Has the True Historical Face of Jesus Finally Been Deciphered?

15 Nov


Today I discovered a remarkable web page. For years I have longed to know what the face of Jesus really looked like, and along the way when I would come across certain likenesses of Him, many seemed to me to be quite fictional, but some always stood out as “actual”. I could never understand how I might know, on some deeper soul level, what the “actual” face of Jesus looked like when He was alive.

It finally occurred to me that Jesus, being the Creator of our local universe [ See Holy Bible and the Urantia Book ] could, of course, upon His own choosing, actually encode the soul of His creation to know the difference between His face, and the face or countenance of an imposter.

That particular “soul encoding” could sure come in handy for American Christians, and other Christians around the world right now, as imposters and false Christs literally abound everywhere. It is playing out just exactly as the Bible prophecies said it would. It’s an amazing, terrible, yet utterly wonderful time to be alive, as every day brings yet another moment when bible prophecy is proven to be true once again.

Anyone who is not reading and studying the Bible [I prefer the King James version] is truly missing out. In the end, it won’t be enough just to ponder the face of Jesus and wonder. True belief in Him, an absolute faith in not only His cosmic reality, but in  His true position in our Universe as the Sovereign Spiritual Lord and King, His authority over the soul and fate of all humankind as God’s Son, His sovereignty and Lordship over all of the local creation, and finally, a clear comprehension of what one must do, both to survive and to thrive as a Christian during these last days, will be necessary to escape what is coming and to find safety in hidden Christian numbers. These hidden enclaves of devout believers in Christ are already forming. They are being shown what is coming, and they are following what the Holy Spirit is instructing them to do.

Giving oneself, one’s life and soul over to Christ’s watchcare and deep spiritual guidance might not be “in vogue” right now in the secular world, but I can guarantee you, it will be soon. The literal soul of humankind is approaching a crisis point, a point where the collective soul of a species cries out to God for salvation and for final understanding of the truth of what has actually taken place on this world. The days will not continue on indefinitely. The days we are living in will come to an end, and a great spiritual change will take place.

One must make a choice. Either you are choosing everyday by your actions [ or inactions ] to come closer to the truth of who is in charge of this creation, or each day you are slipping a little bit closer to the liar and the lie. That’s right. One will literally need to become “born again” letting go of the false, satanicly manipulated” secular world, and step away from it, leaving it all behind. Don’t look back after you make that life changing decision. Look straight ahead and follow what the Holy Spirit tells you to do.

Those who continue to try to “live in both worlds” will eventually suffer the most in the coming years, as they fight within themselves to reconcile the great liar and the lie presented to them via the world mass media “beast system” with what their deep  inner being knows is the real spiritual truth about Jesus and the life he lived here on this earth.

The hour of the call to come to Christ in body, soul, mind and heart is NOW. The days are slipping away, and the days will not go on forever. That is why these days are referred to in the bible as the “last days.” Listen to what the Holy Spirit is asking you to do in your life, and then do it. Be obedient to those inner urgings of the Spirit. They are trying to tell you something. You won’t be alone. Millions in America are answering the call of the Holy Spirit, and the more who answer, the greater the chance we all will have to make sure that America remains a sovereign land, ruled by WE THE PEOPLE, and not a part of the world apostasy which is fast approaching.

 My soul implores the reader to listen to your own deeper spiritual gut, and take action in your life to make the changes, that you know you need to make. The window is closing. Only God knows how long we will have a free America that is not imprisoned under martial law. if the Federal Reserve powers that be actually commit the final financial crime, and allow the us dollar to fail, then all bets are off. We could be under martial law by spring or summer of 2011, unable to travel freely, unable to locate certain necessities that everyone needs to live, forced to take whatever is handed out, herded around at gunpoint.

This is not fear mongering. This is reading the handwriting on the wall. And the handwriting on the wall is now everywhere in America.

Chase Kyla Hunter

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