Tag Archives: Italy

Updated 01.26 More Dead Fish! Millions of Fish, Thousands of Birds Dead, More Reports Come In

7 Jan

Youtube videos posted on 01.07.2011 By Chase Kyla Hunter

Update 01.26 A new fish kill has been reported on Vancouver Island today. Here is the video:

Now: Have a look at this link and ponder the possibilities:


[ See my first post on this story for more info. ]

In an ominous moment, New Year’s Eve this 2010 brought the strangest portent for 2011. Everyone is speculating as to what this could mean and why it is taking place.Thousands of dead birds dropped from the sky in Beebe Arkansas, and that’s not all. They are falling from the sky in at least a half dozen other locations globally. Add to that millions of sea creatures, starfish, jellyfish, and fish of all kinds, are also washing up on shorelines around the world. The breaking news about the millions of dead birds falling from the sky and millions of dead fish washing up on shorelines around the world just gets worse as the hours pass. I have now identified nearly a dozen events in different locations in just the past two days. Dead birds and / or fish have been found in the following locations:

New York City [Brooklyn, Queens]

New Jersey











New Hampshire




Hong Kong


New Zealand

San Francisco

Coast of Parana

Great Britain


I have just located video from 2007 that reported a similar story. Millions of dead birds fell from the sky in Russia and other locales in 2007:

Here are the latest videos for 2011 bird and fish kills I can find on this story:  01.07.2011 Update

Related Story:

Why Are the Fish and Birds Dying?

Tags: dead birds, dead fish, 2011 ominous signs, signs wonders, HAARP project, environment, climate, weather, arkansas, louisiana, italy, new jersey, sweden, parana, san francisco, new york city

Youtube Censorship Continues, Nibiru Footage is Being Removed

6 Jan

Copyright 2011-3011 By CK Hunter

In the past 8 years I have followed with keen interest, as have thousands of others, the news concerning the suppressed astronomy of Planet X aka Nibiru. Late in 2008 Nibiru became visible from certain locations on earth, notably either very far north, or very far south. I began collecting these videos and posting them to my blogs. By late 2009 I had amassed over 4 dozen citizen journalist video clips showing clearly an object which looks like a smaller second sun appearing in the early morning or late evening sky along side our own sun. These videos are not doctored and the evidence that something is there is without dispute in my opinion.

Now these videos are disappearing from Youtube. I have already discovered at least one dozen videos of Nibiru mysteriously missing, their Youtube user accounts either closed, or just deleted by Youtube for some reason that does not hold water. I have not a doubt in my mind at this point that a brazen and overt attempt to censor the truth about Nibiru is taking place. Here, below, is just one more example of what I am finding all over Youtube these days, which is important video evidence about Nibiru missing in action – just gone. The footage below was from an Italian newscast, highly credible, from January 2010. It’s gone. I’m left with a screen shot of what used to be there.

So when you locate good footage of Nibiru, download it right away. It might not be there the next time you look for it. The censorship of the internet is beginning.