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Two Days Before Jared Loughner Shot Giffords, Grey’s Anatomy Aired “Disarm” Episode: Shooter’s Character Was Named “Jerod”

26 Jan
Wag the Dog

"Wag the Dog" Movie Poster

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved. Video Re-post Courtesy of

I have been trying to convince readers, friends and neighbors for over 20 years that many history making “accidental events” in our society are in fact preplanned and orchestrated.

Whether people are ready or willing to face it or not, the fact is we are now living in a “Wag the DogNWO orchestrated reality in the United States, contrived by new world order ruling elites who own the world’s top mass media outlets, which they use to enforce their plans, motivations, trends, and objectives, in plain sight of a brain dead world populace, who are so debauched by now from over-exposure to the media onslaught that they fail to see what’s blaring right into their living rooms in plain view: the daily routine social engineering and psychological “programming” of human behaviors which are induced by these pop culture Illuminati designed behavior modification “instruction manuals”, cleverly disguised as television “programs.” If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, they call them television “programs” for a reason. Laugh if you will, but I am right, I know I am right and I will be proved right again on this one.

I was right when I endured mockery for nearly 30 years while I continued to publish and research the truthful facts that the Illuminati underpinnings of world culture is real, historical and still ever-present, only to finally have my research fully vindicated last year [finally!] by none other than “the History Channel‘s” airing of a TV show which outed the secret generational worship of Lucifer by Illuminati members in the highest positions in government, society and media. I was right, I knew I was right, and I had been right all along for 27 years. I know whereof I speak.

The desired behavior induction in the Grey’s Anatomy TV episode “Disarm” is obvious. The new world order elites desire greatly to disarm Americans, separating us from our guns so that they can proceed to separate us from what’s left of our constitutional rights and national sovereignty. They have already done this successfully in Great Britain and in Australia. They want to do it here, but alas it will never happen. The American people are too smart for the desired
“social re-engineering” they have in mind, so they must resort to writing the plan into TV scripts like “Disarm” on Grey’s Anatomy.

My job of trying to convince my audience, friends and neighbors of this fact got just a little bit easier this evening. A brilliant Youtuber whose channel is named “jonah70757” did a little bit of intelligent research and connected some huge dots. Great work Jonah. Here is his video:

Tags: orchestrated reality, new world order exposed, jared loughner pre-programmed shooter, Gabrielle Giffords shooting, the Arizona massacre 2011, social engineering via TV, television programs, PSY OPS, psychological operations, covert social manipulation through mass media

What Was the Real Motive for the “Ancient Aliens” TV Series?

21 Jan

Reposted Courtesy of Photonic Portal, 2011. Copyright 2011-3011 By Photonic Portal, All Rights Reserved.

I’ve been watching the DVD series “Ancient Aliens” which was produced by the History Channel in 2010. I’ve had a very poor opinion of the History Channel ever since they aired the program which proudly “outed” the secret [ no more ] generational Illuminati worship of Lucifer to mainstream American TV viewers last year, who I am sure were both shocked and angered by what they were seeing aired on Prime time TV.

The “Ancient Aliens” series has been wildly popular, and the theory that ancient Annunaki aliens who were not terrestrial or indigenous to earth literally “bred humanity into existence ages ago” is now all the rage on every website and video channel I visit. This theory omits real true Diety from the picture entirely, and that bothers me more than just a little bit.

Knowing what I know about HAARP Project Blue Beam it seems awfully convenient that leaving God out of the picture as to the roots of humankind opens up possibilities that are quite horrific in their implications. If we are nothing more than the lab rats of an advanced civilization who left us here, who may soon return and may exercise their technological and genetic superiority over humanity, doesn’t that open the doors for even more global fraud on the part of their colluding hybrid offspring, the despised Illuminati? These inbred families, generational Luciferians like the morbidly wealthy Rothschilds, that have siphoned off the wealth of this world and hoarded it for literally thousands of years, could well be planning some macabre worldwide holographic Coup De’tat in the next few years, which may include specific collusion with their Annunaki and /or Reptilian Overlords who desire to perpetrate a fraudulent “alien invasion.” Doesn’t the KJV Bible flatly state that “Satan fooled the entire world?”

Before you get disgusted with this anonymous author and click off the page, humor me here for a minute. Untold billions have already been spent on HAARP technology and the American public has never really been told what this technology is for. We own it. Our tax dollars paid for it. Holograms of well known public figures like Prince Charles have been beamed into the view of audiences in Dubai from thousands of miles away. That was done several years ago. OK, you say, “and your point is?”

If the Illuminati infested and controlled US military can use HAARP technology to beam images of people here and there from the far corners of the earth, couldn’t they use the same technology to beam an apparent fleet of approaching spaceships into our local skies, igniting fear and apprehension into everyone who sees the apparitions? How would we ever know what was real and what was not?

And if the UN has Ordained itself [ how convenient! ]  since the late 1940s as the chosen “ET contact representatives for the world” as the ANCIENT ALIENS series states, designated to meet and greet these returning “genetic parents of humankind” [ or at least to meet and greet their holograms in a well planned faked global alien invasion ] , wouldn’t that provide the perfect pretext for issuing global martial law into place and clamping down on a stunned and overwhelmed humanity, in readiness for implementing their long planned one world government?

I did not like the way I felt watching “Ancient Aliens”.  The inferred social engineering was palpable in the series. It was all very beautiful, very slick, too beautiful and too slick. There was very little substantiation and very much glamor. Someone somewhere who financed Ancient Aliens and approved it’s production wants humanity to think that we were lab engineered into existence by alien Annunaki ancestors, and that there really is no Deity for humanity any higher than that.

Are TV Shows Like History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” Series the Beginning of 21st Century Illuminati Owned “Antichrist TV”?

Perhaps the more descriptive phrase would be “21st century counterfeit Christ TV.” There was a specific implication in the “Ancient Aliens” series that the God[s] of Genesis was and is NOT not the Heavenly Father that Christians love, worship and adore, but the Annunaki Alien Gods of high technology and DNA instead.

I’m not comfortable with the inference and I didn’t appreciate it being blasted at me throughout the series. Let’s be frank, in a word blunt: If there is a counterfeit Christ waiting somewhere in the wings for humanity’s concept of God to become so debased and befouled that we no longer believe Deity had anything to do with the process of our being here, then it would seem to me that television shows like “Ancient Aliens” conveniently play right into those kinds of debased and decaying anti-spiritual themes.

I could not shake the feeling as I watched this series that someone somewhere had gone to great lengths to refine these ideas and to package them in such a way as to make the whole package very “palatable” to an American Christian TV viewing audience.

I am very aware of biblical, Urantia Book and other accounts of human creation. We are species with some sort of deep and catastrophic amnesia, of that I have no doubt. But when a species has amnesia, aren’t they then even more susceptible to a contrived and calculatedly false story about their deep history and beginnings, for how would they know the difference without the help of their own mortal collective memory? How would they know the difference without the help of real and actual records from the deep past that have not been altered by human religious institutions, like the Vatican, in order to deliberately keep mankind in the dark?

Is the REAL reason that the Urantia Book was given to humankind? Or is the Urantia Book just one more piece of the collective mortal “replacement memory program”, a brilliantly executed artificial spiritual past written by brilliant but fallen Luciferic beings in order to convince humanity that we are indeed their personal creation, their Annunaki laboratory rats from 500,000 years ago?

I dare not proceed further without the most urgent prayer and diligent soul searching on this subject. But I am getting closer and closer to completing my personal 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle about the magnitude of the Luciferian conspiracy to imitate and implement a global counterfeit Christ on this world. I have been putting together those 5,000 pieces for lifetimes. I am coming to the end of my journey. I am about to comprehend how large this lie really is.

Copyright Photonic Portal 01.20.2011, All Rights Reserved.


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History Channel Proudly “Outs” Illuminati Luciferian Facts to Mainstream America

19 Dec
History (Australian television channel)

Image via Wikipedia

12.19.2010 By CK Hunter

This video clip from the History Channel signifies that the Illuminati men and women who own 90% of the world’s media, along with everything else, are now so confident that their one world government plan cannot fail, that it’s time to trump the Christian truth researchers [ people like me ] and just come right out with it. Yes the illuminati is real, yes, Lucifer worship is at the very top of it, and yes they intend to establish global governance with a world dictator at the center of it. And for American Christians, we all know what biblical character that’s going to be. [ See ]

Here it is:

Having seen their ugly little in-your-face  “Illuminati advertisement” posted above, courtesy of the History Channel, I don’t really see much purpose in continuing to blog on this subject. If their global mass media cartel is now swinging into action to spill the ugly secret beans to every anguished Christian in America and around the world, then devout prayer and total invisibility is now the modus operand i for me. I would just as soon gladly die than live in the coming world system that they have encircled us with on every side.

I don’t find it entertaining, or comical, or farcical, or anything other than an absolute affront to my soul itself what I just had to watch so that I could compose a brief post about it. God bring swift justice in the end on the souls of the men and women who rejoice in creating broadcasts like this one, that had to pass by all the official portals of the media ruling elite before it aired. I am sure they are quite pleased with themselves.

I know this. God always has the last laugh. And the twists and turns of Divine Intervention cannot be predicted by any living sentient being, as those movements all belong to the Providence of God.

Chase Kyla Hunter

National Clandestine Service Is Recruiting Arab Americans as Spies Using TV Adverts

12 Dec
Seal of the Central Intelligence Agency of the...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 12.11.2010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, re-posts permitted leaving author info, content and links intact.

File this item under “things you discover that you sincerely wish were not true.” I stumbled onto this bizarre piece of news buried deep in several hundreds news tweets. It originates with Boing-Boing. If the CIA is recruiting for more Arab-American people to train as spies, what is the likelihood those spies might be let loose on American citizens one day on native soil under martial law? How will Americans know whether such spies and employees of the CIA have loyalties to America, or hidden loyalties to their own country of origin, further, how many of them will be Muslims?

I don’t particularly feel that it’s a good development for America that there may be any number of Arab born CIA employees scattered among us on any given day, who most likely are Muslims. I don’t really care whether that comes off as “politically correct” or not. It’s just one more development that follows the tone of “creeping Sharia law” and the silent spread of “everything Muslim” into the wellspring of American life and culture.

Here’s the original Boing-Boing post link:

CIA Recruiting Advertisements & Print Media Materials

So I am now digging around to see what else the CIA and NCS might be doing these days in the back halls of power that other Americans might want to know about.

Iranian American CIA Recruiting TV Advertisement video Note the voice-over states “I support global intelligence” – that’s a” very new world order” sounding phrase. I wonder if these new recruits are taking oaths of allegiance to a UN global governance, rather than the United States of America?

Arab American CIA Recruiting TV Commercial video This TV commercial shows Arab Americans living the good life, entertaining at home. Voice over: “Your nation, your world, the world is protected, careers at the Central Intelligence Agency…” The words America, or American, or United States, or USA are never spoken in this advertisement. Think it over. Whose nation? It’s a dark and unnerving message in the ad, with implications I don’t like at all.

American patriots should be keeping a close eye on the alphabet spy orgs that claim to keep a close eye on American National Security. Those are our tax dollars they are using you know. And if all this makes you as squeamish as it does me, you can cap off this post read by playing around on the CIA’s Kid’s Page on their website. Not to be outdone, the NSA also has a kid’s page. Whooppee.

Chase Kyla Hunter


Related Youtube videos:

CIA TV Commercial Recruitment Ad Aimed at Kids


CIA Mind Control Experiments Post WWll 1950s


Former CIA Spy Speaks Out


CIA, FEMA & Black Ops, Blacklisted Video



Reactions to Julian Assange Becoming More Extreme: Canadian Tom Flanagan Calls for His Assassination

2 Dec

12.01.2010 Video and Links from the web, updates on the Wikileaks story By CK Hunter

Breaking: Canadian college professor states Obama should put out a “hit” on Julian Assange and use a drone to exterminate him. Wow. This from one of our friendly northern neighbors. There must be some devastating exposures and revelations to come, if this man would make such cruel and reckless statement on live TV? It certainly has historically been the usual modus operandi for the Illuminati to simply kill those who got too loud standing in their way, but making such a statement in front of live TV cameras is both revealing and unnerving.

One wonders what is yet to come in the Wikileaks truth drip. I am asking the question again: Will Wikileaks expose the secret hidden global governing cabal, the core of the Illuminati, possibly quite by accident, along the trail of publishing the confiscated diplomatic cables?

Chase Kyla Hunter

Tags: Wikileaks, Julian Assange, Leaked Diplomatic Cables

NBC Introduces the President of the CFR to America in Response to North Korea’s Attack on South

24 Nov

Copyright 2010-3010 Chase Kyla Hunter, Re-posts permitted leaving content and links intact.

Have you ever heard of Richard N. Haass? He is the sitting president of the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York based new world order “think tank” which is directly tied to the UN and it’s globalist mandate. The CFR tells all top American politicians “what they should be doing” and how to proceed on any number of issues both foreign and domestic, from behind the scenes and has done so for at least 20 years or more. I’ve been monitoring this entity since 1990, so I am not in the mood for anyone who hasn’t studied the CFR for 20 years to try to argue with me.

What had my jaw on the floor this evening while watching the NBC Evening News with Brian Williams was the fact that comments from [so called] President Barack Obama were not necessarily referenced first on NBC in response to yesterday’s blatant provocations by North Korea. No, the man they trotted out to be interviewed on live TV for Americans to see and hear, was none other than the current sitting President of the Council on Foreign Relations. I see this as a strong signal that the CFR will be taking a much more public role in foreign policy crisis management.

So I’d like to ask American readers the 64,000 question once again: Who do you thinks REALLY operates and governs the United States of America, including operating and managing the White House? It’s not the sitting US President, it’s not congress, the Senate or the Judiciary. It’s the NYC based Council on Foreign Relations. Tonite’s media appearance by Richard N. Haass to soothe frayed nerves over North Korea could not be a more clear signal. There is a higher political and advisory power behind the White House, and tonite Americans watching NBC Nightly News met the president of that power.

For other astute “evening news decoders” like me who were watching the opening 5 minutes of this evenings NBC Evening News, we get the signal loud and clear. Barack Obama is a lame duck president, not relegated with enough relevancy to even be referred to first in a moment of possible imminent national crisis. Who did Big Media turn to for a comforting word?

They turned to a live TV interview with the President of the American arm of the new world order: Richard N. Haass. Whether or not anyone else noticed, for me, this was a significant turning point in American big media, possibly the beginning of tacitly introducing more and more of the “hidden powers that be” into the open bright lights of tv news rooms, magazine covers, and related news networks affiliated with nwo big media.

If you are as unhappy as I am, along with other American patriots, then continue to confront these ruling elites just as you have seen done in several of the videos below. The American people are NOT HAPPY to learn that a secret think tank in NYC has been puppeteering the White House and the US Presidency for nearly 40 years, and there has to be a way to put a stop to it, before it is too late.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Here’s the interview from NBC Nightly News and related items:

Want to be totally infuriated? Watch this video:

Other Related Videos: Registered Sites Statistics Reveal America is STILL Primarily a Christian Nation

21 Nov
Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved. Re-posts permitted as intact post only.

Once in a while I run across something online that proves statistically beyond all shadow of a doubt just how wrong Barack Obama really is when he touts in speeches that America is not a Christian majority nation. The internet does not lie, and statistics on the number of religiously themed websites presently listed in the DMOZ.ORG Open Directory Project offer a telling insight into who is publishing online and what their religious affiliation is, here in the United States. The statistics show that not only is America still a primarily Christian nation, but that Christian religious websites, blogs, directories and other web portals outnumber other religious affiliations online by 100s to 1. Here are the raw numbers, which speak for themselves. It is imperative that the reader realize that the Illuminati owned and influenced American mainstream media conglomerate has been operating under a hidden propoganda directive since January 21st 2009 to publish any and everything they can to make it appear as if Christianity is in decline in America. What is clearly revealed in these numbers below, taken from the web portal tonite, November 21st 2010, is that JUST THE OPPOSITE is true in America.

Christian websites outnumber other religious sites online by enormous numbers, thus proving what the deep gut instincts of every American Christian who spends time online already knows – that this White House has attempted an ongoing big media campaign [since early 2009] by the MSM to minimize, denigrate, marginalize, and disregard the religious Christian majority in America,in effect  to actually try to convince Americans that Christians are no longer the majority voting voice.

I do believe that since November 2nd 2010 we have re-established clearly that Barack Obama and the MSM which works for him are WRONG, and that not only is American Christendom alive and well in 2010, but our voice is louder than ever, and our clout at the voting polls is both muscular, purposeful and robust.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Peruse the Open Directory page where these listings were displayed right here.

Operation Paperclip Confirmed: Truth Researchers Vindicated as FED Finally Admits Hiding Nazis After WWII

16 Nov

Feature Essay November 2010

Copyright 11.15.2010 By CK Hunter

ref: Nazis Were Given ‘Safe haven’ in the US, Report Says

Back “in the day” as they say, in the wee early moments of the 1990s, before the internet, I came upon reports and documents published by William Cooper [now deceased truth researcher of considerable fame and renown] which alleged in blunt whistle-blower language that after the Allies were victorious in World War II, that they secretly not only spared the lives of hundreds of German Nazi Stormtroopers and scientists who had been closest to Hitler, but provided them and their families with jobs and safe haven here in the USA. Google Operation Paperclip.

Bill Cooper wrote about this fact nearly twenty years ago in his landmark tell all book which outed the secret world government as it was operating at that time. The book was titledBehold A Pale Horse.” There had been two assassination attempts on Bill’s life while he was trying to finish the book and get it published. He included those accounts in the Forward. With God’s grace Bill got the book published, and lived. Bill’s book was practically inhaled by the newly percolating “truth underground” of the early 1990s here in the US.  That underground was a loose-knit aggregate of ufologists, people who were investigating the “Taos Hum“, people who were investigating the hidden Illuminati secret march toward globalism, which  I was a part of at the time in northwest New Mexico, where dozens of artists, musicians, thinkers, writers and the intellectually curious lived as expatriates in the wilds outside of Taos and Santa Fe.

Bill eventually died fighting the FEDs and he had warned his readers and followers that it would happen for some time before the end came. He gave his life for the sake of continuing to get the truth out to the people, and he believed devoutly that if the truth about what was being planned for the American people in secret wasn’t made known to them soon, they would be trapped helplessly in a global governance system that would usurp every former human right and civil right they had been born with originally in the “former” United States of America.

I am writing about all of this to remind my readers that what we are ridiculed and reviled for pointing out today which is mocked as “conspiracy theory”, becomes the common everyday well-known fact of tomorrow, when the FED release their declassified files on the topic du jour some twenty years later, when they feel quite confident that no retribution will ever occur. This same pattern of 1) strenuous FED  denial, 2) withholding all evidence, and then 3) quiet acquiescence of the truth some 10, 20, 30 or even 40 years later  … is now being seen and noted by truth researchers like me over and over again, as the new world order hidden global crime cabal becomes more confident that they can pull off their long-planned international coup d’etat of installing the Man of Sin in place as the future global Head of State, and calling him a “World Teacher” or the “Global Messiah” (take your pick), then selling him to world populations as whatever it is they had hoped for the most – you pick the Deity. There are at least 5 great “religious deities” that are now being watched for and hoped for by the various religions of the world population (Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish).

The fact that the US federal government, whom I often just refer to as the FED, would make such a brazen confession about hiding the Nazis to the American public, at this particularly sensitive moment, right after the elections, when voters are still shouting and shaking their fists at Washington over the point they recently had to make, is quite peculiar indeed. Either the FED wants to and desires greatly to continue to stir up the wrath of the American people, or the FED now feels so confident of the secure unfolding of their secret plans that they have decided it won’t matter one whit how angry America gets over this latest little bombshell, they will just wag the ugly truth in our faces and tell us anyway.

The vindication of this latest FED disclosure for truth researchers like me doesn’t feel warm and fuzzy, or feel like anything to be proud of.  An American population that has been raised from infancy to “believe in” and support their federal government by paying taxes, fighting their wars for them, putting up with their intentionally inept leaders, the coming and going of president after president over the years, while the value of the currency continues to fade and the American landscape gradually begins to look shabbier and more graffiti sprayed, is not a nation of people at this point who can necessarily be “stirred into real action” over the disclosure of just one more high crime of treason perpetrated by the people we think we elect to high office.

This latest disclosure has been revealed more as a kind of “ha, ha… you can’t really stop us… we do what we do, when and why and where we want to… f—k you” statement to the American population by the Illuminati. It’s their way of mooning us, and giving the American people the finger, a gesture of their contempt for everything that we hold dear.

But just remember my friends: we hold ALL the cards in the end. WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who pay the taxes that hold the stitches together for this whole sorry, sordid mess. WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who buy their cars, groceries, houses, furniture, airplane rides, candy, alcohol, cosmetics, movies, smart-phones and every other product they cram down our throats as consumers. Without our participation, the whole ugly merry-go-round will grind to a halt.

If  WE THE PEOPLE finally get disgusted enough at being given the finger by own government via sickening disclosures like the one they just made [see link at end] then we might just pull the ultimate tea party and REFUSE to continue to buy anything or pay taxes to these fools until they DISCLOSE what has been hidden, and ante up with the TRUTH. Otherwise, at our point of collective exasperation having been reached, acting as one people – we throw up our hands and just say:

We have had enough. Your Illuminati created world system is rotten, and you can count America OUT. We will take care of each other, create new local economies, we will barter, we will do whatever it takes, not to participate in your evil world plan one minute longer, no matter how you try to sell it with a Prince Charles headliner “HARMONY” TV world indoctrination propaganda special.”

I’d like to reiterate: once Americans finally get fed up enough, and cry out to God to show them the next move to make, the next direction to take, it will become clear to every man, woman and young person in this country what they must do. The Holy Spirit will simply reveal to them in their sleep what that is, and they will awaken relaxed, secure, convicted and determined that they KNOW JUST EXACTLY how to proceed next. God is in charge, and the Divine Intervention continues, no matter what ugly little lie they bring to light next. We are already 20 steps ahead of them and there is NOTHING they can do, but gnash their teeth in rage against the last days phenomenon in America of the Rising of the Light.

ABOUT THE PHOTOS & GRAPHICS IN THIS ESSAY: For the younger readers, William Cooper’s heyday (photo one) as a truth researcher and Illuminati / secret world government whistle blower took place in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. By the end of the 1990s he had been so harassed and beaten down by the FEDs for publishing dark and hidden truths, especially of those pertaining to our Illuminati controlled US military-industrial complex, that his health began to fail him, as well as his better judgment. Google “William Cooper biography” for more info.

The other graphics detail the historical use by Freemasons of hidden imagery and Illuminati symbols in the Coats of Arms of the European [Merovingian] family dynasties, many of which are directly connected to the secret history of the Illuminati global crime cabal. The House of Windsor [formerly known as the House of Guelph or Guelfe] has one of the darkest and most sordid histories on the planet. Many modern Christians actually speculate that either Prince Charles or his son Prince William may in fact be, the incarnate Man of Sin, destined to play a major role on the world stage as the “Son of Perdition.” As if they well know of all this and are playing right along, Prince Charles consented many many years ago to the construction of a statue of his likeness as a winged God [Apollyon?] hovering over the world. His son Prince William has a similar image tattooed on his back. I am providing ample dots here for you young whippersnappers to connect and follow. Open your eyes and see. This week [week of November 15th 2010] on NBC television, they will broadcast a TV special featuring Prince Charles, titled “HARMONY”. Pay attention people: this is indoctrinating propaganda American TV. Don’t be duped by the mass media “sell job” that is commencing now on these internationally known monarchical leaders. Do a little bit of deep digging on the real history of the House of Windsor, the Order of the Garter, The black dragon society, and all the other Illuminati clubs that both Prince Charles and his son belong to.

Essay Copyright Chase Kyla Hunter, 2010-3010 All rights Reserved. International Copyright secured in Perpetuity.

ref: Nazis Were Given ‘Safe haven’ in the US, Report Says

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The interview will precede the television premiere of the Prince’s documentary “Harmony” about environmental issues, and his efforts to prevent global

You say you want a revolution

Irish Times – Gerry Harrison – ‎Nov 12, 2010‎

PRINCE CHARLES is never afraid of controversy, and he may have strayed over the perimeter fence again this week at a reception at the Irish Embassy in

Prince Of Wales To Discuss Eco Issues On Dateline (blog) – Beth Buczynski – ‎Nov 9, 2010‎

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The Prince of Wales greens up NBC with rare interview Monsters and

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The interview will lead into the television premiere of Harmony, Prince Charles’s new environmental documentary. There will also be a new slate of
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Republicans Ride Wave of Tea Party Political Power into Congressional Majority; Obama Travels to India In A State of Denial

7 Nov
the 44th President of the United States...Bara...

Image by jmtimages via Flickr

Copyright 11.6.2010 By Chase Kyla Hunter

You would have to have been residing on the lunar surface not to take note of the historic Republican sweep that took place in Tuesday’s November 2nd mid-terms. By late evening and the next morning, C-SPAN TV was already abuzz with Brookings Institute and CFR talking intellectual heads, trying to explain it all to themselves, and to C-SPAN viewers….speaking of dark comedy!

My, my, my: what an actual bonafide American grassroots movement will do to the isolated “ivory tower” Illuminati D.C. crowd. I was practically howling with laughter as one after the next effete [Illuminati backed] D.C. political intellectual tried mightily to explain away what they utterly cannot understand: the raw political voting power of the American people, now being expressed with robust vigor in this mid-term election.

Praise God for a spiritually awakened voting public in America. Now what we must do next is watch every Republican who has been elected like a hawk to make sure they don’t sell out, but instead they must commence immediately to roll back the heinous Obamacare plan before it is put into effect. The constitutional freedoms of every American citizen now depend on these men and women whom we have elected to roll back Barack Obama socialism, and we cannot take our eye off the ball for one minute.

I am really proud of my friends, neighbors, and of every American citizen who voted their heart and soul and listened to the call of the Holy Spirit to take this country back from a corrupt out of control rudderless Obama presidency that is not even legal, much less moral and ethical, or constitutional. Now we must remain vigilant and alert to what moves Obama will make when he returns from his mysterious and grotesquely expensive India trip, which he hastily explained away as a trip to procure jobs for Americans after the obscene price tag for the trip was reported and circulated among the American people online and in alternative media.

Watch for even more oddly detached and aloof behavior from Obama when he returns, over the next few months. It would really be helpful if readers would look up the psychiatric profile of those who suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or NPD, as it will help you to understand the routinely “off” and inappropriate responses that Obama exhibits when actuality confronts his ongoing “messianic fantasy” of who and what he is, and how well he is doing his job as President.

Keep praying for our country as the Divine Intervention proceeds apace in the United States of America.

CK Hunter

Raj Patel Maitreya World Apostasy Update: 2010

15 Oct

Copyright 2010 By Chase Kyla Hunter

Repost from summer 2010 – see

7.10.2010 By CK Hunter

[  Supporting documentation re-posted courtesy of anonymous members ]

I began a new blog on January 1st of 2010: 333 Crucible: The Divine Imperative  [ see] to chronicle and monitor the approaching world fraud of the so-called emergence of “Maitreya, the World Teacher”. I have been doing confidential research and documenting the rise of Share International’s public relations media campaign on behalf of the Maitreya emergence since 1982. I am not new to this subject.

Please spend some time reading the several hundred pages of research and videos which are on this blog to catch up on the history of the 2010 “Maitreya” world media blitz, and it’s relationship to the advent of the Christian Antichrist, also known as the Son of Perdition, or the Beast, which is described in the Holy Bible. The site members over at have been around since the very early days of the internet, in 1994 and 1995, just as I have. We have all seen movements, murmurs, rumors, and  “isms” come and go online for 16 years now.

The Raj Patel – Maitreya world cult of spiritual fraud that is now forming is the most disturbing internet phenomenon I have observed yet since the inception of the internet. It is only closely rivaled by the ongoing world fraud of Scientology, which up until now has been the longest running world cult of spiritual lies and religious fraud in the past 40 years, consuming the lives, souls and finances of thousands of duped and brainwashed believers. The world Cult of Raj Patel as “Maitreya” may soon surpass that of Scientology if enough innocent young people are not warned and spiritually educated in time.

Some of the site members at Above Top Secret are in agreement with my own Spirit Led research and I would like to re-post some of their most recent comments and insights. These site members at ATS have been around for many many years, since far earlier than the birth of the web, like me, and they are not easily fooled. Please visit the site to join anonymously to follow these discussions further, and I encourage guests to join 333 Crucible as well. The original post cited below can be found at

This topic is in the ATS Skunk Works discussion forum.  (rss)

Raj Patel steps forward as Maitreya

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Topic started on 8-6-2010 @ 12:22 PM by TheTruthIsFromGod


In this 15th episode, you can see that Raj Patel/Maitreya has entered into a new step of his worldwide promotion. Since January 2010, Raj Patel has done a tour in the US, in Canada and in Australia, he’s been received on the major networks and he’s been quoted by the major newspapers.

Now the press don’t hesitate anymore to openly speak about Raj Patel as the savior of the World, the man of change, and their articles are more and more explicit about that.

Moreover, we can see the highest ranking people around Raj Patel, as Nobel Prizes, high ranking officials among the major institutions and governments (US government, WHO, WTO, WB, IMF, Food organizations,…). They all praise him and put him above themselves.

Raj Patel is even asked his view on the authenticity of Bill & Melinda Gates’ activism!!!! Who is Raj Patel to be given such an importance?!

Moreover, Raj Patel’s speech is closer and closer to Maitreya’s one, and Raj is more and more explicit about his worldwide ambitions.

Be very careful of this man because he says many good things but he plays a double game. He’s connected to the same guys who have put us in this mess, who have been lying to us and harming us for centuries. He has a secret goal, to deceive us, as the Satan he is.

Do not listen to Raj Patel’s recommendations: Don’t militate, don’t oppose the New World Order, don’t support it neither, don’t be an activist, it’s useless, you’re only going to be used for other purposes. Have a simple and discrete life above the law and above the law of God and you’ll be safe.

Just look at this last article released by Raj Patel today on his blog and you’ll see that militancy, activism, are just to use you, to deceive you, just like politics… (of course Raj Patel promotes that activism makes us happy….)…


Do not attend Raj Patel’s speeches, this man has obviously a high occult power, as Satan, he’s a great influence on human beings. Raj Patel uses the most known hypnosis techniques on the audience, his hands’ gestures, his voice, his weird look, his voices, his intonations’ changes, his stuttering are all made to put you in a state of trance which will lead you to say Amen to all what he says and what he is.

This is a serious matter, believe me or not, that’s for your good.

You want to find guidance and to be safe from any danger, obey exclusively God and the Koran and you’ll be protected, that’s a fair advice.

Here’s the video which details this intro:



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