Tag Archives: Art Truth Beauty Goodness

Popular Chase Hunter Links for Spiritual Truth Seekers

11 Jan

Note from Chase Hunter: Alot of people show up at one of my blogs and they are just looking for quick spiritual information and insights. It is getting really confusing out there in the world of deceptive religiosity and absolute hatred being sold as religion. Just always keep in mind, a truly religious person, or a truthful and Holy Spirit inspired and nurtured, Christ centered religious practice which is founded on God’s laws will not have hatred of anyone or anything associated with it. That is a sad fact that pretty much knocks most modern day “religions” out of contention, doesn’t it?

Remember: Jesus told us to “Love one another.” That’s the Divine standard. Those three words practiced with devotion could change the world.

Anything falling  away from that is a falling away lie, a falsehood, and is not of God, no matter how they package and sell it. God is LOVE. Period.

I am still building and linking all blogs, so these links below should be helpful.

You can sign up for free RSS feeds from any Chase Hunter popular blogs right here.

Chase Hunter 01.10.2010













A Journey to the Edge of the Universe

9 Jan

Journey to the Edge of the Universe

Original “Call Global to Awakening” By Chase Kyla Hunter Posted 3.2008

24 Aug
Hand with planned insertion point for Verichip...

Image via Wikipedia

I penned this essay below in March of 2008 after realizing beyond all shadow of a doubt that Barack Obama was not just a hand selected Bilderberg anointed new world order  Manchurian candidate. He was possibly not even a legal American citizen.

Since I wrote this document the skeptics and cynics who told me this was all conspiracy theory and speculation have fallen oddly silent as hundreds of thousands of other Americans began publishing what they knew and understood. It turns out that millions of us had been quietly doing our “due diligence” since our mainstream media now completely belongs to the global NWO elite, and does not represent the American people, but advocates for the New World Order globalist agenda 24-7.

Also in 2008 the USA economy was given a very public controlled demolition, not unlike building seven on 9-11. RFID chips are being put into US soldiers, in the UK all handguns have now been confiscated, surveillance cameras watch their every move in Great Britain, while foolish American teens watch TV shows like “Big Brother” – not even realizing that an entire adult population (the ipod generation) is now being psychologically groomed to have their every move monitored by surveillance 24-7 for the rest of their lives.

Some brave soul managed to get high resolution video out of the USA D.U.M.B. secret underground tunnel system and posted the video to an astonished youtube audience, who in turn grabbed it and posted it around the world. The silence from the nay-sayers grew as what we now began to hear instead was the steady stream of nonsense which spewed from paid NWO disinformation agents, trying in vain to stand against the avalanche of cold hard facts being published online by people like me. Futuristic dark illuminati theme cities are being built, complete with all the occult trappings that glorify their sun worship, which is the ancient worship of Annunaki / Nephilim / Molech / Marduk and finally: Lucifer. Apparently these fiends in the flesh are quite confident.

They have not counted on a Divine Intervention, but a Divine Intervention is exactly what they are about to get. It might look like they have it their way for a very short season, but the faithful in the secret and hidden global Body of Christ know the end from the beginning and they know EXACTLY how this story ends. You all know who you are.

And the Godless know who they are. Let the days pass. Let the wheels begin to turn. Let the Light of God dissolve the evil madness of a few hundred men and women who believe they own the world. The Light of God Never Fails. – CKH


Understanding Why a Historically Re-occurring Scientific Astronomical Event May Bring About A Pole Shift of the Earth and the Seven Last Plagues as Recorded in the Christian Holy Bible’s Book of Revelations

Prelude: [ Authored by CKH, a pen name, for privacy and personal safety ]

I postulate in this Wiki that there is a direct relationship between escalating earth changes, the secret FEMA detention camps that are presently being constructed in many USA states, the global scientific community’s & Vatican’s present cover-up of the scientific actuality (world governments have installed a secret astronomical observatory station to track Nibiru in Antarctica – paid for with taxpayer dollars ) of an extra-solar system planet named Nibiru (brown dwarf collapsing star) and it’s approach toward the earth to arrive at it’s closest point in December 2012 through February 2013, (dates for the end of the Mayan calendar), the sudden rise of Barack Obama to ascend to the White House with little or no governing experience, the rapid covert legislation to create a North American Union to replace the present US Constitution, the rapid approach of a politically super-correct Godless One World UN government, the mystery of CROP CIRCLES and their messages of warning to humankind, RFID chips, martial law, global surveillance, and the UN’s long standing Luciferian Illuminati world dream of reducing the population of the earth to a more “manageable” (controllable) approximately one half billion people. After you read this site and study the supporting links and documents you may find it easier to connect the dots between these many apparently unrelated issues.

Before you read on, it’s important understand that the approach of Nibiru / Planet X is neither hoax or mere speculation, as government disinformation experts would have you believe. So please visit some of these links and watch some videos being produced and distributed by other independent researchers from all around the world, who are frantically trying to publish the truth and share what they know with others. Every human being who is alive upon this earth deserves to know the truth about this long prophesied event, so that they may make their own personal spiritual decisions, along with any survival preparations for themselves and their loved ones.

For more details on the hard science supporting the
approach of Planet X / Nibiru see http://yowusa.com
and http://yowusa.info

There is also a direct relationship between the fact that every major news outlet in the west is now owned and operated by some multinational corporation that has direct ties to the UN, the pro-Obama western press, and the ongoing suppression and ridicule of all persons who are figuring everything out and trying to share what they are learning with others.
There is also a relationship between the ongoing public ridicule of truth tellers and the mass media’s determination to ignore or discredit the research of brilliant credible dedicated investigators like Dr. Steven Greer and his recent Disclosure Project press conference of 2001, Linda Moulton Howe and her Earthfiles Reports, and others.

Scientists and astronomers first began reporting of a new planetary body that was being observed by telescopes and space satellites at the outer edges of our solar system in the 1980s, specifically 1983. Had the governments of the world been attentive to what was being discovered back then, and proper preparations made, we would most likely not be in the dire circumstances that we are in today. If you are alive upon the earth, where-ever you are, and if you want to live past 2012 in your present physical body and physically survive what is to come – then you need to read on.

This information is for every living human being who is alive upon the earth. Everyone else who believes in some sort of Higher Power, a Deity, God, All that Is, The Creator, Allah, The Great Mother, Mother / Father God, the Goddess, or whatever you choose to name your present comprehension of a Universal Divine Creator, this Wiki page is being written for you. The leading governments of the world, their military, the UN, and the VATICAN know about and are presently tracking an ENORMOUS scientific cosmic astronomical event, which is shortly to occur, that will most definitely induce a partial or complete POLE SHIFT of the Earth. NASA has known about this event since at least the early 1980s.

It was decided among the world governments and the UN – NOT TO TELL their civilian populations, as they feared mass panic and hysteria, and overthrow of these governments. The global G8 Group and the UN are the guiltiest of all. The collective soul of certain nations’ populations subconsciously know that MANY GREAT AND SECRET TRUTHS ARE BEING KEPT FROM THEM, and many populations are now revolting against their [ corrupt ] governments anyway. These governments have used taxpayer dollars to construct elaborate facilities for their own survival, with the clear intention of leaving their innocent and uninformed populations to fend for themselves when this event takes place. Various links on this Wiki site will reveal where some of those government world Elite survival hide-outs are located.

What we will be seeing take place in the next 15 years upon this world is the apparently unintentional, yet Divinely directed convergence of Bible prophecy, new age prophecy, Native American prophecy, science, astronomy, geology, archaeology, anthropology, the predictions of famous psychics, visionaries, seers, the re-emergence of indigenous cultures’ ancient teaching stories, along with newly revealed Bible Codes.

The actual imminent return of Planet Nibiru or (Planet X) is the approaching cataclysmic astronomical cosmic event which world governments are hiding from their populations. It is the REAL reason for global warming, not CO2 emissions.

Spiritual seers, prophets, visionaries, shamans ( like myself – I am a clairvoyant, a Christian Mystic and Cherokee Shaman ), scientists, government personnel, traditional religious leaders, Bible scholars, philosophers, new age leaders, military leaders, Native American prophets, astronomers (and even atheists) are now experiencing a phenomenon which no one would ever dream could happen on this war scarred, evil infested, corrupt yet beautiful world: They are all coming to the same conclusions, from wildly different educational backgrounds, philosophies, religions, and theological points of view.

This phenomenon is an activity of the SPIRIT OF TRUTH or “Holy Spirit” at work. It transcends personal religious beliefs, or the lack thereof.

Returning Planet X also known as Nibiru will induce an astronomical event called a pole shift in our lifetime.

This astronomical event has occurred before and takes place approximately every 3,600 years, when the returning orbit of Nibiru comes closest to Earth’s orbit. The approach of Nibiru is well known to the hidden world governing elite, their puppets in office, US and overseas scientists & astronomers stationed in secret on the south pole (where the returning brown dwarf sun Nibiru and 5 of its moons are already visible and many photos and videos have been taken), to NASA, to all branches of the USA military and other nations’ military., and to the Vatican, who have several astronomical observatories stationed around the world watching. (If you are just now learning that 90% of the governments of the world are utterly corrupt then one would have to wonder what planet you were living on all this time.)

The decision has been made to maintain a worldwide mass media blackout on this great cosmic event, as it is expected that up to 1/3rd of the world population may possibly perish during the pole shift, which will be induced due to severe solar activity and the gravitational pull of Nibiru upon the Earth as Nibiru passes closest to earth between DECEMBER 21ST 2012 and February 14th 2013. This is the same date on the Mayan Calendar which indicates the biblical phrase: End of the World as we know it. There is no coincidence here. Many of the scientific astronomical phenomena that will occur right before, during and after the Pole Shift ARE RECORDED IN THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. That also is no coincidence, but was DIVINELY PLANNED ages ago by the Creator.

I’d like to digress to say that I am not authoring this Wiki site in order to try to “save” someone’s soul via the orthodox Christian faith. At this late date, you have either found your truth and your own personal spiritual path or you are sitting in front of a TV, a video game, a casino game, at a bar, at a sports event, s strip club, worshiping NASCAR, or you are just lost and really don’t know where to turn. I might add that every religion upon the earth has been tampered with or else is theologically, intrinsically FLAWED, and not one of the world religions is actually capable of telling the people the complete truth, for they don’t know it themselves.

The Christian prophecies in the Holy Bible come the closest to full disclosure of catastrophic world events in this author’s opinion at this time. (Fall 2008) I’m quite aware of how unpopular such a statement may be, albeit – I am telling you the truth. The Presence of God’s Light within you will teach you to find the truth in time to know what to do between now and 2012. Get out of big loud noisy gang infested cities and go into nature, into the deep wilderness, to listen for God’s inner instructions to you. I am instructing you specifically to do this if you want to become personally tutored by the Holy Spirit and thus “God taught from Within” about how to prepare and what you should do to make changes in your life in time to survive what 2012-2019 may bring.

See: http://ldolphin.org/quakes2.html


Another site author writes:
If earthquakes are not on the increase, then what shall we make of the biblical evidence that earthquakes will increase in the last days? As noted above, Hal Lindsey says that earthquakes will continue to increase “just as the Bible predicts for the last days.”50 If earthquakes are not increasing, does this mean that the return of Christ cannot be near? Closer examination of the New Testament evidence will reveal that Lindsey’s statement is wrong on both counts. Not only are earthquakes not increasing, but also the biblical text never indicated that they would. The popular conception that an increase of earthquakes in frequency and severity is a key sign of the temporal nearness of the end results from a misreading of the biblical text.

Earthquakes in Biblical Literature. Earthquakes and other cataclysmic events often carry theophanic significance in Scripture, demonstrating God’s awesome power. At Mount Sinai the LORD’s presence was indicated by smoke and the shaking of the mountain (Exod. 19:18; cf. 1 Kings 19:1151 ; Ps. 68:8; Job 9:6; Hab. 3:6).

When the New Testament church prayed “the place where they had gathered together was shaken” and the Spirit’s presence was manifested (Acts 4:31). Paul and Silas were freed when God’s power and presence was manifested in an earthquake (Acts 16:26). The most unusual earthquakes were associated with the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. When Christ died on the cross, an earthquake shook the temple and rent the curtain of the temple from top to bottom (Matt. 27:51). No human agency rolled away the stone that sealed Christ’s tomb; it was the angel in the presence of the earthquake (Matt. 28:2).

More specifically, many seismic theophanies are manifestations of God’s anger and righteous judgment (cf. 1 Sam. 14:15; Ps. 18:7,8; Isa. 5:25; 13:13; 29:6; Joel 3:16; Amos 1:1,2; 8:7,8; Mic. 1:3-7; Nah. 1:5,6; Hag. 2:6, 21). The Day of the LORD is the most elaborate judgment motif of Scripture. That day is without fail marked by earthquakes and associated celestial disturbances (Isa. 2:19, 21; 13:13; 24:18; 29:5-6; Ezek. 38:19-22; Joel 2:10; Zech. 14:4, 5). For example, Isaiah’s description of the destruction of Babylon has cosmic overtones:

Therefore I shall make the heavens tremble,
. . . And the earth will be shaken from its place
At the fury of the LORD of hosts
. . . In the day of His burning anger. (Isa. 13:13).

Yet during the awesome shakedown of heaven and earth, “The LORD will have compassion on Jacob” (Isa. 14:1), and all creation will recognize God’s working (Isa. 14:3-8). When Israel is attacked by the armies of Gog, those armies are demolished at the decree of the LORD by earthquake and cosmic hailstones (Ezek. 38:17-23). Zechariah is even more explicit about the extraordinary geologic upheaval in the Holy Land associated with the Day of the LORD. A final earthquake at the LORD’s return will split the Mount of Olives, uplift Jerusalem on its site, and depress the surrounding Judean Mountains (Zech. 14:1-10).

What is coming, transcends most all religious texts which have been accepted as DIVINE REVELATIONS.

How it came to be that so much of the science, geology and astronomy pertaining to the coming POLE SHIFT was included in the Christian Bible’s Book of Revelations, is one of God’s most profound mysteries, and must be relegated to DIVINE PROVIDENCE and the Hand of God Himself. Theologians well know that the present day version of Bible scripture was altered and edited more than 22 times since the Ascension of Christ and the times shortly thereafter when the first scriptures about His life and teachings were written.

Any religious text which includes prophecy that foretells of this catastrophic and species altering event must be looked at with a certain degree of reverence and respect. If the religious text(s) that you study include any reference to this event, then consider that somewhere along the line, AUTHORITATIVE SUPERVISING DIVINE HEAVENLY FORCES made sure that the information was kept in the scriptural text so that people of our day and generation could find it, read, comprehend and act on it. The hidden Hand of God has been at work all along, apparently, as 2000 years of tinkering with Christian scripture failed to omit the passages in the Bible that clearly warn of these events to come. It’s worth pondering, even for the hardened agnostic.

There is no time left for groups to argue back and forth about whose science or astronomy found Nibiru first, who gets the credit, whose name might appear in the Washington Post, or other such spiritually immature childishness. The populations of the world must move quickly and invisibly to work around their corrupt controlling governments to make provisions for survival and the rebuilding and repopulating of the world. This pole shift event has been prophesied repeatedly in ancient times and modern times.

“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as
sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its
late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every
mountain and island was moved out of its place” (vv. 12–14).

From Zephaniah: The great day of the Lord is near; it is near and hastens quickly. The noise of the day of the Lord is bitter; there the mighty men shall cry out. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of devastation and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of trumpet and alarm against the fortified cities and against the high towers. (Zephaniah 1:14-16)

Joel 2:10-11: The sun and moon grow dark, and stars diminish their brightness . . . for the day of the Lord is great and terrible; who can endure it?

These passages of scripture quoted above from the Christian Holy Bible are describing what will occur geologically and scientifically during a complete pole shift, as will occur with the imminent return of Nibiru, or Planet X between 2012 and 2019.
The pole shift will be preceded by a worldwide earthquake of staggering magnitude, possibly a 9.0 or even 10.0+ on the Richter scale. Looking skyward during the pole shift itself, it will appear that the stars are “falling from heaven” as the planet careens wildly out of it’s former fixed rotation and re-aligns itself and it’s poles due to the gravitational pull of brown dwarf star Nibiru as it makes it’s closest pass to the earth.

If you already know, and have known, about this event, then God bless and keep you as you “Work While You Have the Light.”
I will add that those who have known of this event for years or even decades, who have refused to share this knowledge with the innocent populations of the world, will bear the full brunt of KARMA and God’s Wrath once the Divine Hammer comes down and God’s Heavenly Justice System finally swings into session for the final reckoning of all events from this last dispensation of 500,000 years in our sector of the local universe neighborhood. Begin educating yourself by following these links. Watch these videos in the exact order as shown:

Links, Notes, Insights, Interpretations, Comparisons, Scientific Documents, Astronomy, Theories:
See: http://www.tomorrowsworld.org/cgi-bin/tw/tw-mag.cgi?category=Magazine23&item=1104165518

“Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying,
‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Matthew 24:4–5).

The first four seals are also known as the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. See Bill Cooper’s book “Behold A Pale Horse”. The white horse and its rider represent false religions“false Christs” (v. 24). In Matthew 24, Jesus continues describing the sequence of events: war, famine, pestilence and tribulation. Jesus is the One who interprets the seals of Revelation. He tells us: “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake” (vv. 6–9).

A General Time-line of Prophesied World Events from the Book of Revelations


Is the year long “Day of the Lord” also the same year that the poles shift? Evidence indicates that this could be true. Revelation 8 describes the seventh seal being opened. We find that this seal—the Day of the Lord—is comprised of seven trumpet judgments or seven last plagues.

THE “DAY OF THE LORD” may be a year-long period of Divine Intervention, during which time the poles will shift.
One Christian author writes: “The Day of the Lord, mentioned in more than 30 places in the Bible, will be a time of God’s intervention in the affairs of men on this earth, when He will punish the inhabitants of the earth for their flagrant sins.” (Joel 1:14-20; 2:1-32; 3:9-17).

According to Matthew 24:29-31, there will be signs in heaven, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven” immediately after the tribulation and before the Day of the Lord. God said, “I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth… The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord” (Joel 2:30-31).
Let’s look at some of the science explaining what happens when the planetary poles shift.

First Plague: ( The White Horse) A Foul and Painful Seeping Sore for Those Who Take the Mark of the Beast

Second Plague: (The Red Horse) The Death of Clean Ocean Waters – Changes in the Chemical Composition of the Oceans http://www.apocalypsetheunveiling.com/into_the_sea_.htm

The second seal reveals a horseman riding a red horse, having the power to take peace from the earth.

Third Plague: (The Black Horse) Fresh Water Lakes, Rivers, Streams Polluted, Unfit to Drink – Dire Water Pollution, Water Shortages, Food Shortages, Famine

The third seal presents a rider on a black horse, representing a scarcity of food and resulting famine.

Fourth Plague: (The Pale Horse) Excessive Scorching Heat from Our Sun, Pestilence ( Nibiru Brown Dwarf Approach Overheats our Sun, Bringing also a Fierce Heat of It’s own – Global Warming Skyrockets to Unbearable Levels ) http://www.apocalypsetheunveiling.com/upon_the_sun_.htm

The fourth seal shows a rider on a pale horse with the power over one fourth of the earth to kill “with sword,
with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8).

Fifth Plague: Tribulation as the Locale of the Seat of World Authority is Tormented by God’s Wrath, Persecution and Martyrdom of Christians


“When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held” (Revelation 6:9).

Sixth Plague: The Euphrates River Dries Up; False Miracles Occur, Armies Begin to Gather in Armageddon

“Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east (armies of China) might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (vv. 12–14).

The name Armageddon comes from the Hebrew, “Har Magedon,” which means “the hill of Megiddo.” Megiddo is located in Modern Israel about 55 miles north of Jerusalem. The hill or mount of Megiddo overlooks the largest valley in Israel, the Plain of Esdraelon, or the Valley of Jezreel.

“When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets” (8:1). The trumpets give us warning, announcing seven plagues, or judgments! The seven seals reveal end-time trends and events. The seventh seal represents the year-long Day of the Lord (cf. Isaiah 34:8). And the seventh seal consists of seven trumpet judgments during the year-long Day of the Lord. As we will see later, the seventh trumpet itself consists of the “seven last plagues” mentioned in Revelation 15:1.

Seventh Plague: Thunder, Lightening, A Worldwide Earthquake Magnitude 9.0, 60 Lb. Hailstones Fall from the Skies, the Armies of the Nations make war at Armageddon, Nuclear Warheads are Launched.

“And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, ‘Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!’” (Revelation 8:13).

Revelation 9 describes the first woe or the fifth trumpet plague. The fifth angel sounds a trumpet that begins a military action that lasts for five months. The second woe, or the sixth trumpet plague, is pictured with symbols of horses and horsemen. Here we see an intense military counter-attack. We read: “One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things. Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, ‘Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates’” (9:12–14).

An army of 200 million moves westward across the Euphrates River and destroys one-third of the earth’s population.

“So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone. By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed; by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths” (vv. 15–18).

This is passage is describing world war III. And this phase of World War III will kill billions of human beings! Jesus said that unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved—all life on earth would be destroyed (Matthew 24:21–22).

The Voice of the Seventh Angel

“Then the seventh angel sounded: and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’” (Revelation 11:15).

Patriots: How NOT to Blog & How NOT to Get Sent to Jail

19 Aug

By Chase Hunter

[ This essay means no harm and was not written to offend any policemen, policewomen, bloggers, real cowboys, fake cowboys, college aged males, any aged males, homeless people, or any type of official or unofficial journalists. There –  that ought to cover everything. ]

‘Uh-Oh They’re Here’

A persistent blogger annoys police — and winds up in jail.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A 34-YEAR-OLD woman, the mother of a 12-year-old girl, has been locked up in a Virginia jail for three weeks and could remain there for at least another month. Her crime? Blogging about the police.

See: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/09/AR2009080902126.html

The tragic, yet somewhat comical news story linked illustrates a very valid point for bloggers who follow local police activity. The woman who was jailed for blogging about undercover drug enforcement officers in Charlottesville Virginia clearly had some real issues, possibly a romantic obsession with one or more of the officers, and lacked all common sense and respect for personal and professional privacy in her blog posts. For those who intend to blog and write citizen journalist news stories about local law enforcement, there should clearly be some protocols to follow in order to avoid the fate of the woman in this news story, who is still sitting in a jail cell as of the date of this article.

New Citizen Journalists: Use good judgment as to what is REALLY newsworthy

New Citizen Journalists: Use good judgment as to what is REALLY newsworthy

These are my own protocols. I offer them up for those who might be new to citizen journalism and who do not really know where the boundary line is between reporting, good reporting, no reporting –  and just plain outright idiotic harassment. We live in an era where all intrinsic common sense seems to have flown out the window and many people literally do not know how to conduct themselves in the most basic and fundamental of circumstances. The woman in the news story linked is obviously one of those people. She needed to have someone sit her down and just talk some common sense to her. That did not happen so now she is sitting in jail.

I actually do not think the woman in the linked news story was actually doing any real “reporting” at all. I believe she had a personal issue with one of the undercover officers which may have been an obsessive romantic crush, and was acting out of a personal vendetta, which ended up getting her arrested, all her equipment and even her personal journals confiscated, and has ultimately landed her in a jail cell. A jail cell is the last place a real citizen journalist needs to be, because you cannot reflect and report on what is happening in media if you are locked up. You are silenced. This woman crossed all boundaries of common sense and she got herself silenced as a result.

=> First of all, harassment of any kind  is NOT actually reporting wethemedia1at all. Obsessing on one or more individuals with repeatedly taking personal photos, following them in your car, photographing their home, publishing their home street address without their knowledge or consent violates their own rights to privacy, and is in total contradiction to the VERY REASONS that citizen journalism exists. We write to provide the point of view of someone who observes what is taking already taking place and we reflect back to the news reader what was seen and observed. If the event taking place is deemed to be of interest and concern to the general public it is worth recording and writing about. Here is an example. I enter a cafe and see a police officer talking to a waitress, just having a casual chat. That is not newsworthy.

On another day I enter a cafe and see a police officer slapping a patron in the face. Another officer covers up his actions and threatens observers if they report what they saw. THAT would be newsworthy, but I would discreetly step outside and find a way to make notes on what I saw unnoticed. If the slapping escalated into a beating, I would try to find a way to get photos or video without putting myself in the line of vision of the officers doing the beating.

The first thing they would do if they saw me shooting video is come for me and my camera. These kinds of things are happening now.  I have several videos posted on alligatorfarm.wordpress.com under “Cops Gone Wild” of private citizens actually being arrested for taking photos or video of police officers.

useeit-ureportitThere is a very fine line being drawn between news reporting, and recording routine police activities with no real reason or purpose. This is fuzzy territory and people like the woman in the linked story really crossed those fuzzy places with what she was doing. A journalist’s job is now more treacherous than ever in the USA, and a citizen journalist’s work in the present atmosphere  can be quite nerve wracking.

=> Make your best judgment call on what is NEWS, what is NEWSWORTHY, and butt out of all the rest of it. I am tending towards being vigilant locally i.e. observing incidents of apparent police harassment of individuals who are doing nothing wrong in public places. However, many times there is a history behind what is being observed that would shed new light on what looks like harassment. Often it’s a policeman or policewoman who already knows the person and has had recent issues with that same person repeatedly. Unless you actually know the entire background on a situation, what you might observe in public and describe as harassment of a private individual by police is in fact an officer trying to move someone along in  – without incident  – order to avoid having an issue re-emerge which has taken place before.

9 times out of 10 these incidents have something to do with public drug use, public drunkenness, and / or publicly dealing drugs in plain sight. There is almost always a history behind situations where the same individual and the same police interaction take place over and over again.

=> Keep a safe distance away at least 15 to 20 yards distance when observing any event or potential altercation. Use your telephoto function discreetly for photo / video. Take cover behind a dense solid object like a concrete wall or a large tree if possible. Stay quiet and calm. safe-videoshooterLearn to become invisible as you observe and record. (It’s a shamanic thing.) This should not have to be explained, but for the record, all kinds of things can go horribly wrong for you if you are just standing too close to a police officer who is trying to deal with a person, an event, a situation or a potential situation.

The urge to get right up in someone’s face to record video and watch something “go down” is asking for real trouble. I would add that in the present tense atmosphere it would be quite foolish to be seen in public anywhere pointing a camera or video unit at a police officer for no particular reason. The trick, is do this unseen if you want to capture events of real newsworthiness as they occur. An officer eating his doughnut is not newsworthy. Use some common sense.


Rushing in to ask a police officer for his badge number in the middle of an altercation can turn ot to be "the good, the bad or the ugly."

Rushing in to ask a police officer for his badge number in the middle of an altercation can turn out to be "the good, the bad or the ugly."

=> Don’t try to be a “cowboy.” Be forewarned: If you march up to a police officer during a “situation” and “ask for his badge number” in the present mood and atmosphere of any town or city in America, you can expect to experience a surprising and legally unpleasant response. The police man you are addressing may just decide to “make your day”. Most often you are not going to get a badge number, instead you are going to get arrested or marked as a trouble making local for police. Think really hard before you choose to do this. People are being arrested, roughed up, handcuffed, interrogated, and even hauled away for “asking officers for their badge numbers”. I am not kidding. Better to cleverly stand behind a large tree, at a safe distance, get your video, post it to youtube.com for 2 billion people to have access to it, where it will make a bigger impact on reeling in out-of-control local law enforcement by public shaming, than to swagger up in the middle of a melee and demand the aggressing officer’s “badge number”.

=> Do not engage in public behaviors which will make you a “regular target” for aggressive, volatile, local police.
This is kind of similar to the rule of thumb for people who drive sports cars. If you are going to own one, don’t own a red one. In other words, DON’T MAKE YOURSELF A TARGET. I am continuously astonished at the stupidity of the young people who live in the region where I travel frequently. As the months go by, each time I return I see the same young homeless vagrants doing the same public behaviors repeatedly which inevitably get them roughed up by police. It reminds me of the wild feral child who acts out to get attention, only to be put into “time-out” over and over again for the acting out.

NEW ORLEANS TAPED BEATINGAdults now do this same behavior:  they “act out” in public to get attention. Apparently even really unwanted negative attention, like a 100 lb man being jumped on by 8 250 lb. police officers must constitute some kind of attention. I have seen this occur with the same man on several occasions. He is always doing the same negative behavior. He is an intellectually brilliant college aged man who has no common sense whatsoever. He will most likely be beaten to death by police officers one day. Which brings me to my next protocol:

=> Do not try to be a “bad ass” and brag that you intend to “take on the cops” in public the next time you see them.
This is the final and most utterly foolish behavior that I now watch young people doing in public (mostly men, but some young women too). It almost always begins with a young person being somewhat humiliated by several police officers in a public place, the person in question is either drunk, high, tipsy, mouthy, physically aggressive, and they get wheeled around, cuffed, pushed to the ground and wrestled into submission before they even realize they are out of line. They are too drunk or high TO BE COGNIZANT THAT THEY ARE OUT OF LINE. They end up being humiliated in front of their peers, and then vow to get back at the cops when they see them the next time. What do you suppose happens when “the next time” takes place?
Correct – they escalate sooner, more cops are called for backup, they are wrestled down faster, hauled away to jail – and now their face, name, behavior and where they live, and hang out are now WELL KNOWN to local police. Add to this the fact that during their drunken or high moment they actually vowed out loud to police and to other witnesses that they would “get back” at the cops who are restraining them, and they are actually stupid enough to VOW to fight back harder next time. This kind of talk in public is both a legal and potentially lethal nightmare for the braggart doing the “bad ass” talking. They have now talked their way into becoming HIGH visibility LOCAL TAREGTS FOR POLICE BRUTALITY AT A FUTURE TIME. That’s exactly how it starts. That is precisely what I observe taking place repeatedly which makes certain people stand out as potential targets for police to brutalize later. They taunt police, they swear revenge, they boast to their peers and even to strangers that they will beat the officers down “the next time” and so forth, and they may as well paint a red bull’s eye on their own backs and carry a sign that says: “I hate cops – come and beat me up now before I kill a cop.”

One would think that college males smart enough to attend classes and pass would be smart enough to know how to NOT become a police target. One would also assume that grown mature men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s would know how to NOT become a police target. One would be wrong. Failure to exercise common sense and good judgment in relation to local police law enforcement activities during any kind of encounter can now result in a lifetime of misery for locals who suddenly discover that they are now permanently unwanted HIGH PROFILE TARGETS OF THE LOCAL POLICE. Those who decide after an unhappy altercation that they want to “take on the law” the next time using their own foolish “cowboy style” acting out may end up ruining any peace they will ever have in their own local neighborhoods. Instead, exercising certain specific acts of restraint, remaining calm, refraining from excess verbosity, refusing to be provoked into vocal protests, refusing to be provoked into violent opposition, and choosing to NOT ENGAGE IN CERTAIN BEHAVIORS IN PUBLIC can save one’s reputation, privacy, peace, sanctity of person, even your job, and your future relations with everyone you know. Think before you act on impulse.

Perfect self control is the hallmark of the spiritually evolved human being. Jesus of Nazareth exercised perfect self control even when he was being absolutely brutalized by local authorities. He would expect no less from us. Absolute adherence to non-violence is the Way of the Path of the True Spiritual Warrior. it is also what Jesus would do.

Chase Hunter  8.19.2009

Obama Supporters Squirm Over Implicit Truth in Joker Poster

19 Aug

It is one of the roles of the true cultural artisan to accurately reflect back to society what the mass culture often senses on some visceral level, but lacks the full awareness to adequately vocalize at any given moment. The spiritually senstive artist can provide a reality check, a snapshot in space and time that says: “I feel this. Do you feel it too?” That is why certain musicians, painters, writers, and poets become national treasures over time. They help us to see ourselves. They frame certain important issues in a truthful or satirical light; they help us all TO SEE WHAT NEEDS TO BE SEEN. And the socialist agenda of the Obama administration definitely needed to be seen. – Chase Kyla Hunter

From time in American society when the mood of millions of people is cultivating a subconscious groundswell of common sentiment, often a particularly sensitive creative individual will feel the pulse of that growing groundswell and create a work of art, be it a song, an image, a lyric, a work of prose, what have you – that captures and voices the opinion of a silent majority of millions of people.

Bob Dylan famously did this in the 1960s with his simple but profound folk anthems that voiced the feelings of the entire youth of the nation about the Vietnam war and goverment collusion in sending thousands of young men to their deaths. The “Obama as Joker” artist has done the very same thing. His image voiced the legitimate feelings and concerns of millions of people in America. That’s precisely why the image went viral.

The proportion of knee jerk liberal outrage against this image is in exact proportion to the amount of truth it contained. - Chase Hunter

The proportion of knee jerk liberal outrage against this image is in exact proportion to the amount of truth it contained. - CK Hunter

There was a degree of truth in it. The image hits a nerve because Americans are presently concerned for the future of their country as never before, and the outcry aginst socialist leaning laws and totalitarian governing tactics rubs America the wrong way. We should laud the gift of the artists in this country who are sensitive enough and intuitive enough to create works that set forward the right to our freedom of expression, our free speech, and set forward in one simple creative work the mood of a majority of American citzens at any given moment in time.

It is one of the roles of the true artisan to accurately reflect back to American society what the mass popular culture often subconsciously feels, but lacks the conscious knowledge on the surface to adequately express at any given moment. That is why certain musicians, painters, writers, poets become national treasures over time. They help us to see ourselves. They frame certain issues in a truthful or satirical light. They help us all TO SEE WHAT NEEDS TO BE SEEN. And the socialist agenda of the Obama administration definitely needed to be seen.

My words to the artist who created “Obama the Joker” are: “Well done. You hit the target square in the center of truthful recognition.”

Chase Kyla Hunter

Eyes Wide Open Continues

11 Aug

EYES WIDE OPEN: New Predictions for the Patriot Movement By Cherokee Shaman Chase Hunter

When Leaders Become Liars, Dissent is Patriotic.

When Leaders Become Liars, Dissent is Patriotic.

Update 8.11.09

Since I first wrote the essay below two weeks ago, unfortunately, several of the items I had predicted to watch for have already begun to take place, namely more states asserting their sovereignty (this am 8.5.09 Texas), and spying and infiltration of the patriot movement by the US military.

The documented fact that the military is now spying on USA activists was  something we all suspected to be taking place, but now we have hard evidence.

I predicted earlier that the USA patriot movement would be infiltrated by CIA provocateurs and FED disinformation agents, aong with Obama FED “plants” playing the role of instigators  of violent overthrow and open rebellion. That is also taking place.

Lawmakers Make Absurd Claim That Authentic Public Outrage is “Staged”

There are quickly emerging two divergent factions within the USA patriot movement and Obama’s  FED mafia men will now try to play them off of each other in fresh new sinister ways to splinter the patriot movement,  discredit it’s leaders, relegate it’s followers to the kook bin, thwart it’s purposes (defend and uphold the US constitution), and attempt to ridicule and dissuade the movement from ever achieving it’s goals.

Many of us agree that the main goal of the Patriot movement is the restoration of the US constitution, the complete dis-entanglemnt of American lawmakers from all affiliation with absurd Luciferian globalist secret societies such as the CFR and Bilderberg Group, the abolishment of US  lawmakers participating in secret meetings and authoring secret legislation without citizen knowledge or consent, the restoration of reasonable  civil liberties for all Americans, (for example: the right to plant and grow a backyard

Did you know? ....Your legal right to grow your own garden is being legislated away.

Did you know? ....Your legal right to grow your own garden is being legislated away.

organic garden), along with turning back all existing written secret legislation already on the books that strips American citizens of fundamental freedoms and civil liberties that are guaranteed by our Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.

Some would add that an impeachment proceeding may need to become part and parcel to achieving those goals. We will go where the Will of God leads us. Many see the new Obama administration as more threatening to American civil liberties than even the darkest days of the preceeding Bush administration, something that could not have been imagined until we all saw what the first 6 months of the Obama nation brought to America.

Red for alert & ready, white for spiritual purity, blue for courage & true blue faith in God

Red for alert & ready, white for spiritual purity, blue for courage & true blue faith in God

CK Hunter’s New Predictions for the Patriot Movement 8.5.09

I am observing several “telling” manifestations in the media and in the Obama Administration  that will  most likely continue along certain lines. These are my new predictions, based on emerging trends that I am observing:

1a) The USA Pro Obama mainstream media outlets will “pretend” to fracture along lines of support for, OR ridicule of, the USA birther / truth / constitution / patriot movement and will take more and more aggressive public positions – live, on air, primetime,  either for or against it – in the days to come. The goal is to keep the drama and controversy going, to gradually weld public opinion against the patriot movement and direct TV viewing audiences to be more sympathetic to the White House agenda. Observe the use of gradualism, repeated “phrase and sound bite hammering”, mockery and misplaced exaggerated mock satire. Glenn Beck is a pro at this “mock satire”. He is not helpful to us, and needs to be retired. His only real function is to incite and stir drama, digging forbigger  ratings and ad sales, something we need less of, not more.

Habitual TV viewers who are Obama supporters will be made to “feel silly” by Big Media pundits  for temporarily  entertaining the idea that they might have been wrong about their new Kool-aid King.

2a)  In order to save their careers, democrats who actually have a soul 070805-181735[1]and a spiritual conscience will begin fleeing the DNC  in droves to defect to the GOP or re-position themselves as “new independents”  once the ugly propaganda manuevers  inside the Obama Healthcare Plan come out and are aired on live TV for all to see. Other ugly socialist legislation passed in secret will be exposed for all to see  on conservative blogs, as it always is, and incite new uproar as US citizens’ legal rights to do just about anything other than “shut up and sit down” as our new tacit police state becomes more obvious to the general public.

Just one part of the Juggernaut Orwellian Obama health care plan includes mandatory national healthcare ID cards which will be tacitly RFID chipped – something that ALL Christian conservative Americans vehemently oppose.

3a) The mainstream media will pull out all the stops on pundit TV shows to ridicule, taunt, minimize, demonize, fear monger, scapegoat, blame, label as mentally ill, ETC  all activities of the patriot movement in order to make them “public examples”  of the (hyped) “clear and present danger” posed to the nation by these  “far right wing extremist domestic terrorists”.

Some Big Media talking heads loyal to the White House will begin calling for prosecution of highly visible patriot leaders. Already Alex Jones has had numerous top rated videos pulled from youtube.com which are critical of the Obama regime. Internet censorhsip will get worse in the next 6 months. Impeachment murmurings will increase commeasurate with the degree of web and other media censorship.

When the White House begins to go ‘all out’ to silence it’s critics, you can be assured there is a great measure of real truth in what they are saying. The greater the truth, the more strenuous will be the effort to silence it. There is your general rule of thumb.

Watch for the gloves to come off soon.

Watch for the gloves to come off soon.

Observing these public media “show trials” disguised as interviews,  and “witch hunts” aire on live TV, parts of the horrified liberal far left who elected Barack Obama will balk and over-react, splintering into 2 or 3 opposing factions which will also war among themselves for the position of “leading left voice” on the state of the nation’s new mood and disposition and direction.

Big media is complicit in shooting USA cultural values in the head as lis and posturing become the norm.

Big media is complicit in shooting USA cultural values in the head as lies and posturing for the White House becomes the norm.

The left will become highly comical as they war among themselves in public as to what to do about middle America’s dangerous, life threatening, society disrupting new mental illnesses.  No words or speeches will be spared to try to shame and ridicule, diagnose, minimize, psycho-analyze, isolate, denigrate, berate, humiliate and otherwise attack frontally in every way, those vocal patriots who go on live TV to be interviewed by Big media men and women loyal to the Obama regime. The way Orly Taitz was treated by her interviewers is a case in point. She was basically treated like a mental health patient, and she knew it. She may have been shrill, but who would not be under that kind of frontal attack on live TV?

I would imagine that many Big Media Obama hand puppets already secretly fear for their jobs, and their network CEO heads fear to get that dreaded phone call informing them by an Obama cabinet underling that they will now need to resign or be removed. Prominent Big media careers will suddenly end. Big Media CEOs who do not “tow the Obama party line” may have their careers disrupted and ruined as the real Obama nation emerges and lays waste to any sort of public free speech that is not “Obama-praise -and support-speak”.

4a) Veteran media watchers, observing the melee, will feel compelled to finally step into the ring of fire and take a stand for free speech in America. I believe that’s what Lou Dobbs was trying to do recently when he listened to claims made by birthers. He is a man with a soul and a real conscience. And listening appears to be a lost art in our new “shout louder or be silenced” primetime 3 ring circus.

Media watchers will produce documentaries and opine about what they are seeing.  Many will mysteriously disappear from their posts for so doing, turning up later on leisure farms in New England, or retired to Palm Springs, Las Vegas, or wherever it will be that Obama hatchet men will send them to suffer in silence the early termination of their journalism careers.

What strange territory will Bill's mouth take him into next?

What strange territory will Bill's mouth take him into next?

New Obama-ism trained and indoctrinated media mouthpieces will quietly enter in to take their places as opinion masters and media watchers.

5a) Internet tampering and censorship, which has already been documented by patriots such as myself, will soon pick up pace and get more ugly. Impartial ISPs will be contacted and forced to comply with new laws that crack open their account lists for examination. Google may even be exposed by some of it’s own employees, guilt ridden by what they have been doing in secret for global Big Brother.  Will Google finally be “outed” as a primary intelligence gathering tool of the CIA, along with Facebook, Myspace, AOL, and other Big internet companies who have been colluding in secret with the Pentagon as datamining arms of global Big Brother?

These hidden activities are destroying the spirit of privacy for free speech and freedom that once made the internet the most important portal  for free speech in the world. It is well known in the weberati writer underground that FACEBOOK is a datamining front for the CIA. Venture capitol seed money was provided to the founder by individuals with long standing CIA roots.

6a) Hundreds of thousands of patriots may eventually just walk way from a CIA tainted and corrupted internet forever, (once 5a above has been established clearly and proven over and over again by researchers). Many “post-internet-era”  patriots will choose to create novel new private networks for communication that don’t threaten their lives, THEIR JOBS,  and the safety and privacy of their families.

Facebook.com=CIA global datamining Op

Facebook.com=CIA global datamining Op

Since I began publishing what I have known for 27 years, Google has  recently mysteriously contacted me by email, trying to force me to reveal my date of birth and physical location, portfolios of digital art that belong to me have been removed from the internet with no explanation, and my internet email account with gmx.com now refuses to send any outgoing emails from me.  I finally had to close the account.

My internet career predates the founding of Google. I was online for 2 years before they were. Ponder it. This informaton tinkering with my digital life all started right after this blog began to get REAL traffic, and other patriot blogs began to link to it.

So in some ways I am already a target of the Obama nation, even though I publish under a pen name. While I still can, I need to record my research and pregognitive impressions for the patriot community, before I come home some afternoon and find my house pillaged and everything I own rampaged through. One of my subscribers on another site already had this happen last year.

Will Christian ministers eventually become co-opted by globalist laws and propaganda?

Will Christian ministers eventually become co-opted by globalist laws and propaganda?

7a) Christian churches and community centers which are used as “bully pulpits” for patriot free speech will be infiltrated with “new members” who work as spies for the Obama administration “truth silencing squads”.  Churches which are found to be speaking out too loudly against Barack Obama will experience all kinds of unusual events. Church burnings may even take place. Certain pastors will be arrested and publicly mocked for what they are speaking about and preaching about to their congregations. Once again, the horrified left will try to find ways to rationalize and  justify this explicit FED trampling of American civil rights, privacy rights, and our constitutional rights to free speech.

8a) Finally – the Obama administration’s legal push to remove American’s right to own guns may get ugly and finally just come down as an Executive Order to search, seize and confiscate under martial law. That’s where we may see real bloodshed begin.  No onewho really loves this country and her people wants this to happen. But if the Obama administration trys to do to the USA what Parliament just did to the people of Great Britain and Australia, they are going to have a fight on their hands.

America will defend her land and her native born people from Godless globalist laws and actions.

America will defend her land and her native born people from Godless globalist laws and actions.

The righteous defense of our right to bear arms and to defend this nation from ALL enemies – within and without – runs in the very bloodstream of every native born American whose ancestors lived and died to find, found, settle, expand and defend this nation. It finally comes down to this: you either ARE a genuine, authentic, patriotic, native born American who will die to defend this land, or you are not. It’s just that simple.

It’s  no wonder I see videos of immigrants being sworn in to act as FEMA internment guards and “civilian resettlement specialists” soldiers. They were not born here. Their ancestors did not live and die to settle and expand this nation. They are newly arrived problems fleeing their own nation of criminal gang nightmares south of the border. Will they stand and  fight with the native born Americans who are losing their country to globalism, or cower and join the globalists, turning on the very hand that feeds them, which is the middle American taxpayer?

You will begin to see these kinds of events take place in the next 90 – 120 days. These are just some of the events, many of them “false flag” – which will be used to justify the iron jaw of martial law.

Once martial law is locked down, it may never be removed or rescinded.We are entering uncharted waters here. Make your decisions now. Will you choose to stay in the USA and fight with the patriots for the ouster and impeachment of Barack Obama, and the restoration of USA constitutional integrity, or will you choose to leave the country, and avoid being caught up in the strife to come?  Only your own soul knows what is right for you.

I fear that right in the middle of all this, we may be on the receiving end of a military attack, or worse, another trumped up false flag event.  Our enemies within and without now circle like wolves, knowing America is divided, confused and vulnerable.

Those who choose to leave the country have no one to answer to but God. It’s a private, pesonal, spiritual choice and it is no one’s business but yours. Do not feel guilty if you choose to leave. Leaving may even save your life.

Leaving America may be EXACTLY what some people need to do. Better to live free overseas than to sit in a FEMA camp in your own country while the Obama media makes a laughing stock of you, your civil rights and your patriot peers.

Pray about what you should do. I do not personally believe that those who choose to leave the USA are either cowards or traitors. I reserve those labels for the snide liberal left who is standing by smugly hiding behind their “racist” signs, watching all this happen. Those who choose to leave are not traitors: they are simply people who wish to live in peace, raise their kids in a nonviolent atmosphere,  and avoid living in a civil war zone under martial law for years on end.

Unless we can muster the national resolve to roll back thehorrid new globalist socialist laws on the books, IMPEACH Barack Obama, and in a hurry, our country will soon face strife from within that will make her very vulnerable to attack from without. Think, pray, and decide. Your window of opportunity to leave in a relatively private manner is now closing.  I would gauge that window at about 4 to 8 months.

– Chase Hunter 8.11.2009


Two Weeks Ago I Wrote:

As the USA Lamestream media collapses into a heap of it’s own duplicitous fecal matter, the REAL voice of the world is being heard loud and clear in internet media portals around the globe. Americans are way beyond being angry 365 days a year. They are  REFUSING to sit back and allow the march toward Godless global fascism to continue. The DOTS ARE BEING CONNECTED. America is wide awake with her eyes wide open, not Eyes Wide Shut. Not anymore.

Stanley Kubrick paid a price for what he tried to show the world in his last and most important film. Had he not feared for his life and the life of his family over events which took place during the Nixon administration, events that he was unfortunately privy to, and regrettably a part of, “EYES WIDE SHUT” would have been made as a documentary.

What we are now documenting instead is the efforts of the new Obamanation House of Ghouls to foist something onto this country which will never get past the secret back rooms of Bilderbergers illuminati policy agenda meetings.

These are my predictions for America. May they soon come to pass.

1) A non-violent American “citizen revolution in understanding and awareness” will morph quickly into a unifying third political party by 2010 which may have at it’s helm Sarah Palin or another grassroots leader who cannot and will not be bought by illuminati influence. Women will continue to emerge as true spiritual and moral ethical leaders as men continue to fall apart in public under the weight of their own sins.

2) Enough pressure will be applied to congress and the senate by citizen activists to prohibit the forward march of Obama’s ultra Orwellian global fascist agenda. They will find out along the way that enlightened Christianity is VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL in America. And we don’t need NEWSWEEK to tell us anything about what is religiously considered ‘vogue’ or what to believe – about anything.

3) The American people will finally realize once and for all that the false warfare between left and right wings of USA leadership is an elaborately contrived and lamestream media enforced hoax, designed to keep the American people divided, confused and warring with one another, rather than uniting in one voice and facing the elite globalists who govern them from behind the scenes, outing them, and throwing them out of office. Both existing political parties will take more and more desperate measures to hold onto power. Meanwhile the American public will quietly do what they know they must, which is to locate REAL LEADERS from every walk of life who cannot be bought by bribes, money, glamor, sex, corruption or false promises. They are out there people. God will show you who and where they are.

4) Impeachment proceedings against Barack Obama may commence by 2010 at the earliest and 2011 at the latest.

Better sooner than later. The evidence against him which was already piling up in 06,07,08 will become overwhelming, as promise after promise that he made on the campaign trial is broken in plain view of incredulous Americans. The evidence did not reach critical mass until after he was elected and turned loose at the helm of a nation still drunk on his oratorical kool-aid. Whether or not he is impeached sooner rather than later depends on the spine, resolve, fortitude and spiritual strength of Americans who now know what is at stake, which is the country herself. America now begs to be defended from enemies within and she shall be.

5) Attempts by “violent civil disobedience” instigators who work as disinformation agents within the USA illuminati power structure will fail, and Americans en masse will take other non-violent peaceful legal measures to bring their country back under their own control.

6) States will continue to assert their own sovereignty separate and apart from a government that increasingly neither represents them and their beliefs nor their will and wishes regarding governance.

7) State issued currencies will continue to be developed as an alternative to G8 endorsed illuminati globalist currency plans. Americans will refuse to take and use G8 NWO currenceis, whether it is the Amero, another new NWO “world coin of the week”, or a sombrero.

8) Private local barter networks run locally offline will flourish. Americans will provide to one another products and services outside of any sort of buy/sell concept at all, but rather in the original Native American model of “gifting” to one’s neighbor’s that which is most needed by them, rather than buying and selling at all. Food, clothes, transport, babysitting, car repair, home repairs, heaters, fans, tools, computers – all will be discreetly “gifted” to those in need by those who have, and the Holy Spirit will compensate the gifters with what they need in return. This is part of the emerging Divine Intervention, which began on 11.11.2008. These discreet private “gifting networks” will be directed by the Holy Spirit and cannot be ascertained or stopped by the federal government. People in need will find people who will give in the most incredible, unusual and inexplicable ways. The Will of God will continue to move quietly through Americans and her true friends abroad. This emerging global body of Christ from all walks of life and diverse backgrounds, churches, denominations, or no denomination al all will quietly marvel at how events take place that allow those in need to find those who can help.

9) Secondary and tertiary “private internets” will be created that cannot be located, disrupted or governed and legislated by the global power elite. A free global internet underground is the greatest threat to their power that has ever emerged in any century. The voice of the people of this world who yearn for TRUE democratic freedom and ACTUAL spiritual truth will not be stopped, and the false democracy being run by the global elite in America will collapse before 2012 of it’s own narcissistic weight as frantic elites turn upon one another when their plans fail.

10) More and more “ipod generation” American youth will wake up to what is taking place. They will begin to turn off the TV set, get their heads out of ESPN, casinos, strip clubs, night clubs, video games and INTO PRESENT REALITY. It will be clearly understood at some point between now and 2012 that vitual reality existences are an empty excuse for real living in a world that needs their intelligence, leadership, contributions and energy. Young people will privately achieve  Global Unity Consciousness in droves.


It’s not about the state of the Union.

It’s about the state of mind.

Get busy!

Chase Hunter 8.2009


Obama’s Military Is Spying on USA Activists

Lawmakers Make Absurd Claim That Authentic Public Outrage is “Staged”

Texas Representatives Assert Sovereignty Under Tenth Amendment

Swine Flu Vaccines Contain Live H1N1 Virus


“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”

— Sinclair Lewis

Excellence in Citizen Journalism: A Forum for Disclosures Article List

4 Aug
Excellence in Citizen Journalism Award: Disclosure Forum

Excellence in Citizen Journalism Award: Disclosure Forum

The following collection of urgent educational mesages, essays, recordings and articles from the Yahoo News Group “Forum for Disclosure” has been selected by CKH for notation as “Excellence in Citizen Journalism”. It is re-posted here for the education of the American public.

Following, is part of the most important information that MUST be made available to the general public which is the primary aim of “A FORUM FOR DISCLOSURES” and “The EFFECT Network”



http://www.mcalvany.com/ Don Mcalvany

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=41780&f=OZFFDY&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=41782&f=SEGZNA&ps=7&p=1 (30 secs)

http://www.meyerassoc.com/ Joseph Meyer

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=80166&f=ITJMTN&ps=13&p=1 (8 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=80169&f=HXFANH&ps=13&p=1 (8 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=80172&f=GHLWPO&ps=13&p=1 (8 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=80182&f=NKLGHD&ps=13&p=1 (8 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=80186&f=SGVLNU&ps=13&p=1 (3 min)

Economic Hit Man

John Perkins, the founder of Dream Change Coalition, shared the story of the time he spent as an international ‘economic hit man’ after being recruited by the National Security Agency. He defined an ‘economic hit man’ as someone who assists in cheating developing countries and US taxpayers, by funneling money from the World Bank to the wealthy in the private sector.

Economic Hit Man John Perkins: “We Have Created the World’s First Truly Global Empire”

Interview with Amy Goodman

Also on Coast To Coast AM Radio:

1. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=149206&f=KZOIKU&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

2. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=149210&f=KZGVCX&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

3. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=149212&f=VUJLDZ&ps=13&p=1 (  8 min)

4. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=149216&f=HPPHUG&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

5. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=149218&f=RVNOPG&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

6. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=149222&f=BQCYYB&ps=13&p=1 (  4 min)

Unholy Alliance by Bill Sardi
Bill Sardi goes over the connections between, government, Stock Markets and BIG BUSINESS and what is done to we the people to make a profit as well as for “other purposes”.
Taylor On Markets & Gold – Essential Read!


RECORD BANKRUPCIES IN US. http://www.bankruptcyaction.com/USbankstats.htm

Additional links:



Click here for the list of companies that the “Lou Dobbs Tonight” staff

has confirmed to be Exporting America.

Federal Reserve Aware of Imminent Horrific Event!



USA Today

April 17, 2005
Experts warn on health, wealth expense of U.S. drugs http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2005-04-17-medication_x.htm

Following link contains 3 more video clip reports on Mercury & Autism



CBS Evening News report “Mercury Rising” (June 12, 2004)


Moms Against Mercury To Protest at CDC


Dr. Leonard Horowitz – RENSE Radio – CBS News – Rep. Dan Burton R-Ind.

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27130&f=SLKJET&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

Rep. Dan Burton – Joyce Riley (Gulf War Vets) – Dr. Ann Blake Tracy

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27134&f=FSNHAO&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

Joyce Riley,  spokespersorson for the Gulf War Veterans Association http://gulfwarvets.com/ http://www.thepowerhour.com/

SENATE Bill -3 : No need to disclose harm and liability protect.




In case you are not familiar with this antidepressants and suicides  connection and what is at stake, please view the following short ABC News video clip to learn of just one tragic outcome that happened to a 12 year old girl.


Pharmaceutical companies and the FDA continue to suppress negative information about antidepressant drugs and violent behavior


TONIGHT ABC “PRIMETIME LIVE” INVESTIGATION reveals evidence that drug makers suppressed antidepressant info

Scientist Who Cited Drug’s Risks Is Barred From F.D.A. Panel http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/13/politics/13fda.html

Mercury dangers, loss of rights through CODEX, a video about mercury


Maker of Risperdal, an antipsychotic drug commonly used on children in state care,

said it downplayed fatal risks despite years of complaints.

More Evidence of Reported Ill Health in UK Gulf War Veterans





(click on each of 6 pictures to view)










Republican Senator Ron Paul on Pres. Bush’s Metal health Screening initiative


Sales reps told not to divulge Paxil data

Drug maker memo cited risks to youth


Mercury dangers, loss of rights through CODEX, a video about mercury


Vaccine scrapped over autism fear


Be truthful about vaccines or keep away from my children
Scotland on Sunday, UK
August 15, 2004

Dr . Doreen Virtue –  “INDIGO & CRYSTAL CHILDREN

I present this as the only explanations I can come up with as to why our children are being placed

at risk by certain groups. Most may not accept or understand this…yet

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27135&f=LSRPBE&ps=7&p=1 (9 min)




http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27137&f=ALGSPI&ps=7&p=1 (9 min)

Make sure you click on the link below that shows the tumor Dr. Day endured … and dissolved.

http://www.drday.com/tumor.htm & www.drday.com

The AIDS virus…was it made in the USA?


“The Burzynski Breakthrough” -THOMAS D. ELIAS

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27144&f=MZXHOY&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

PATIENT’S TESTIMONIALS: http://www.burzynskipatientgroup.org/



Link to book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0938530666/ref=sib_int_redir/102-5985997-8661722?v=look-inside&s=books

Dr. Burzynski Clinic we site: http://www.cancermed.com/ & http://www.cancermed.com/diseasestreated.htm

Testimonial on Dr. Burzynski’s work by Dr. Julian Whitaker


Dr. JOSEPH GOLD – Head of Cancer Research @ Syracuse Unv.

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=27140&f=KXZECK&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

Web site: http://scri.ngen.com/ & http://www.hydrazinesulfate.org/

Link to article: DEATH BY MEDICINE!





Here is a link for more detailed coverage of “mysterious deaths” of these premier microbiologists


http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34123&f=NCRIWL&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34126&f=OGLMXY&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=34128&f=VEVPJU&ps=7&p=1 (  1 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=138251&f=ZAXZBM&ps=13&p=1 (10min)

Microbiologist Deaths


Thursday's first hour guest, author Steve Quayle gave an update on the mysterious  deaths of microbiologists
The latest case, the murder of Jeong Im , brought the total up to 40 deaths in the last 4 years, said Quayle.
 He theorized that a group of people plan to unleash "the ultimate epidemic" on the planet and are trying to
eliminate scientists who might successfully combat it.

Related Articles:

Those  wanting  further supporting testimony, here are 6 more sets of clips




One more recent link

This may also be a reason for so many microbiologist dying




There are few issues that could forward the efforts for peace and stability in our planet  
further than the disclosure and application of suppressed energy technologies. The problem is  
that most who just read this may not grasp this reality until the testimony on these clips  
are heard. 
In addition, I can't think of another individual, in public office, who would be more  
authentically qualified to lead us in this effort than our presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich. 
By raising our awareness about this critical issue in order to reach a critical mass, many more  
may be willing to rally behind the efforts of individuals such as Kucinich and Dr. Steven Greer,  
(Featured in these audio clips) in bringing about a change in direction towards this global cause. 

The first clip starts with a short excerpt of Dr Steven Greer introducing the historic press conference that 
took place at the National Press Club on may 9th, 2001.

For the first time, top military and intelligence officers and government and corporate officials came 
forward to disclose several issues of vital importance to our country and the world. The clips below will 
address, primarily, this energy matter and some references to weapons in space.

The rest of the excerpts start by introducing the person speaking. In order to reduce the hours of recordings 
to the highlights, a number of "stop & starts" will be heard.
The last 3 clips hold information that will be of greater importance to Kucinich supporters.

(Each clip is between 7 to 9 minutes long)






Last 3 clips of greater importance, start below: 



muse letter 


Dr Greer's "Disclosure Project”:  - www.disclosureproject.org 

Stan Deyo:  - - - - - - - -      http://standeyo.com/

Nick Cook: - - - - - - -     http://www.americanantigravity.com/index.shtml 

                         &  Jane's Defence Weekly or http://jdw.janes.com/

Rep. Dennis Kucinich - - -  http://www.denniskucinich.us/

Bill introduced by Kucinich http://www.fas.org/sgp/congress/2001/hr2977.html
banning weapons in space.

Subject:  Update on the strange death of Margie Schoedinger - the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit against Bush

  ”...To be sure, Schoedinger's accusations - which include being drugged
   and sexually assaulted numerous times by Bush and other men
   purporting to be FBI agents - are bizarre and hard for most people to
   believe. .. 
 …But her story fits in with those told by a growing number of people who say they were used 
 as guinea pigs or whatever by member of the CIA or another U.S. agency who wanted to test
 out the latest mind-controlling drug or just have a strange form of release. And her death - let's 
just say government agents have made murders look like suicides before....”

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=30824&f=NSSPKF&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)
http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=30679&f=LUNTHR&ps=7&p=1 (  9 min)


Roger Tolses:   http://www.bugsweeps.com/ 
Gordon Thomas: http://www.globe-intel.net/
Nick Begeige:   http://www.earthpulse.com/
Joyce Riley:     http://gulfwarvets.com/  & http://www.thepowerhour.com/

technology discovered that can produce altered states of consciousness
that take monks and yogis decades to achieve.

Test Marketing the Mark of the Beast - implantable biometric chip

Resistance Is Futile! You Will Be Assimilated!
“VeriChip” -  RFID Microchip Implants for Humans

First it was cattle. Then it was pets. Now it’s Mexicans. Will Americans be next? http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=74&contentid=900&page=1

US adopts National ID http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/december2004/101204nationalid.htm

Bio-chip implant arrives
for cashless transactions

Announcement at global security confab unveils syringe-injectable ID microchip

Posted: November 21, 2003 / 7:42 p.m. Eastern  http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=35766

The agenda to microchip the human population has actually begun in earnest.. http://www.adsx.com/prodservpart/verichippreregistration.html

Implanted chips raise privacy worries

…”Critics, however, say such technologies would make it easier for government agencies to track a person’s every movement and allow widespread invasion of privacy. Critics, however, say such technologies would make it easier for government agencies to track a person’s every movement and allow widespread invasion of privacy….”


“Big Brother Under Your Skin”


RFID Protest

In the first hour, consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht gave a brief update on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) products. Albrecht said she has found RFID-tagged items at Wal-Mart (see RFID Tag Photos), and invited listeners to join her and Liz McIntyre for a protest of a Dallas Wal-Mart on October 15th. For more information visit spychips.com.



In the early 90’s, the ABC News NIGHTLINE program with Ted Koppel had a segment which revealed the existence of a 20 year old – top secret – military program called

The “STARGATE” REMOTE VIEWING PROGRAM (RV). To the best of our knowledge, this topic has not been brought up again by any main stream news media.

In 1995, President Clinton, in response to numerous freedoms of information requests, signed an executive order  http://www.irva.org/papers/CIA_RV_SRI.shtml

releasing some of the information which acknowledged the existence of this secret program.


http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51415&f=CRSEDP&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51418&f=SNREJK&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51419&f=BLTLZG&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51421&f=YWMLWL&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51424&f=BVCGTR&ps=13&p=1 ( 4 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51430&f=QYLNBA&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51434&f=VRVYTG&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51438&f=LDDEGR&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51439&f=JRYMUK&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51440&f=IITYTN&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51443&f=TIGMQR&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51448&f=OEQQEQ&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51451&f=DNAFVI&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51454&f=JHOANL&ps=13&p=1 ( 04 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51456&f=KXUECR&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=51457&f=BLNBID&ps=13&p=1 ( 2 min)

support reference links












Ed Griffins speech on C-Span 2 – “Distortions and Omissions  by the 9/11 Commission Report”

1) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=172819&f=MDXING&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

2) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=172837&f=ESRJLJ&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

Clinton’s impeachment prosecutor David Schippers

Impeachment lawyer David Schippers warned Congress and the Justice Department of the impending terrorists attacks (See an exclusive interview with Schippers on the Alex Jones show just 2 weeks after the attacks.
Schippers has since been threatened with arrest if he continues to speak out, and is begging the media and the American people to get this story out)


Input that backs Griffin’s last premise from John Lear

3) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=172840&f=WXWOTJ&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

Balance of Ed Griffins speech on C-Sapn 2

4) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=172847&f=GWUXUV&ps=13&p=1 (  8 min)

Excellent 12 min clip on Trade Towers Detonation Evidence

Painful Deceptions Demolition Evidence -12 minutes long

Another link: http://tinyurl.com/bb4qp

AUDIO from Rep Kurt Weldon’s  STUNNING disclosures on  the House Floor “Able Danger” & 9/11 Foreknowledge

Michael Savage of “Savage Nation Radio Show on Rep Weldon

1) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231518&f=BSUADK&ps=13&p=1 (3 min)

(plus begining introduction from Rep Weldon on the House floor)

Excerpts from Rep Weldon’s 47 minute speech on the House floor

2) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231521&f=ICKHOY&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

3) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231526&f=GMGWDG&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

The Complete Speech from Rep Weldon on the House Floor

1) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231530&f=IYGSRV&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

2) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231526&f=GMGWDG&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

3) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231536&f=QHHAXC&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

4) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231563&f=MLONEB&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

5) http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=231565&f=ROJGEH&ps=13&p=1 (  7 min)

“Able Danger” & 9/11 Foreknowledge

For the whole article, go to:


9/11 – Loose Change




Confronting the Evidence:
A Call To Reopen the 9/11 Investigation




On The Record: The Controlled Demolition Of The WTC




Scholars for 9/11 Truth


Alex Jones & Charlie Sheen on CNN “SHOWBIZ TONITE”


Former German Minister Says Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack

DAVID ICKE – 9/11 Archive


ALEX JONES – 9/11 Archive



Consider the possibility of a constitutional amendment specifying what can be construed as a “national emergency” by the president.

At this time, a president can declare a national emergency for anything he deems it to be so and Congress can’t do anything about it for 6 months! – long enough for a president with “evil” intent or covert groups behind the scenes to force the president to, basically, take over the country.

Anticipating that many may think this to be just just another alarmist “conspiracy theory, I prepared the following audio clip excerpts to provide specifics into this matter. About half way into the recording, you’ll hear about the actual constitutional amendment being proposed.

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=38856&f=UGULJV&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=38859&f=QKWDVR&ps=13&p=1 (1 min)

A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies



Web site: http://www.the-shadow-government.com/

Book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/092291589X/ctoc/102-6775483-9594524

Skull & Bones The Secret Society That Unites John Kerry and President Bush


Signs of The New World Order


Why We Fight: New Film Takes a Hard Look at the American War Machine From World War II to Iraq

Listen to Segment || Download Show mp3
Watch 128k stream Watch 256k stream Read Transcript
Help Printer-friendly version Email to a friend Purchase Video/CD



http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=49022&f=LQVXVQ&ps=13&p=1 (9 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=49025&f=MFTXWP&ps=13&p=1 (9 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=49027&f=JOYURG&ps=13&p=1 (3 min)



Excellent 12 min clip on Trade Towers Detonation Evidence


Another link: http://tinyurl.com/bb4qp




http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64487&f=DNSMPH&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64542&f=EJVJAK&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64546&f=FVEVTY&ps=13&p=1 (4 min)


http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=68188&f=FQSTZG&ps=13&p=1 ( 5 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=68364&f=IRRQZR&ps=13&p=1 10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=68202&f=TDKFII&ps=13&p=1 10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=68205&f=ZQZASL&ps=13&p=1 (1 min)

Following are audio clip excerpts from US Army Major Robert Dean, one of two intelligence officers, whom had the highest clearance in existence – that of “Cosmic Top Secret” that have come forward on the military ET disclosure subject. Even US presidents, at one time, did not have such top level clearance.

http://PlayAudio-234.com/play.asp?m=151404&f=MLKXJW&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

This is the first of a long series of military and intelligence officers and government and corporate officials whose audio testimony, on military ET disclosures, will be made available to the public, among other vital disclosure issues, through “A FORUM FOR DISCLOSURES” at:


http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64549&f=YICEJB&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64562&f=NCKOBF&ps=13&p=1 (10min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=64574&f=MKOLSQ&ps=13&p= ( 4 min)



Here are the audio clips I want to share to start raising our convictions and, below them, are the e-mail exchanges.

First you will hear a brief report on the aftermath of the historic National Press Club News Conference from the Disclosure Project www.disclosureproject.org . It will, immediately, follow with excerpts from Dr. Greer’s introduction an, following that, I included about 5 short military and intelligence officer’s short testimony.

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=71768&f=JHDSVJ&ps=13&p=1 ( 5 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=71799&f=QZAXCU&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=71789&f=MIHOGH&ps=13&p=1 (  6 min)

For good measure here is a very revealing clip from Dr. Greer when he attended an informal gathering in Miami while he was on vacation. Very, very revealing!

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=71790&f=GKYJGY&ps=13&p=1 ( 3 min)

John Lear is the son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet. He is a Lockheed L-1011 Captain and is highly regarded in aviation circles. He has flown over 150 test aircraft and has won every award granted by the Federal Aviation Administration. John also holds 18 world speed records and has worked for 28 different Aircraft Corporations. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, John began coming forward with some startling revelations concerning the subject of aerial phenomena and Unidentified Flying Objects.

http://PlayAudio-234.com/play.asp?m=151313&f=OWGBJP&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudio-234.com/play.asp?m=151321&f=UBYQBR&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)

Michael Salas


recent link


Video creates UFO stir in Mexico

Associated Press
May. 12, 2004 03:16 PM


MEXICO CITY – Mexican air force pilots filmed 11 bright, rapidly moving objects in the skies that an expert said proved the existence of UFOs, but defense officials said Wednesday no conclusions had been reached about the objects’ origins. A videotape aired Monday on national television showed a series of brilliant objects flying at more than 11,480 feet over southern Campeche state. The tape was filmed March 5 by air force pilots using a video camera equipped with an infrared lens. (Follow link for story and video)



The “Bohemian Grove”

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=89828&f=IATTTY&ps=13&p=1 (9 min

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=89835&f=UDMOKV&ps=13&p=1 (9 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=89885&f=ZJRDNV&ps=13&p=1 (9 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=89888&f=FWGHOL&ps=13&p=1 (9 min)

http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=89894&f=SIGBUR&ps=13&p=1 (5 min)


Photos from Annals of the Bohemian Club (vol 7), 1987-1996.


Watch the trailer for Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove

Watch the Dark Secrets Trailer

Video segment of the occult ritual where a mock sacrifice is made to Molech at the Bohemian Grove


Skull And BonesSkull And Bones


Photos: Inside the Bohemian Grove
Articles: The Re-Infiltration of Bohemian Grove,
Control Grid: The Prison Without Bars.

Here is a seven minute montage featuring footage from The Order of Death DVD.

See the newly updated Special Edition of Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove featuring The Order of Death! Now re-cut with fresh footage of the Grove and the Sinister Secrets held within it!

Don’t miss this opportunity to see this amazing piece of investigative journalism!
Video Clip: The Order of Death. (2004-2005)

Signs of The New World Order


Nancy Armstrong “Ms.Placed Democrat” is Welcomed in Heaven

31 Jul

Tireless patriot and ACORN researcher Nancy Armstrong just passed away. If you visit her blog and you will see everything that she held dear and believed in. I believe this woman was a real patriot who loved her country and I believe she knew what lot of us know.  Le’ts honor her memory in passing and carry on the research she was doing that she loved so much. – CKH

Links, posters, images, opinions, mottos, research from Nancy Armstrong’s Blog:

Nancy’s Blog: http://msplaceddemocrat.com/

Rss news Feed: http://msplaceddemocrat.com/feed/rss/

Nancy’s videos: http://vodpod.com/navyvet48

Conservative Bloggers labeled as “Domestic Terrorists”

Powerful Women’s Motto:

Live your life in such a way that When your

feet hit the floor In the morning,

Satan shudders & says…

‘Oh Shit!…She’s Awake!!


See: http://dtbn.blogspot.com/

Where Is James Bond When You Need Him?

24 Jul

Alligator Farm: Breaking News From Actuality

USA Mandatory Swine Flu Shots?


Taxpayer March on DC 9.12.09 See http://912dc.org

It’s another 3 am moment of quietly connecting the dots. This past spring FEMA had secret meetings with the heads of all big city USA police departments, during which they were told they would soon be federalised. An astute youtuber overheard  one of the meetings, and the info was posted to youtube.  Hundreds of truthers like me who actually give a damn about what happens to America grabbed the video, re-posted it and one more FEMA secret meeting was not so secret anymore. We know that under martial law, FEMA will actually try to use Bible scripture to make local clergy and officials  comply with their demands. We know that incidents of police brutality and unwarranted arrests and harassment are skyrocketing in America. Policemen can now get away with unparalled acts of brutality and they are found to be “breaking no laws” by corrupt complicit courts.

We are doing the math.

Experimental Flu Shots Administered by US MIlitary Killing Soldiers Already

Experimental Flu Shots Administered by US MIlitary Killing Soldiers Already

We  know about fake CIA (cough:  Baxter International) lab created swine flu, the 3700 USA FEMA camps, the millions of polyguard coffin liners stacked out in Georgia and elsewhere. We know that Obama’s speech phrases sound REALLY DIFFERENT when they are scrutinized with special audio software and played backwards.

We know Czar Obama’s health care plan will finish the bankrupting of the nation, we know that Goldman Sachs now runs America, so when you see Obama’s mouth move in certain ways like when the ventriloquist has his hand up the puppet’s back, that’s really Goldman Sachs and Wall street’s hand waaaayy up Obama’s rear end,  making him say those things. He belongs to them. It shows. We are not stupid.

brownshirt-obamaAnd when Goldman Sachs gets tired of squeezing Obama’s nads and they go on coffee break, Obama’s Bilderberger men and women trot in from stage left to run the show til they come back. We know that new age believers think Obama is a global messiah.

We know better than that.

We know about the vast underground network of black op financed undergound tunnels and cities built for the elite and their tea party friends to cuddle in together while the poles shift, leaving us to broil on the surface. We know, in contrast, Norway appears to have the good sense and decency to try to make some preparations for themselves AND THEIR PEOPLE. The other governments of the world should follow suit. We have now had a few American Tea Parties of our own, here recently.

We know Oprah, the Church of the New Earth’s founder and Tolle bedazzled promoter, (Why does Oprah need have her own Church?) might secretly want to rule the world all by herself, using Eckhart Tolle as her footstool. Eckhart: Not Tolle, Oprah’s Tool.

Have you looked deep into Oprah’s eyes lately? Um, excuse me:  “Who the hell are you and what did you do with Oprah?!

Oprah Pitching Her New Church & Eckhart-Trance Religion
Oprah Pitching Her New Church & Eckhart-Trance Religion

Yikes. But the new “evil alien eyed” Oprah might have to soon arm wrestle another power hungry soulless freak to see who comes out on top.

Enter illuminati lunatic  Supriem David Rockefeller, and make room for his large  fake Lucifer horns.

Tim Curry eat your heart out.

Wingnut extraordinaire bastard child miltary brat trillionaire financier and “AI mad scientist” Supriem D. Rockefeller now thinks he is Lucifer. Furthermore, he recently stated that he has proprietary rights to a technology so evil and proficient that it could disarm and disable any nation on earth via EMP pulse wave from a hovering satellite, (one of his own – he owns a private satellite network, you see) and they would never know what hit them and or where it came from.

Hey, that ought to get you on the Oprah show. It makes Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah’s sofa look kind of tame in comparison. And  by the way, has anyone contacted the FBI, DoD, or ummm…. “Hello:  Homeland Security? I think we need to reign in Supriem Rockefeller – he is threatening to blow up the USA infrastructure …no, really.”

Talk about your psycho-killer loose cannon. Whew. Here is an excerpt from his letter:

Quote Supriem Rockefeller:  “We have a technology that no one can stop. The ramifications of this technology used as a weapon are something out of a science fiction movie. We have to ensure that this technology stays within our working group. Someone could use this to disable aircraft from 400 miles away and there is nothing to trace, it would just look like the aircraft had a system failure and plummeted out of the sky.

Someone could use this to disable any alarm system, create a financial crisis by aiming at a stock exchange, someone could start wiping out every satellite in constellation and leave zero trace of what, where and how this happened. The 400 mile range is minimum, it can be increased via plasma antennas.”

You can read the entire lettter here. Who breeds these lunatic lab rats anyway? The Priesthood of Amen? Oh, right. The deep undergound Dulce reptoid aliens, that’s who . I almost forgot. Pass me that petri dish.

Supriem D. Rockefeller Attired as Amen-Ra: Ewwwwh. NOT Scary, Just Stupid.
Supriem D. Rockefeller Attired as Amen-Ra: Ewwwwh. NOT Scary, Just Stupid.

Supriem even recently had the gall to announce that Stanley Kubrick’s last and most noteworthy film, EYES WIDE SHUT, accurately portrayed one of his private  Priesthood of Amen rituals, complete with the gold mask, red robes and all the tall matched sets of airline stewardess perfect “loveme dolls” in attendance.  I have two words: Who cares?

“We are just not that into you Supriem.”  We’re all bored to death with the endless banal tales of evil, intrigue, plot, conspiracy, truth in jest, telltale movies, presidents who can’t even prove they are legal US citizens, it’s all ludicrous and it all wreaks of a very cheap shabby “hall of mirrors” arcade at the county fair.

We have all walked through these NWO stories too many times. We are just not scared any more. America is not scared of ANYTHING they throw at us, and THAT is what makes the illuminati stooges so scared of us instead. After all, we have God on our side:  they know it, we know it, and the rest will be history soon enough. I know in my heart that every red blooded American that I know would just as soon die fighting than live in the NWO RFID chipped fascist elite controlled world that they have planned for us. So I believe the watchwords for 2009 may be:


Watch for events & individuals associated with the re-building of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.
Watch for events & individuals associated with the re-building of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

We know that Supriem is buddy buddy with the Temple Institute in Jerusalem and plans to finance the rebuilding of the Temple. We know he makes the locals bow to him when he shows up for PR photo ops over there. Thanks Wes Penre. You actually did well on letting the REAL Body of Christ in America know about that.

We know Supriem wants to usurp the good work of 100,000 devoted spiritual students and teachers of the Urantia Book, who love Jesus of Nazareth more than any being in the Universe, (the Urantia Book is the world’s most intelligent revelatory progressive and scientifically accurate conservative Christian document), and steal their 50 plus years of hard spiritual labor to use for himself to sell us his own self centered version of a One World Government. He wants to call his version of the NWO the Allied Union. and he wants to call his currency the Allied Unit.

Proposed chip-embedded United World Future Coin from G8 Summit: Italian Sandro Sassoli Designed it.
Proposed chip-embedded United World Future Coin from G8 Summit: Italian Sandro Sassoli Designed it.

Now that would be in apparent conflict with the coin presented reccently to G8 members by Russia’s president which they were all calling the United Future World Currency. See photo. The coin will include some sort of embedded technology that allows the holder to be tracked of course, and I’m sure a whole suite of equally Orwellian other features are secretly embedded as well.

FYI – They know we are onto them. The United Future World Currency website was taken down about 4 days ago. However, good old Google keeps a cache for quite a while  – you can still locate some of the text from the site, just in case you think I am making all this up. Just google this string of keywords below then follow the links:

Italian state mint Sandro Sassoli United Future World Currency

It gives one pause to consider: Are there wars going on behind the scenes between different Illuminati factions for whose coinage, verbage and  garbage will finally win the hearts of uneducated sheep people around the world?  Better not to be a sheeple – (herds of uninformed TV brainwashed blindly followng sheep-like people) but to be educated and aware, than in denial – then suddenly duped when they spring the  diabolical plan du jour on us all – most likely this fall around September, October. ( So if you are reading this and realizing oh expletive this stuff is really happening – then get busy emailing this article to others so they can wake up in time  too. I thank you for that and God thanks you for that.)

Sniff, sniff. Hmmm.  These “one world order coin wars” do not smell like teen spirit folks. This smells like the approach of an even bigger controlled demolition financial meltdown in America, and possible martial law. Coming soon to a national theatre near you. It will be quite interesting to see how they worked all this knowledge into the script for the feature film 2012. More things that make you go hmmmm.

So: we now know Supriem wants to USE the precious truth in the Urantia Book to make us worship him, instead of God. We get it. We’re quick studies out here in tattered middle class America, while we save our country in between breakfast dishes, afternoon laundry and grocery errands. We’re on it.

I actually knew the minute I read that Supriem thinks he is Lucifer that he has not actually comprehended The Urantia Book. Anyone can read the book, then walk away just as uninformed as before. The key is in the comprehension. In fact, I believe it has been said that “Comprehension is the passport to Paradise”.  Wink.

The Lucifer Rebellion is over. It was technically over when Jesus was incarnate, and it was most definitely over when he ascended. Lucifer has actually been in the legal custody of the Ancient of Days lll on a Jerusem prison planet for several decades  now. Study the Urantia Book for further details of the legal actions that have recently taken place by the Courts of the Ancients of Days pertaining to the closing out of the Lucifer Rebellion and the preparations for the Roll Call Resurrection of Souls at the close of our current dispensation. The harvest is nigh my friends.

The Face of Jesus As Imaged from the Shroud of Turin
The Face of Jesus As Imaged from the Shroud of Turin

I hear alot of  fundamentalist Christians going “Say what?” out there.    Uh-huh. You orthodox Christians, who I love and respect, (I am the grandchild of a Christian minister) who are being cast aside as out-dated, who are being pushed aside by a secular media as passe’  who are now being told that America is not a Christian nation (we ARE a Christian nation, don’t believe NEWSWEEK) precious harvest wheat that you are,  I have a bone to pick with you.

You have been railing like rowdy spiritual children who don’t want to do their homework, against the Urantia Book – trying to paint the Urantia Book as a demonic document for 56 years – you better knock it off. You are going to need the truth in this book like a starving man needs food soon.

Why not get a head start on your neighbor? You can read the entire text online at http://urantia.org/papers/index.html

My King of Kings had a very personal hand in the preparation and approval of those enlightening papers after His Ascension, and you better give that book a good long read, with your Bible in your other hand, or you are going to be sadly left behind when things heat up here soon.

The new world order Luciferian elite are planning to try to steal your 5th Epochal Revelation from you and make you think it’s Lucifer’s bible, when nothing could be further from the truth.

The Urantia Book is the "little book" spoken of in the book of Revelations.

The Urantia Book is the "little book" spoken of in the book of Revelations.

The Urantia Book is “the little book” spoken of in the book of Revelations, that is described that it would taste sweet in the mouth, but bitter in the belly. You better read it and then you better get down on your hands and knees and pray for the Holy Spirit to open and enlarge your mind for deeper understanding.

I mean what I say here. We live in perilous times and the evil men and women who conspire to run this world want to take the “little book” and use it to hurt you.

That “little book” is God’s gift to you.  Start reading it and learn to fight for and defend the Greater Truth, rather than attack it because it has big words in it that you do not understand.

So… duh, Supriem. You did not do your homework. You have a crack in your engine block, my man. Furthermore, you are delusional.  Go back to your mansion, drink some more German beer, and videotape Hathor’s scorpion foot tattoo again for posterity. Your time is better spent re-counting her 12 toes than plotting to rule the world.

supriemsuperman041809The real problem with Supriem is that he is certifiably as mad as a hatter.  The man would have to be, with all that he has planned for years in secret, then to intentionally let the cat out by hiring Wes Penre to be his fawning promoter and press release agent to advertise all over the web that he, Supriem, is Lucifer incarnate.

(You see, this is always their downfall. They just cannot resist the urge to beat their chests, and his is actually tattooed with a Superman logo – I am not kidding, and crow about “who is the most evil of them all”. )

Isn’t it all hilarious? “Mirror mirror on the wall…. who is the most EVIL of them all?”   And the mirror replies: Oh get a life man. You’re an idiot.

Oh but he is redeemed.  And he actually has a Superman logo tattooed on his chest in powdered gold. I am as serious as a heart attack. You just can’t make this stuff up folks.

If one is to give any credibility to the account of Wes Penre, then as “whacked out of their mind” evil villians go,  Supriem is right up there in the kookiest wingnut gallery of psychotic narcissists who always plotted to destroy the world in the original James Bond movies. I’m sure he must fly out to North Korea on occasion to dine with Kim Jong mentally Il. They sound just exactly alike.

The Legal Right to Bear Arms Must Be Guarded in America

The Legal Right to Bear Arms Must Be Guarded in America

And to think we all thought when we were kids watching those fabulously campy Sean Connery 007 movies, where the villains were just beyond all definitions of insane, that it was all just make believe.  You know:  Bond kills the evil villian, saves the world, makes love to the pretty girl, and they jet away toward a waiting  white yacht to have lobster and chardonnay for dinner.

Where is James Bond when you need him? Maybe he will show up between now and 2012? Maybe James Bond will be a woman this time.

I actually don’t think anyone would pay one dollar to see Supriem “play the role” of the “evil gobalist banker villian who tries to take over the world” in our next real life make believe James Bond movie plot.  We have already seen through his “global bank in the sky” dog and pony show. I would rate his movie “B” for bored to death by it all.


Chase Hunter lll

Copyright 25/07/2009-25/07/300  Chase Hunter, (a pen name). International Copyrights Secured. Permission is granted to re-print & re-distribute this post leaving  text, photos & links intact, for educational, non-commercial purposes only.

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