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Gerald Celente Outs the Denial of Obama White House About So-Called Economic Recovery

1 Mar

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

Tags: Gerald Celente political commentary, us economy, us unemployment, obama white house in denial, obama white house doublespeak 2011 economic recovery

Silver Prices to Soar in 2011 Says Investment Guru

23 Feb

Repost courtesy of

Last year in January 2010 I wrote about the coming surge in the price of silver. People who bought in January 2010 have now doubled their money. The stunning news is that silver’s climb is not over. Buying at $33 per ounce may not be for the faint of heart, but with the outlook strong that silver will climb as high as $100 per ounce in the next 48 months, it’s an investment still worth serious consideration.

Chase Kyla Hunter 2.23.2011

Silver to Soar in 2011, Says Investment Guru
By Marc Davis     Printer Friendly Version Bookmark and Share
Feb 14 2011 8:57AM

Silver promises to become the next big buzzword among investors in 2011 and beyond, according to one of the investment industry’s most prescient and successful experts on precious metals.

Eric Sprott is the founder of the Toronto-based investment firm, Sprott Asset Management LP. His renowned hedge fund, Sprott Hedge Fund LP, is heavily weighted in precious metals and has generated an estimated 23% annualized return over the past decade. Other similarly oriented funds under his stewardship have also been stellar performers in recent years.

He’s now so bullish on silver that he launched the $575 million Sprott Physical Silver Trust in November of last year as he believes that: “Silver will be the investment of the decade.”

“I think that silver could easily get to $50 this year,” he tells

This all bodes especially well for publicly traded companies that are already mining silver, he says. Likewise for ones that are developing primary silver deposits or gold deposits with plenty of silver as a byproduct.

“If the price of silver continues to go up, silver stocks are going to perform even better,” Sprott adds.

Sprott says the big catalyst for surging silver prices in the coming years will be exponentially increasing investment demand, which is already beginning to overwhelm existing silver supplies. The mining industry only produces around 800 tonnes of silver per annum. This is a relatively inelastic supply, regardless of silver prices, he adds.

As household investors are becoming increasingly jittery about the debasement of the U.S. dollar and other major currencies, they are loading up in record numbers on silver bars, coins and silver-denominated exchange traded funds, Sprott says.

However, there’s also a quantum shift in investment demand taking place among big players in the precious metals market, including India (which is aiming to increase its imports by about 77 million ounces per annum), and of course China.

“China’s net imports of silver were 112 million ounces last year. In 2005, they were net exporters of 100 million ounces,” he says.

“That’s a 200 million ounce shift in an 800 million ounce annual market that seldom ever grows because production hardly ever goes up. So where’s it all going to come from? We don’t know.”

In fact, silver promises to outshine gold over the coming years, Sprott says. “Silver is the poor man’s gold. Gold has had a great run for the past 11 years. But I absolutely believe that silver will outperform gold this year. Currently, there’s more investment dollars going into silver than into gold.”

Such a game-changing scenario should recalibrate the gold to silver pricing ratio in silver’s favor, thereby eventually restoring it to its traditional level of about 16 to 1, he says. “It’s the easiest call of all time.”

“Silver as a currency always traded in a ratio of around 16 to 1 compared to gold, when it was a currency in the U.S. and the U.K. The current ratio is 48 to 1. If we go back to a 16 to 1 ratio, the implied price for silver would be $85.62 (per ounce).” he adds.

“On that basis, if gold goes to $1,600, then that would value silver at $100. And we certainly think that gold is going to $1,600. In fact, I’m willing to bet that this ratio will overshoot on the downside. It might even get to 10 to one.”

The only reason why silver is still trading at a 48 to 1 ratio to bullion’s spot price is that its price is being “manipulated” by big banks, Sprott says. That’s because they don’t want precious metals to become a popular alternative currency to Fiat money (currencies that are not backed by hard assets).

“Then there’s also a huge short position out there on silver,” he adds.

But time is on silver’s side, he says, as the sovereignty debt crisis deepens in Europe and a continued policy of quantitative easing in the U.S. continues to undermine the value of the greenback.

Courtesy of

Marc Davis,
BNW Business News Wire

Sudden Merger Mania in Global Stock Exchanges Watched By Truth Researchers

14 Feb
New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street in New ...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

Tags: New York Stock Exchange, merger mania stock exchanges germany canada usa, Euronext

An Irate Donald Trump Warns Economic Collapse Is Coming

6 Feb

Copyright 2011-3011 Chase Kyla Hunter, Reposted Courtesy of The Economic Collapse Blog

A few weeks ago I listened to Sean Hannity interview “the Donald,” aka Donald Trump on his radio show, and Mr. Trump was queried several times during the interview as to whether he was considering a presidential run in 2012. Trump replied that it certainly was not out of the question. His commentary on our present position in the world, and the grotesque mismanagement of our foreign policy was “spot on”. Based on what we have had to endure for “presidential leadership” over the past several decades, I personally believe we could do alot worse than Trump. He has the business brilliance, if any man does, to turn the country around and get it headed in the right direction again. He would be a formidable foe in foreign policy, he most likely has an aptitude for military strategy that would surpass Clinton or Bush, as every business person can tell you that business, at the very top level, is a type of war, and cunning strategic thinking is a prerequisite for success. Trump would bring his personal fortune to bear upon his campaign war chest, and if elected he would bring some much needed respect back to the nation. I am intrigued that he recently made an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show with all five of his adult children. This is a shot over the bow, folks. Donald Trump is serious about running for office.



Even Donald Trump Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming

In a shocking new interview, Donald Trump has gone farther than he ever has before in discussing a potential economic collapse in America. Using phrases such as “you’re going to pay $25 for a loaf of bread pretty soon” and “we could end up being another Egypt“, Trump explained to Newsmax that he is incredibly concerned about the direction our economy is headed. Whatever you may think of Donald Trump on a personal level, it is undeniable that he has been extremely successful in business. As one of the most prominent businessmen in America, he is absolutely horrified about what is happening to this nation. In fact, he is so disturbed about the direction that this country is heading that he is seriously considering running for president in 2012. But whether he decides to run in 2012 or not, what Trump is now saying about the U.S. economy should be a huge wake up call for all of us.Trump says that the U.S. government is broke, that all of our jobs are being shipped overseas, that other nations are heavily taking advantage of us and that the value of the U.S. dollar is being destroyed. The following interview with Trump was originally posted on Newsmax and it is really worth watching….Now, you may or may not think much of Donald Trump as a politician, but when a businessman of his caliber starts using apocalyptic language to describe where the U.S. economy is headed perhaps we should all pay attention.The following are 12 key quotes that were pulled out of Trump’s new interview along with some facts and statistics that show that what Trump is saying is really happening.

#1 “If oil prices are allowed to inflate and keep inflating, if the dollar keeps going down in value, I think there’s a very distinct possibility that things could get worse.”

Donald Trump is exactly right – we are headed for big trouble if we continue to allow the Federal Reserve to pump hundreds of billions of new dollars into the system. As I have written about previously, all of this new money will give us the illusion of short-term economic growth and it will pump up the stock market, but in the end all of the inflation the new money is gong to cause is going to be very painful. Just look at how rapidly M1 has been skyrocketing over the last couple of years. Is there any way that we are going to be able to avoid paying a very serious price for all of this reckless money printing?….Already all of this money printing has had a very serious affect on world financial markets. The price of agricultural commodities is skyrocketing and the price of oil has almost reached $100 a barrel once again. The last time that the price of oil soared above $100 a barrel was in the early part of 2008, and we all remember the horrific financial collapse that followed in the fall of 2008.#2 “….you’re going to pay $25 for a loaf of bread pretty soon. Look at what’s happening with our food prices. They’re going through the roof. We could end up being another Egypt. You could have riots in our streets also.”

The price of corn has risen 88 percent over the past year and the price of wheat has soared a whopping 114 percent over the past year. Let’s hope that we don’t have to pay $25 for a loaf of bread in the United States any time soon, but in some areas of the world that is what it now feels like.

Approximately 3 billion people in the world today live on the equivalent of $2 a day or less, and most of that money ends up getting spent on food. When food prices go up 10 or 20 percent in deeply impoverished areas of the globe, suddenly the lives of millions are threatened. The riots that we have seen in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and other nations recently were not entirely caused by rising food prices, but they were certainly a big factor.

#3 “I think gold will go up as long as people don’t have confidence in our president and our country. And they don’t have confidence in our president.”

Investors run to gold and other precious metals when they don’t feel secure. We saw that happen a lot in 2010. As confidence in the paper currencies and the financial systems of the world has rapidly diminished, precious metals have become increasingly attractive.

In fact, the price of gold has doubled since the beginning of the economic downturn in 2007. As the global financial situation continues to become more unstable, the demand for precious metals is likely only going to become more intense.

#4 “The banks have really let us down. Number one, they did some bad things and caused some bad problems. Number two, if you have something that you want to buy, like a house, they’re generally not there for you.”

Banks were given massive bailouts with the understanding that they would open up the vaults and start lending money to average Americans again.

Well, that has not happened.

In particular, it has become much, much harder to get a mortgage in the United States today. Not that the big banks didn’t need to make changes to their lending practices, but things have gotten so tight now that it is choking the real estate market to death.

#5 “I see $3.50 for a gallon of gas for cars, and cars are lined up trying to get it and it’s $3.50. It’s a shame, a ridiculous shame.”

Our lack of a cohesive energy policy is a national disgrace. There is no way in the world that a gallon of gas should be $3.50 a gallon.

The U.S. has massive reserves of oil and natural gas that it should be using. In addition, the lack of progress on developing alternative energy sources in light of our sickening dependence on foreign oil is very puzzling. We should be very far along towards solving our energy problems by this point.

Meanwhile, we keep pouring billions into the pockets of foreign oil barons every single month. Unfortunately, Trump was exactly correct in the interview – if something is not done the price of gas is going to keep going higher.

#6 “I think the biggest threat is that our jobs are being stolen by other countries. We’re not going to have any jobs here pretty soon.”

Donal Trump is one of the few prominent leaders that is openly speaking the truth about the predatory economic practices of some of our “trading partners”. Most of our politicians have just kept endlessly promising us that free trade is “good for us” even as tens of thousands of factories and millions upon millions of jobs have been shipped overseas.

Back in 1970, 25 percent of all jobs in the United States were manufacturing jobs. Today, only 9 percent of the jobs in the United States are manufacturing jobs.

Yes, computers and robots have replaced a lot of manual labor today, but technology does not account for most of the decline we have seen in manufacturing.

n 1959, manufacturing represented 28 percent of all U.S. economic output. In 2008, it represented only 11.5 percent. Meanwhile, manufacturing in the “developing world” has absolutely exploded.

#7 “We’re like a whipping post for other countries. We are standing there and just being beaten by South Korea, by Mexico, by China, by India.”

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how lopsided many of our “trade agreements” actually are. Other nations openly manipulate their currencies in order to keep their exports dirt cheap and we allow it. Other nations openly subsidize their domestic industries that are directly competing with businesses in the United States and we don’t complain. Other nations make it incredibly difficult for American companies to do business in their countries while we allow foreign corporations to come on in and do pretty much whatever they want here.

Then there are certain nations (such as China) that brazenly rip off trade secrets from foreign corporations time after time after time and never get penalized for it.

Meanwhile, our economy continues to bleed jobs at a staggering pace. The number of net jobs gained by the U.S. economy during this past decade was smaller than during any other decade since World War 2.

Fortunately, more Americans than ever seem to be waking up and are realizing that globalism is causing many of these problems. A NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted last year discovered that 69 percent of Americans now believe that free trade agreements have cost America jobs.

#8 “All of our jobs are going to China. We’re rebuilding China and other places.”

China is doing great. China is now the number one producer in the world of wind and solar power. They now possess the fastest supercomputer on the entire globe. China also now has the world’s fastest train and the world’s biggest high-speed rail network.

Most Americans don’t realize that China is literally kicking the crap out of us.

Back in 1998, the United States had 25 percent of the world’s high-tech export market and China had just 10 percent. Ten years later, the United States had less than 15 percent and China’s share had soared to 20 percent.

Every single month we buy about 4 times as much stuff from them as they buy from us. Our trade deficit with China has ballooned to enormous proportions. In fact, the U.S. trade deficit with China during this past August was more than 4,600 times larger than the U.S. trade deficit with China was for the entire year of 1985.

So when Donald Trump says that we are rebuilding China he is not joking around.

Nobel economist Robert W. Fogel of the University of Chicago is projecting that the Chinese economy will be three times larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2040 if current trends continue.

Yes, that is how serious things have become.

#9 “We are a laughingstock throughout the world.”

Donald Trump has said on several occasions that his friends and business partners in China just laugh and laugh at us. They can’t even believe what they are getting away with.

We have become an incompetent giant that is the butt of all the jokes.

According to Stanford University economics professor Ed Lazear, if the U.S. economy and the Chinese economy continue to grow at current rates, the average Chinese citizen will be wealthier than the average American citizen in just 30 years.

Our formerly great industrial cities are slowly becoming ghost towns. The number of long-term unemployed Americans is at an all-time high. Tens of millions of Americans can’t even survive without government assistance anymore. The number of Americans on food stamps set a new all-time record every single month during 2010, and now well over 43 million Americans are enrolled in the program.

We really have become a joke.

#10 “The federal government has no money.”

Unfortunately, our federal government has continued to borrow and spend like there is no tomorrow.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the U.S. government will have the biggest budget deficit ever recorded (approximately 1.5 trillion dollars) this year.

So much for fiscal discipline, eh?

It is being projected that the U.S. national debt will increase by $150,000 per U.S. household between 2009 and 2021.

Do you have an extra $150,000 to contribute for your share?

By 2015 our national debt will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 trillion dollars.

It is the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world by far, and it is the gift that we are going to pass down to future generations of Americans.

If there are any future generations of Americans.

#11 “I hate what is happening to this country.”

We should all hate what is happening to this country. Our economic guts are being ripped out, we are being abused by the rest of the world, America’s infrastructure is being sold off piece by piece, our federal government is drowning in debt, our state governments are drowning in debt and our local governments are drowning in debt.

The only way we can even keep going is to run around to the rest of the world and beg them to keep lending us more money.

The mainstream media keeps proclaiming that we are the greatest economy on earth, but the truth is that we are being transformed into a pathetic loser and our politicians are just standing there with their hands in their pockets letting it happen.

All red-blooded Americans should be horrified by what is happening to this nation. We have been betrayed by corrupt and incompetent leaders. As a nation, we have become fat, lazy and stupid.

Hopefully what Donald Trump and others are saying about a coming economic collapse will serve as a huge wake up call and the sleeping giant will arise once again.

If the sleeping giant does not arise, we are in a massive amount of trouble, because right now the road we are on is leading to the biggest economic collapse the world has ever seen.
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February 3rd, 2011 | Tags: Bankruptcy, Debt, Debts, Economic, Foreclosures, Loans, Mortgage, Mortgages | Category: The Next Great Depression

Federal Reserve Makes 9 Trillion in Emergency Loans Overnight

2 Dec

BREAKING STORY: Re-post courtesy of CNN 12.1.2010


Congress Forces FED to Name Recipients of 3.3 Trillion in Crisis Aid

[ Does it surprise anyone that the disclosed list of banks who received this staggering sum are the same old Illuminati owned banking dynasties that are behind every criminal skim of “loans” since they illegally created their fake “federal reserve” in 1914? This criminal banking cabal needs to come to an end. – CK Hunter ]

Top recipients of overnight loans made by the Federal Reserve under special program that ran from March 2008 through May 2009. By Chris Isidore, senior writerDecember 1, 2010: 5:07 PM ET

NEW YORK ( — The Federal Reserve made $9 trillion in overnight loans to major banks and Wall Street firms during the financial crisis, according to newly revealed data rele

In 1935, Cret designed the Seal of the Board o...

Image via Wikipedia

ased Wednesday.

The loans were made through a special loan program set up by the Fed in the wake of the Bear Stearns collapse in March 2008 to keep the nation’s bond markets trading normally.

The amount of cash being pumped out to the financial giants was not previously disclosed. All the loans were backed by collateral and all were paid back with a very low interest rate to the Fed — an annual rate of between 0.5% to 3.5%.

Still, the total amount was a surprise, even to some who had followed the Fed’s rescue efforts closely.

“That’s a real number, even for the Fed,” said FusionIQ’s Barry Ritholtz, author of the book “Bailout Nation.” While the fact that the markets were in trouble was already well known, he said the amount of help they needed is still surprising.

“It makes it very clear this was a very serious, very unusual situation,” he said.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who had authored the provision of the financial reform law that required Wednesday’s disclosure, called the data that was released incredible and jaw-dropping.

“The $700 billion Wall Street bailout turned out to be pocket change compared to trillions and trillions of dollars in near zero interest loans and other financial arrangements that the Federal Reserve doled out to every major financial institution,” Sanders said.

He said that even if the Fed was right to make the loans to keep the economy from toppling into a depression, it should have made stronger demands that the banks help American consumers and small businesses.

“They may have repaid their loans, but that’s not good enough,” he said. “It’s clear the demands the Fed made were not enough.”

The Wall Street firm that received the most assistance was Merrill Lynch, which received $2.1 trillion, spread across 226 loans. The firm did not survive the crisis as an independent company, and was purchased by Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) just as Lehman Brothers was failing.

Citigroup (C, Fortune 500), which ended up with a majority of its shares owned by the Treasury Department due to a separate federal bailout, was No. 2 on the list with 279 loans totaling $2 trillion. Morgan Stanley (MS, Fortune 500) was third with $1.9 trillion coming from 212 loans.

“As we have previously disclosed, Morgan Stanley utilized some of the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending facilities during a time of immense financial turmoil throughout the banking sector and the broader market,” Morgan Stanley said in a statement Wednesday. “The Fed’s actions were timely and critical, and we commend them for providing liquidity and stabilizing the financial system during that period.”

The largest single loan was by Barclays Capital, which borrowed $47.9 billion on Sept. 18, 2008, in the days after the Lehman bankruptcy.

Some Wall Street firms disputed the way the Fed reported the numbers. An executive from one of the firms said that many of the overnight loans were rolled over for days at a time, and that each day it was counted as a new loan. “It’s being double, triple, quadruple counted in some cases,” said the executive.

Not all the major banks needed much help from the Fed. JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500) received only three loans from this program for a total of $3 billion.

The last loan was made under the program in May 2009, and the program, known as the primary dealer credit facility, was officially discontinued in February of this year.

The Federal Reserve revealed details of that program as part of a large scale release of data on all the steps it took to stabilize the nation’s financial sector during the markets crisis of the last few years.

The central bank posted details of more than 21,000 transactions with major banks and Wall Street firms between December of 2007 and July of 2010.

In addition to the loan program for bond dealers, the data covered the Fed’s purchases of more $1 trillion in mortgages, and spending to back consumer and small business loans, as well as commercial paper used to keep large corporations running.

The rescues of the investment bank Bear Stearns in March of 2008, and insurance behemoth AIG in September of that year, were also revealed in far greater detail, as were programs to make dollars available to foreign central banks in return for their currency, in order to keep international trade flowing.

Most of the special programs set up by the Fed in response to the crisis of 2008 have since expired, although it still holds close to $2 trillion in assets it purchased during that time.

The Fed said it did not lose money on any of the transactions that have been closed, and that it does not expect to lose money on the assets it still holds.

The details of which banks participated in the Fed’s emergency programs, and how the banks benefited from the transactions, had never before been revealed.

The Fed argued that revealing the information could cause a run on the banks that needed to draw cash at the discount window. But under the financial regulatory reform act that was passed in July, the Fed will reveal future discount window transactions following a two-year lag.

The Bank of England Owns the Federal Reserve

Rothschild Family Fortune Estimated at 500 Trillion Dollars [ 2008 Video Archive ]

1 Dec

11.29.2010 video re-post by CK Hunter

When you watch the first video, listen carefully to the list and chain of command of media organizations which are owned by the Rothschild family. It’s staggering.

Tags: Rothschild fortune 500 trillion, the Rothschilds, richest family in the world, Illuminati families, controlling gold markets, who controls the gold markets Wants The ‘Old’ Obama of 2008 to Return

1 Dec

11.29.2010 By Chase Kyla Hunter

Since the Wikileaks cables release, I have been perusing new research and  re-tracing the many myriad orgs, institutes, think tanks, and other aggregates which have either been founded or funded by George Soros. Glenn Beck has laid out some pretty peculiar connected dots between George Soros and Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, and as of this morning, arguably the most despised, yet well known name on planet earth.

Ecuador has volunteered to give Julian Assange permanent safe harbor from the potential legal troubles he may soon encounter for stealing and releasing hundreds of thousands of US diplomatic cables and posting them to the web via Beck maintains that George Soros is financing Julian, which he states might equate to George Soros having the USA in his sights as a target. Along the trail of re-visiting some of Soros’s orgs, I found something I thought to be quite humorous, in a sad sort of way.

It’s a video clip where one of Barack Obama’s young supporters is begging for the “Old” Barack Obama of 2008 to come back,  put on his cape and begin fighting the worldwide evil threat presented by conservatism again, or something like that. Oh, Superman. Oh duh.

I wonder which Obama he really longs for, as there are at least three or four Obamas that I have noted in his NPD mood swings. Let’s see, well we all know “Messiah Obama” – the ONE, the anointed, the great [muslim ] Czar president of the world, then there is “brown shirt” Obama, the one who wants Americans to sit down, shut up, accept socialized healthcare, and stop trying to keep the America they have known and loved since their baby boomer youth. There is spendaholic Obama, who sees every problem in terms of how much electronic printing press money he can throw at it, to keep bailing us out of this, that, and the next sinking financial boat.

And finally the newest Obama is the brooding [ and quick to run away to India ] “shellacked” Obama, the actual man behind the “Wizard of Odd” curtain, the one we now realize was actually telling the truth in 2005 when he earnestly spoke with reporters about how a presidential run in 08 was out of the question, as he knew he did not have enough experience to be the president.

Ahhh. There we have it. There’s our man. He is the one that really lives behind all the other Obamas. He is a liberal intellectual, far left leaning college professor, an academic who was ‘handled’ since his youth by secret government nwo men in suits, has never owned or operated a business, never has actually lived in the real world of finance, usually only voted “present” as a neophyte senator in 05 and 06, is mostly tolerant of Christian beliefs, but only because he knows he must be, is disgusted secretly by America’s historical position in the world, and now is apparently determined to change it. That’s the actual real Obama that I have identified thus far.

And now that he has been thoroughly shellacked by American voters, we all continue to pray, to wait and watch to see which way he will move next on his agenda: the “dismantling of American excellence by degrees” NWO mandate that he apparently operates under. Here are two videos:

Chase Kyla Hunter

Historical videos:

Ron Paul: US Will Return to Gold Standard [ Ridley Report ]

28 Nov

11.28.2010 Youtube Re-post by CK Hunter

Tags: ron paul, us economy, metals, gold, price of gold, federal reserve, federal deficit, gold standard, buying gold, buying silver, dollar value, protecting the dollar

Fictional Hyper-inflation Scenario for December 2012: “The Day the Dollar Died”

27 Nov

11.27.2010 Youtube repost by CK Hunter

Tags: hyper-inflation, fictional warning video hyper-inflation, dollar, currency, dollar collapse 2012, value of the dollar, deficit spending federal reserve

Eric Cantona to the World: “Kill the Banks” He Urges Global Run on Banks, Sparking A Movement

23 Nov

Copyright 2010-3010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, Re-posts permitted leaving all content and links intact.

You knew it had to happen sooner or later. Someone, somewhere who has alot of clout with a celebrity following, and a history of stirring up the masses to action, would just put it right out there and call for an out and out global RUN ON THE BANKS. [TARGET DATE: December 7th]

Well why the hell not? They are going down sooner or later, due to their own grisly evil corruption and sheer wickedness, so why not just expedite the process, and put these global banking cartel bastards OUT OF BUSINESS FOR GOOD? I’ve been completely OUT of the banking system for four years now, and I have saved hundreds of dollars a year in evil fees and avoided even more insipid loss of personal privacy. So I’m on board all the way. There’s no better way to get the illuminati’s attention and remind them of who and what really makes the world go round, that being OUR MONEY.

It’s OUR MONEY, not theirs, that keeps the idiotic world banking system afloat in the first damn place. Without OUR MONEY, their rotten little banking cartels will fall like the house of cards they are.

I say: “Go for it.”

Woohoo. Will the rowdy french, who riot at the drop of a hat anyway, take Eric’s advice and RUN ON THE BANKS? Stay tuned to find out!

Chase Kyla Hunter


Man U Player of the Century Eric Cantona Appeals for Peaceful Revolution Against Banks, Calls for Europeans To Pull Their Money

by Tyler Durden

A few weeks ago we noted that December 7 is becoming a grass roots “banker mutiny” day, in which citizens across Europe will pull money from their banks and thus force a pan-European bank run on what is already a bankrupt financial system, which survives each day only at the expense of the continent’s increasingly indebted citizens, their life of increasing austerity, and of course, the US Federal Reserve and its final backstop. In some ways we discounted the potential reach of this movement. Enter Eric Cantona – just ask any sport afficionado who the most entertaining, flamboyant and skillful football player of 1990’s Manchester United was and 9 out of 10 times you will hear that name. The icon (both in England and France) whose on field antics were only matched by his kung fu skills, and who has a massive popular following, has been recorded agitating viewers (many of them), to enact a bloodless revolution against French banks: “We don’t pick up weapons to kill people, to start the revolution… the revolution is really easy to do nowadays. What is the system? The system revolves around the banks. It’s based on the power of the banks… so it must be destroyed starting with the banks. This means that the 3 million people with their placards on the street… they go to the bank, withdraw their money from the banks and these ones collapse. 10 million people and the banks collapse and there is not real threat, a real revolution. We must go to the bank. In this case there would be a real revolution. It’s not complicated. You simply go to the bank in your country and withdraw your money. If there are enough people withdrawing their money, the system collapses. No weapon, no blood, or anything like that.” A peaceful anti-banking revolution, brilliantly explained so that everyone can understand.

But comprehension is only half the battle. The other half is getting off your ass. Which is why this will never work in the US. As for Europe, we will find out in 3 weeks…

Here ‘s the Eric Cantona video, folks: