: Council on Foreign Relations

Barack Obama Quietly Dissolving American Borders Via “Stealth” Legislation

17 Dec
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North A...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, Essay Link Re-posted from World Net Daily courtesy of Jerome R. Corsi & www.wnd.com

See: “Obama Quietly Erasing US Borders”

I began writing about the Bush W. era stealth legislation of the 2005 Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America in early 2008. At that time the actual legal documents that showed what George W. Bush had done were posted for all to see on a Canadian government website.

Since then, most likely due to American patriot outrage,  apparently the new world order people have been quietly scrubbing the web of these stealth legislation documents. I looked at my 2008 research page on the North American Union today and all the links to the NAU legal docs are now giving 404 messages, which means” a scrub the web” activity is taking place. People they are passing these laws without your knowledge, permission, vote or consent, and then they are scrubbing the web and attempting to erase their legal trail as they do so.

Raise as much hell as it takes to get the attention of your congressman and senators and let Washington D.C. know that the American people have NEVER been asked whether they wanted a borderless “North American Union.” We have a right as citizens to bring this to a stop. If we could do what we did on November 2nd, then we can find a way legally and peacefully to STOP THE PRACTICE OF STEALTH LEGISLATION. I think we need to impeach Barack Obama for what he is trying to do. I will have more updates on this breaking story soon.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Related links, video and article:


Judicial Watch files lawsuit against Dept of Commerce RE North American Union: http://www.judicialwatch.org/SPP


NBC Introduces the President of the CFR to America in Response to North Korea’s Attack on South

24 Nov

Copyright 2010-3010 Chase Kyla Hunter, Re-posts permitted leaving content and links intact.

Have you ever heard of Richard N. Haass? He is the sitting president of the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York based new world order “think tank” which is directly tied to the UN and it’s globalist mandate. The CFR tells all top American politicians “what they should be doing” and how to proceed on any number of issues both foreign and domestic, from behind the scenes and has done so for at least 20 years or more. I’ve been monitoring this entity since 1990, so I am not in the mood for anyone who hasn’t studied the CFR for 20 years to try to argue with me.

What had my jaw on the floor this evening while watching the NBC Evening News with Brian Williams was the fact that comments from [so called] President Barack Obama were not necessarily referenced first on NBC in response to yesterday’s blatant provocations by North Korea. No, the man they trotted out to be interviewed on live TV for Americans to see and hear, was none other than the current sitting President of the Council on Foreign Relations. I see this as a strong signal that the CFR will be taking a much more public role in foreign policy crisis management.

So I’d like to ask American readers the 64,000 question once again: Who do you thinks REALLY operates and governs the United States of America, including operating and managing the White House? It’s not the sitting US President, it’s not congress, the Senate or the Judiciary. It’s the NYC based Council on Foreign Relations. Tonite’s media appearance by Richard N. Haass to soothe frayed nerves over North Korea could not be a more clear signal. There is a higher political and advisory power behind the White House, and tonite Americans watching NBC Nightly News met the president of that power.

For other astute “evening news decoders” like me who were watching the opening 5 minutes of this evenings NBC Evening News, we get the signal loud and clear. Barack Obama is a lame duck president, not relegated with enough relevancy to even be referred to first in a moment of possible imminent national crisis. Who did Big Media turn to for a comforting word?

They turned to a live TV interview with the President of the American arm of the new world order: Richard N. Haass. Whether or not anyone else noticed, for me, this was a significant turning point in American big media, possibly the beginning of tacitly introducing more and more of the “hidden powers that be” into the open bright lights of tv news rooms, magazine covers, and related news networks affiliated with nwo big media.

If you are as unhappy as I am, along with other American patriots, then continue to confront these ruling elites just as you have seen done in several of the videos below. The American people are NOT HAPPY to learn that a secret think tank in NYC has been puppeteering the White House and the US Presidency for nearly 40 years, and there has to be a way to put a stop to it, before it is too late.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Here’s the interview from NBC Nightly News and related items:


Want to be totally infuriated? Watch this video:

Other Related Videos:

Barack Obama Caught Lying: CFR and North American Union

30 Jul

Barack Obama Caught Lying – CFR & North American Union

Tags: Barack Obama lies, CFR, Council on Foreign Relations, North American Union, Godless globalism UN, tea party politics, UN, globalism, secret UN globalism legislation