Tag Archives: India

2011’s First Reminder: Historic Video of Secret Underground Military Bases Constructed With Your Tax Dollars for the Elite

6 Jan

Copyright 2011-3011 By CK Hunter

The video below has been online for several years now, and is quite well known. I am re-posting it as a reminder, for myself, and for all the hundreds and thousands of other “truthers” out there like me, who labor on into the night, trying to post enough of a smattering of actuality to shake the rest of the world out of its slumber and into proper spiritual action which is commensurate to the times we are living in.

The people at the helm on this world, the people who are in power, who own all the media outlets, corporations, mega-banks, currencies, and governments are not a benevolent crowd. They want us dumb, obese, and following whatever falls out of the mouth of a celebrity or the TV set. They do not want us spiritually awake and healthy, ready to reclaim our world and our civil and human rights.

If you do not believe these people have evil in mind, and are preparing for their own safety, while disregarding ours, then explain this video below:

I’ll be watching the comments field.

India: Obama Celebrated Hindu Diwali As Irate Americans Fume Over His Cavalier Disregard For US Electorate

12 Nov

Copyright 11.12.2010 By CK Hunter

Is it just me, or is anyone else fuming over Obama’s decision to skip ever so blithely away on an extended an overseas junket in the days right after one of the most significant and historic elections of the last 50 years? WTF? America’s mack-daddy long legs needed to stay home, and soothe his own livid people, not flounce overseas on yet another inflated vacation junket, disguised as a jobs & trade mission. We’re not stupid Mister. We may yet find a way to impeach your decadent ass before 2012. Don’t push the envelope any further than you have already. We are out of work, out of voting energy, out of patience, and we are out of putting up with your bizarre non-presidential behaviors and whoring yourself around on demeaning TV talk shows like some’ out of work actor’. Get a grip man. Make an effort to at least appear as if you understand what “presidential” means!

Boom Boom, jingle jingle, boom: off we all go to India.

 [Obama, sitting on the plane, in his own head: What… those irate American Christian masses – my national constituents – who… them? Let them eat unemployment rations. I’m off to the Taj Mahal to party with the Hindus, Muslims, pay my respects to Buddha and otherwise flee from reality for just a few days longer. Never mind America – pass the Diwali djal and flat bread. They should understand… we even gave them a new pro-India sitcom on NBC, made to order for average American Joes and Janes to try to begin to accept the fact that their old jobs are now PERMANENTLY OUTSOURCED to India. We even named it “OUTSOURCED“. It’s all part of the New World Odor. And I am the President of the New World Odor. Look at me. Weeeee. I get to go to India with a staff of 3,000, just to eat dhal, stroll like a tourist, dance with the Hindu kids, and pretend for just a few days that I am not utterly loathed, hated and despised in the USA where my fake Manchurian presidency is unravelling at it’s make believe seams.]

After the astounding election results, I looked to D.C., expecting to see, for once, some really amazing new resolve and dignified presidential behavior coming out of the former Indoneisan Barry Soetero. I actually had to find out what could possibly, quite suddenly, be so urgently politically important in India that Obama not only took half of Washington D.C. with him on the trip, but took over the entire Taj Mahal hotel complex with his colossally unnecessary travelling entourage. The White House worked hard in the days right before they departed to dispel the rumours that the per day cost of this faux presidential journey would run somewhere between 2 million and 200 million dollars a day, all on the backs of the American people, once again.

I also noted with acid stomach ire that right at the very last minute, after various alternative news outlets had openly speculated about the peculiar timing, cost and perhaps not so necessary need for such a lavish overseas trip, that Obama hastily re-branded the junket as a preplanned  jobs and trade mission. Yeah, right. Liar, liar pants on fire all over again.

Obama and spouse Michelle celebrated the hindu holiday Diwali while they were on their trip, and also visited a Muslim mosque. This does no good at all for Obama’s weak and feeble attempt to convince American voters at home, now and again, that he is, in fact, a real [not another cardboard cut-out] Christian.

How many devout Christians do you know who also celebrate Hindu holy days, or even understand the myriad complex of strange mythological Deities and lesser Gods that Hindus venerate? Some may reply, “when in Rome” , or postulate that it’s all just part of the PR of the overseas journey. But come on! This man has just been given a political high colonic here in the states, by a devoutly Christian and tea party inspired voting public, who turned out in numbers not seen  in 40 years to make a point.

Obama: Pay attention to the American economy, to the need for jobs at home, to the besieged southern US border, to the national hoarse  scream to overturn Obamacare, and to the national bitch slap that you just got from furious American voters to step up to the plate and start behaving like an actual president, not some celebrity on a popularity sprint from TV show to TV show, trying to build ratings.

You are not a damn struggling  sitcom, pleading for better ratings, Barack Obama. You are the f—-king president of the United states of America. Act like it. Your cavalier comportment of the office of the President is embarrassing us all, and you are further embarrassing yourself, daily, and are apparently too politically stupid to even realize it. If I had my way, I would love nothing more than to say to you:

Barack Obama: You are SO fired!!! Pack up and run, don’t walk to the nearest Air Force One and LEAVE, while we are still patient enough not to want to storm D.C. all over again to the tune of 5 million people and torch the White House, just to be rid of you.

CK Hunter

Below, for the enlightenment of readers, are a few videos revealing what Obama did on his grotesquely over-inflated, obscenely ill timed and expensive, overseas “stress management and self esteem re-building” working vacation:

Giant Buddha statue nears completion in India





Do you remember the hysteria of 2008?




To get a stomach turning gutfull of the sinister organization, [formerly named The Lucifer Trust], which is the intellectual and pseudo-religious fountainhead for all UN plans [past, present & future]  to foist and enforce their own version of one world religion onto Americans and the world, visit and study this site: The Lucis Trust.

Every American Christian needs to read and study this site and then read, study and subsribe to my other blog at:
