Tag Archives: taos hum

Bizarre Report Circulating of Recent Nuclear Explosions in USA’s Clandestine Underground Tunnel System

27 Aug
A tunnel boring machine that was used at Yucca...

Photo of an underground tunnel boring machine

Copyright 2011-3011 Chase Kyla Hunter & Photonic Portal 2037 All Rights Reserved. All re-posts must leave all content, author, blog name, original URL location & copyright stamp intact. Love this news blog? Shop here & support it. Help keep robust citizen journalism alive on the internet.

I’ve been writing and reporting on a top secret US military underground tunnel complex for years and years.  I first learned of it in the late 1980s / early 1990s while living out in the desert southwest.The Taos Hum” which was investigated by New Mexico [ then  ] Congressman Bill Richardson raised eyebrows and public interest, but no answers to the source of the sound were ever forthcoming. Taos locals were convinced the sound was coming from the ramped up activities of the underground tunnel boring machines used to expand the underground tunnel complex which runs between Dulce New Mexico and Los Alamos Labs. Those machines, which are well documented, are also described in this video below. I am posting this video on the same day that Hurricane Irene is making landfall, so it’s a busy news day. I’ll be back to add more corroborating links and video to this report this evening, so visit the Photonic Portal 2037 site to read the latest update later tonight.

CK Hunter


Taos Hum, Drones, Nano-Drones, Nibiru, 2012, Dulce & NWO

6 Jul
Home of the Ugliest Truth You Ever Had to look At. Yeehah.

Home of the Ugliest Truth You Ever Had to look At. Yeehah.

I was in my early 30’s when I first had a profound spiritual awakening as to something heinous operating behind the scenes that secretly controlled the world. I was living in Taos New Mexico at the time, and all the locals were in an uproar over the source of the “Taos Hum“. It was making people sick, could be heard day and night by many spiritually sensitive people, including the wife of a well known photographer whom I was was acquainted with. Congressmen were involved in trying to locate the source of the sound, and many media articles were being written about it.

Alien Technology - See Crop Circle Photo -  Same Design. How?

Alien Technology - See Crop Circle Photo - Same Design. How?

Rumors had circulated in Taos since the late 1980s about a secret underground mlitary installation which was supposedly located in the Dulce region close to Archuleta Mesa. The Native American community in that area seemed to know alot about it, but they were not talking. Mutilated cow carcasses were found everywhere up there. People saw strange lights “going into and out of the mesa” and military convoys with dozens of trucks and 18 wheelers just seemed to “disappear into the mesa” when followed.

Just about this time (it was 2 years before the internet appeared) someone “in the know” from Dulce passed through the Taos and Santa Fe region. They were discreetly circulating cassette tape recordings from “refugee former Dulce employees and contractors” who were now living in hiding, (people like Phil Schneider, now deceased) trying to get away and stay away from the secret underground installation at Dulce New Mexico.

These refugees, now on the run, were apparently fleeing from their “handlers” with what little evidence they could confiscate about the actuality of the underground base at Dulce, to try to warn the world about what was going on there, literally, physically, under the ground in a 7 story deep military and human / alien genetics labratory that was actually being run by a renegade contingency of our own US military, CIA, NSA, along with reptilian and grey aliens.

Sounds too ludicrous to be true, doesn’t it?

So did the idea back in early 2001 that 19 radical islamic wing nuts from Saudi Arabia would actually hijack American jetliners using skills they learned in the USA, fly them into the NYC twin towers, and with the help of some pre-wired explosives that had been laced into the girders of every floor of the towers over the prior weekend by “mystery technicians”, (dozens of locals witnessed teams of technicians who were dressed like electricians going into and out of the twin towers the weekend before 9-11 with huge coils of electrical cables and other equipment) would in fact, bring those towers down in about 35 minutes. The lone ranger lady FBI agent (a true patriot) who connected the dots and foresaw this macabe event was disregarded for weeks while she tried to warn her FBI superiors in futility. No one could have imagined that such events could be ever be real, but they were.

Who is this paleface?


You see, we HAVE TO connect these dots, awful as they are. And there are many many dots to connect now. We are playing chinese checkers with inter-related horrific truths, and we are all playing russian roulette with our future if we don’t CONNECT THE DOTS now and take action.

Back in 1992 when those cassette tapes came out, anyone caught even listening to or discussing what was on these cassette tapes was laughed out of town by disbelieving locals. These were the same locals who were being made sick to the point of vomiting by their daily continous exposure to the “Taos Hum”.

This experience was to be my entrance into beginning to investigate the horrible hidden truth about the New World Order agenda. Alot of you reading this were not even born in 1992.

Alot of people have died since that era, trying to tell people the truth about what they have seen, and what they have been exposed to.

I left Taos in 1993. By then I had privately concluded that the Taos Hum was one of two things – the residual vibrations generated by high tech tunneling machines that were being operated 24-7 to complete an underground tunnel route between Los Alamos Labratories (home of the atom bomb) and the Dulce facility, and / or they were ELF wave crowd control experiments that were being aimed at small sparsely populated villages like Taos just to see what would happen.

In other words, someone was using the local folks of Taos New Mexico as guinea pigs for their Orwellian crowd control experiments.
But the Taos Hum was having an unexpected effect on some people – people like me. I was experiencing an explosion in raw spiritual ability:
clairvoyance, clairaudience, prophetic and mystic visions, precognition, premonition. Friends who did not want to go where I knew I MUST go gradually fell away. I recorded what I was shown in journals, which became underground newsletters for a season.

I had by now tuned my visionary abilities and aimed them right at the awful ugly hidden truth that was taking place right under our noses, right beneath our feet in Taos, and right behind the wizard of Oz curtain in Washington D.C.

I began researching and publishing about what I was being shown, in secret. Everything I was shown during that time has now come to pass, and the rest of is just a few years away unless the people of the world unite against these hidden monsters and reveal and destroy them with the power of TRUTH.

I left Taos in 1993. I began to publish what I was learning in a private newsletter, which I ceased to publish in print any more in 1994, and I began aggressively collecting research using the internet at that time.

By then I was making my living as a web developer. I am relaying all this history so that readers will know that the videos posted on this site – my “wild aligator” collection represents the truth, even if it is sometimes cruedly represented by those who feel as urgent as I do about wakingup the rest of our country. I have been excavating as well as following other truth excavators, like David Icke, Linda Moulton Howe, Phil Schneider (now deceased), Bill Cooper, Professor Karla Turner (now deceased), Dr. Steven Greer and dozens of others for more than 18 years now. There is a growing list of mysteriously deceased people who were telling the truth about what they knew, or planning to go publc, when they died under mysterious circumstances. We owe them to keep publishing what we know. They are urging us on from Heaven, and my soul knows it.

Please share what you learn here, subscribe and share links and info with others. We now have very little time left, as 2012 marks the culimnation date for their awful agenda. TURN OFF YOUR TV SET.

Start selectively getting your news online and from other citizen
journalists, otherwise known as zookeepers, like me, here on Alligator Farm. May God bless and keep you. Follow His instruction and we will prevail in the end. – Zookeeper

But wait. It gets worse: