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Featured Post: Is There a Top Secret War Being Waged Between the US Military and the CIA?

26 Oct
The entrance to the Central Intelligence Agenc...

Is the CIA secretly at war with the US Military Industrial complex over who will have the highest authority in the NWO hidden power structure?

Copyright 2011-3011 Chase Kyla Hunter & Photonic Portal 2037 All Rights Reserved. Re-posts must leave content, author, blog name, URL & copyright intact. Love this news blog? Shop here & support it. Read this report live on the blog for the most current version:

I have located several videos this morning that interested me and which I wanted to share. I have heard this NWO related rumor before, that there is an urgent and all out “secret war” being waged between elements of the US Military-industrial complex and our own CIA. If this is true what it would imply is that two different factions of the secret governing elite in the United States are at war with one another, with We the People unknowingly caught in the middle of it.

The first video brings up several facts that I have documented before in many posts on this blog, i.e. the real cost of the secret NWO tunnel system which snakes through the western states of the USA being some 40 to 50 trillion dollars, which has been siphoned off of the top of the US economy surreptitiously for more than 40 years. Apparently that tunnel system was recently attacked and at least two underground nuclear detonations took place this year, according to this report. This next post is an hour in length. It might take some time to get through all of this material but it is worth it to get a larger picture of what might be taking place, literally beneath our feet.

I am looking for more video which will corroborate this information. I am posting the following videos as speculation, and I make no claims as to the accuracy of any intelligence which is presented therein. But there are many dots to be connected if such explosions did take place. Here’s what I have gathered thus far and I will post more as I locate the info.

Cited:  “An excerpt from David’s blog concerning the real reason for the earthquakes in Colorado and Virginia.

Video created by

En Espanol:

Has WordPress Betrayed It’s Bloggers? Too Many “WTF” Censorship Moments

13 Jul

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter and Photonic Portal 2037, All Rights Reserved. Re-posting of this essay is disallowed. Link-backs only.

Author’s Notes:

The post began as a routine report. I had heard a local conservative radio host comment that nearly 20% of Americans are now on food stamps. The number seemed absurd so I looked it up when I got home. I just happened to catch a chart in a YT video which showed the escalating numbers of food stamp recipients. I intended to post it. I checked other fact sheets and articles and saw that 20% of America, not 14% is actually currently on food stamps. This fact flies in the face of Big Media spin which is telling us about the “economic recovery.” I intended to post that as well. But the story suddenly took a bizarre turn when I tried to do a very routine thing on WordPress – to set up a new post category. It’s something I do dozens of times a week. Very routine.

As I was typing the phrase “2011 Food Stamp Statistics” into the text pane for new parent categories, something happened which IS NOT supposed to be possible on WordPress, especially when you own the domain you are posting to. A red box appeared with the phrase: “You do not have permission to do that.”

I actually thought it was some sort of joke, like a belated April Fool’s spoof, going on on WordPress. I tried to type but nothing would enter the pane. I refreshed the page – twice. When the red text box refused to disappear I grabbed a screen shot of it and this very routine post, suddenly became all about censorship, much more than it was about how many people are now living on food stamps.

I finished the post, told what happened, inserted the screen shot and posted it. It immediately disappeared after I posted it, although six altered versions had been held in draft form. They all disappeared. I began re-creating the post from scratch. I posted the re-creation and it held. I placed it on the front page. Later that same evening I put another front page up. When I logged on this am, the page version of what I had done had disappeared from my list of pages. I re-created the page version again, re-told the expanding story, and now it will remain on my main blog’s front page, along with this front page, until further notice. What’s taking place is dreadful.

There are only two options here:

1) The good men and women behind WordPress have no control of when the NSA goons seize control of their platform and do what they will with it,


2) WordPress has on their staff, employees in freelance, who, unknown to WordPress, are working for the FED in some capacity to try to intimidate people like me on WP, and there are thousands of us.

I had planned on eventually spending thousands of dollars to support WordPress and keep all my news blogs hosted on their platform. That won’t happen now. I do not think that WP will ever admit what is, or what has happened, but this blogging platform is being surveilled. The minute someone somewhere tried to tell me “You do not have permission to do that” on my own news blog, the truth telling and the entire story changed.

At some point soon I will be vacating this platform, but not before I expose each and every incident where my own free speech as a reporter is suppressed [ or attempted to be suppressed ] from behind the scenes. So this page will also now remain up until further notice as the front page for Photonic Portal 20137. I know it’s not “photonic” in nature, but it IS pertinent. Here’s the story that inspired the goofy red box text, with a screen shot of the actual censosrhip effort. Can we say “epic fail?”

Chase Kyla Hunter 7.13.2011


Copyright 2011-3011 Chase Kyla Hunter & Alternative News Report, All Rights Reserved. Re-posts are permitted leaving all essay content, author’s name, original link location and copyright stamp intact only.

Preface: This page was first posted on 7.12.2011. It disappeared right after I first posted it on 7.12.2011 and it disappeared again on 7.13.2011. So I just re-posted it for a second time. Someone somewhere is attempting to censor free speech in America that dissents from any official information coming from the White House. This fact should be noted as one of the Top Ten Signs of Emerging Fascism. I want to thank readers for being here, and for caring enough to tell others about my work and for sharing the information they find on this blog. Please help me to continue to remain online. I need to vacate the heavily surveilled WP blogging platform asap. I need your financial support to do that. Browse the store or make a donation. Each time this post is removed I will re-post it. It will remain on the front page of this blog through Labor Day. I intend to make my point. Trying to silence factual dissenting speech in America will only make that speech grow louder.  I intend to keep researching, writing and speaking the truth to Americans, who are my friends, my family, my beloved countrymen, my neighbors. Thank you again for taking the time to read and share what you find on Alternative News Report.

Chase Kyla Hunter


“Today SNAP released the most recent food stamp numbers. Not surprisingly, we just saw another all time high 44.2 million poverty-level Americans relying on government funding for day to day sustenance. Granted the number appears to be plateauing, so all those who bought the change if not the ‘hype’, can rejoice as it may start declining next month: a development that is sure to be herald for Obama a 4th Putin-esque term.”


On 7.12.2011 I wrote:

There are approximately 300 million people in America in 2011. Between 44.2 and 47 million of them are now on food stamps. Did you know this? My first post on this topic from 15 minutes ago, disappeared into thin air when I tried to post it online.

I need to correct the erroneous percentages I see being bantered around in the media. It is NOT 14% of Americans who are now on food stamps. It is 20%.

Here is the bizarre little note that popped up in the WP dashboard when I tried to add the category “2011 Food Stamp Statistics” to my list of post categories:

WordPress is now being actively surveilled / monitored.  Someone somewhere [ I suspect the NSA ]  is trying to censor what is being posted if it’s deemed detrimental to the 2012 Obama re-election campaign. This is my second try. Here goes:

More on this topic, and what just happened, later. Please help me out and see to it that this post flies around the world. It’s not that the statistics are that dire. Americans who have eyes and a pulse know that what we are living through is NOT just a recession. It’s a depression. It’s the issue of being censored for trying to publish an article about it. That’s one of the top ten signs of emerging fascism: media and free speech censorship. Make sure that this post, with the screen shot I just grabbed, showing the telltale surveillance, and the attempt to intimidate me into NOT posting, gets into every email inbox in America. We are losing our free internet. And we are going to have to fight like hell to keep it.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Tags: 2011 food stamp statistics, internet free speech, top ten signs of fascism, web surveillance, NSA, WordPress blogging platform surveilled by FED

9-11 Truth Movement: When Racism and Truth Research Collide, Understanding and Insight Collapse

8 Mar

Copyright 2011-3011 By CK Hunter, Video Repost Courtesy of

The video below appeared in my Youtube listings today. I’m not sure what the motive was for releasing this new footage by the truth research site, other than for historical purposes, but here it is:

Debate continues to rage about exactly who and what group or groups were really responsible for 9-11. Truth researchers are often faced with the daunting task of sifting through reams of reports, many of which may be very cleverly crafted CIA disinformation and political or racist propaganda, versus actual journalism and real impartial reporting, in order to understand who or what people and elements are behind a given event.

All evidence I have examined thus far points to elements in the Bush family crime cabal, along with certain elements within Saudi Arabia and the hidden governing elite power structure that I refer to as the Illuminati crime cabal [ the CFR, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, et al ] as being involved and / or liable for what happened on 9-11. Other truth researchers may take a different slant but the evidence is piling up and we examine each piece carefully. For example, I located this video today. It’s the entire feature length film, produced by Prison Planet TV and is approx. 1 hour, 55 minutes in length:

My research is inconclusive and most likely 88% of the real evidence linking these groups to 9-11 evaporated in the smoke from building seven’s controlled demolition. We may never know the truth.

Michael Moore’s film: Fahrenheit 9-11 did an excellent job of exposing the financial motives that the Saudis would have had to turn a blind eye to what was coming and help fly the Bin Laden family discreetly out of America two nights after 9-11, on US government chartered jets. There should be enough clues in the prior sentence to lead someone in the right direction when investigating this national tragedy and what kind of power structure was really behind it.

A color photographic rendering of the twin towers in flames was released in a deck of playing cards that accompanied a morbid parlor game titled “New World Order” in 1998, five years before the event took place. This would imply

This image appeared in 1998 5 years before 9-11. The card game was manufactured in America.

of course that the event we call 9-11 was planned.

Here’s a link to an article I wrote about this:

A fresh new flavor of “crazy” emerged recently when a local in my own community, began working on a former friend to convince her that “the Jews” in Israel concocted and executed 9-11 and that “the Jews” were and are responsible for just about every evil event taking place in the world, both presently, and historically. This kind of thinking is exactly what appeared in post World War I Germany in taverns and pubs in the early 1900s. It eventually led to a global holocaust in which 9 to 12 million innocent Jews were slaughtered like animals by people who were utterly convinced that they were doing the right thing.

Anti-semitism and racism appear in all kinds of strange disguises during times of rapid world change and uncertain future outcomes. But that’s not what surprised me about what I recently observed. What surprised me was how quickly my former friend took on this erroneous anthem of hate and racial bigotry herself.

Believing that the Jewish government in Israel instigated and carried out 9-11 is as preposterous as believing that all blacks in America hate whites and are planning to take over America via violent revolution. Just because Rev. Wright in Chicago shouted “God Damn America!” in a sermon, does not infer that all blacks feel that way or would act out in that way.

Combining the search for truth with overt racism is the wrong path to take to arrive at right understanding. It is deranged political extremism in it’s worst and most distorted expression.

Likewise, deciding to advocate violence or a violent uprising here, or anywhere in America as far as I am concerned, is also wrong, and I will continue to speak out against those types of short sighted and immature “solutions” which will only bring more harm.

If among my blog subscribers there exists such extremists who may believe that this or that racial group is solely responsible for this or that particular world evil,  I’d like for you to unsubscribe. You won’t find anything on this blog which will support your anti-semitic, or homophobic, or white supremacist, misogynist leanings. Further, I don’t support or endorse anarchy, I don’t support or endorse atheism, I don’t support or endorse violent uprising, or secret clubs and secret societies of any sort, as they breed nothing but trouble, even when carried out with the most noble of intentions.

So rather than “out” the hate mongers who might lurk among my blog subscribers, I will, for now, just ask them cordially to unsubscribe and take their off-balance lunacy somewhere else.

I can’t figure out why someone who carries around that kind of vitriol would want to read what I write any way.  After all, I am 2/3rds Jewish, not to mention that I am gay and 3/8th Cherokee. I represent just about everything that a racist or political extremist would hate. Haters and racists begone. Please remove yourself from my subscriber list.

If anything ever happened to me, such extremists among my subscribers would be at the very top of the list of suspects. Best to leave now and erase all evidence that you ever met me, and /or read any of my Christian truth research.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Donald Rumsfeld’s Problematic Memoir: WMD “Lost and Found” Question Still at Large

4 Feb
rumsfeld [unknown unknowns]

Donald Rumsfeld

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

Author’s note: As much as Julian Assange may be reviled by those in high political places, his exposed Wikileaks diplomatic cables reveal something that causes more rewriting [again] of what we thought we knew to be true about the Iraq war. Numerous links are posted on these pages:

These two posts purport that [ after everything, including ruined careers aplenty ] there was, in fact, WMD located in Iraq before the war, and that Russia removed part of it and the US removed other parts.  The operative dilemma is what constitutes the actual definition of “WMD.” I am taking the position in the essay below that nuclear weapons of mass destruction is the defined term. Only the hidden files of the American Military Industrial complex contain the actual truth on the matter. Whatever was located by Russian and US forces, confiscated, squirreled away for future uses, we may never know.

So I am posting this note to let readers know there is still controversy over what was found, who found it, where it is, and how it may be used in the future.

I had written the essay below before I located the information above. I have now been exposed to so much contradictory information about “Iraqi WMD” that I don’t really know what to believe. But such is the reality of trying to report as a citizen journalist in the current American milleau of media spin, left wing disinformation, right wing counter-disinformation and all the rest.

It is truly maddening. I wanted to post the link to the information above, but I cannot verify it. Most of it comes from one blog, so buyer beware. Here’s an excerpt:

‘The release by Julian Assange’s web site Wikileaks of classified documents reveals that U.S. military intelligence discovered chemical weapons labs, encountered insurgents who were specialists in the creation of toxins, and uncovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. However, Washington, DC officials and the news media have ignored this information.

One of the WikiLeaks document dumps reveals that as late as 2008, American troops continued to find WMD in the region.

There are numerous mentions of chemical and biological weapons in the WikiLeaks documents, however the U.S. media appear only interested in those portions of the leaked material that highlight actions that are viewed as embarrassing for the U.S. military such as the accusation that U.S. commanders were aware of abuse and “torture” of prisoners by Iraqi soldiers and police officers.

The U.S. Defense Department continues to demand that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange immediately return the stolen military documents in his possession, including recent documents that created another stir when published, according to Elaine Wilson of American Forces Press Service.

The department also wants the whistle-blowing web site to permanently delete all versions of these documents, which contain classified and sensitive information, from its web site, computers and records, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell told reporters during a Pentagon briefing.

WikiLeaks documents don’t reveal evidence of a massive weapons program by Saddam Hussein — the Bush administration’s leading rationale for invading Iraq — or some enormous stockpile of WMD, but do reveal that chemical weapons did vanish from the Iraqi battlefield.

According to the latest WikiLeaks document “dump,” Saddam’s toxic arsenal, significantly reduced after the Gulf War, remained intact. Jihadists, insurgents and foreign (possibly Iranian) agitators turned to these stockpiles during the Iraq conflict and may have brewed up their own deadly agents, according to the WikiLeaks web site.

During that time, former Iraqi General Georges Sada, Saddam’s top commander, detailed the transfers of Iraq’s WMD. “There [were] weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands,” Mr. Sada said. “I am confident they were taken over.”

Gen. Sada’s comments came just a month after Israel’s top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, claimed that Saddam Hussein “transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria.”

In 2004, for example, American special forces members secretly purchased what they believed to be containers of liquid sulfur mustard which have been used since World War I. Following testing in a military lab, the chemical was then secured and transferred to a secret location.’

[end excerpt]

Chase Kyla Hunter 02.04.2011

Below is my original essay from yesterday:

I always knew that the only man more arrogant than Dick Cheney in the George W. Bush White House was Donald Rumsfeld.I had grown tired of watching geriatric old white men try to run the country at least 20 years earlier when George’s father was in the White House, running up the national debt to near crisis levels back then. It took Ross Perot to remind us all about that, with his charts and graphs and funny ears.Then came the high IQ southern rooster, Bill Clinton, another Bilderberg man all the way, brainy, but a poor excuse for a national leader on moral, marital and ethical terms.Clinton played the saxophone on late night TV to get the youth vote. He was a flagrant womanizer, and no amount of public relations media sheen would be able to eventually obfuscate that fact. His wife seemed to be a lot smarter than he was, but she had chronic “bad hair” and Americans took deep umbrage at her crack about “not staying home and making cookies” during Bill’s presidency. Hillary too, seemed doomed by her behaviors and commentary to become a tolerated political thorn in the nation’s side.

By the time we got to George Junior, via his crooked relatives in Florida and his old boy’s club cronies who sat on the Supreme Court, I was already so disgusted with the sad sorry affair of what we are offered as an excuse for presidential leadership in this country, that I was mostly tuning it all out. I was historically apolitical, found it all distasteful and routinely dishonest and for the most part could have cared less. I watched sadly as Al Gore went home and accepted the fact that his election night win and his presidency had been stolen from him.

The popular vote was turning out to be irrelevant after all, just like intelligent political observers had noted many years earlier.

I continued to assume that the national electoral college was honest and ethical for the most part, because I hated considering the alternative.

But it was a hard pill to swallow, seeing it all play out on national TV right before our eyes. Looking back I know now it had nothing to do with “hanging chads in Florida.” America was still in denial back then I suppose. We really did not want to believe that it was who you knew, who you paid off, who your daddy knew, and most importantly, what the Bilderbergers wanted, that dictated who would run the country.

In 2000 many of us still thought our voices mattered and our presidential votes counted. We were naive and we just didn’t know better.

Right after George Junior took office he began to plan the Iraq war. As Michael Moore noted in “Fahrenheit 9-11” the younger Bush enjoyed golf, and he played frequently. He was playing lots and lots of golf in the weeks and months right before 9-11 took place. He took fishing trips. He played cowboy on his Texas ranch.

Then came 9-11 and the shock and grief of a nation stunned by an act of evil so monstrous we could barely comprehend it. Every American alive right now who was an adult when 9-11 occurred will always recall where they were and what they were doing when the event took place. It was an obelisk driven into the ground of our collective memory, a moment in time which marked the end of our political innocence and the beginning of our descent into the incomprehensible.

A lone lady FBI agent working in a field office in the northern Midwest had seen this coming. She had warned her superiors about the probability and likelihood of a terrorist attack involving jihadists who would use American jetliners to fly into buildings. Her repeated field reports were disregarded. She was ignored. The attack took place. The Bilderberg plan proceeded.

Not knowing the horrendous back end of the event at the time, after 9-11 a furious and desperate patriotism in America foamed at a fever pitch I had never witnessed before.

Everywhere people who were usually politically aloof now flew American flags: on their car radio antennas, on their front porches, on t-shirts and jewelry, on houseboats, at rodeos, in shabby trailer parks and even in graffiti washed inner city ghettos. We had been told that Osama Bin Laden was the culprit, the mastermind of this attack, and we all wanted his head on a platter.

Tell me, have you heard anyone in the press even mention Bin Laden’s name in the past few years? More oddly: have you ever heard Barack Obama mention the name “Osama Bin Laden?”

The CIA knows all about the hidden truth on the Bin Laden story. They are holding the master dossier. And unless we burn them out with ever more scalding truth reports that “out” more of their horrendous secrets from the deep rabbit-hole of hidden black ops, they will never reveal what they know.

By late 2001, post 9-11, western style wanted posters of Bin Laden were appearing on hundreds of websites. Open plans for the war on Iraq were discussed and debated on Big Media news outlets.

We were being told again and again about Saddam Hussein and his colossal stash of “weapons of mass destruction.” We all became familiar with the term “WMD.”

One of our favorite American sons at the time, Colin Powell, who was a trusted political figure before the Iraq war, went before the UN and made his case for war. In spite of the dissent and debate which roared over it, the decision had been made in secret, years prior, without our knowledge, without our consent, as usual. The decision had most likely been made before George junior was artificially appointed President, in hidden halls of power that Alex Jones has now made very familiar to everyone with his ranting mega horn blaring, screaming patriotic platitudes at the passing black limousines that swoosh by as they enter some secret destination somewhere for the annual Halloween Witches and Warlocks political carnival that is commonly referred to as the “Annual Secret Bilderberg Meeting.”

We were going to war in Iraq, all costs and consequences be damned.

I distinctly recall those heady moments for Donald Rumsfeld during the early opening moments of theIraq war, during the “shock and awe” phase, when he would strut into the daily national White House press conference and hold court before bewildered and submissive reporters who were trying to understand what was really taking place.

Rumsfeld glowed. He conducted himself like the happiest man in the universe. By God he was at last having his war his way, the war which had been planned for so long, the war which was on the Bilderberg blueprint for America far in advance of 9-11. And now by God he was in charge of it all, having a grand time appearing daily before American TV cameras as the public relations centerpiece of the whole operation. Rumsfeld would strut into those press conferences during the first 90 days of “shock and awe” like the President himself. He could not have been more proud of what was taking place.

It was all enough to make one lose the contents of their stomach, just observing what could only be described as Rumsfeld’s “military glee” with the deluge of death that we were raining down on Baghdad. The media bought the whole thing lock stock and barrel. That was the directive which had been given: “support the war effort, and constrain any dissent.”

Rumsfeld would be questioned with hushed tones of reverence and respect back then, young reporters perspiring to choose their words just right so as not to offend the great military warrior king who was in charge of ridding the world of Iraq’s dreaded “weapons of mass destruction.” For a fleeting moment in American history, Donald Rumsfeld was the most important man in America. Invigorated by all the press and attention, his step had a little extra spring in it when he walked toward the podium to address the press about the progress of our military machine as it pummeled Baghdad.

What a different story history will finally write. Americans are not nearly as uninformed as they were ten years ago about who and what really runs the country and what they have done.

The scripted Rumsfeld daily press conference which played out for about two years described above began to dissipate into national agony and outrage, as we all finally learned the terrible truth. There was no WMD stash hidden in Iraq that our soldiers could locate anywhere. Once again, the inconceivable was being delivered to us via those hated Big Media news heads that strained credulity to the breaking point. It became the most world famous “WTF moment” in modern times.

We had gone to war over a CIA intelligence “mythology,” a fabrication which had been passed along via double-speaking double agents in the Mideast, like an old oral tradition, the original story changing and getting worse with each retelling, until the final version we heard on American Big Media newscasts bore no resemblance whatsoever to the original lie. It was now twenty times worse instead.

Do you suppose Donald Rumsfeld secretly knew the truth all along? Do you suppose that the ruined credibility and dashed career of Colin Powell could have been averted? Or was Powell in on the “WMD terrible truth”  too?

Knowing what I now know about just how dark and sinister our American industrial military complex really is, I don’t know who or what to believe and I trust no history book any longer. I trust no written accounts of any person who worked in any political or media outlet administration, as almost every book written in this nation has some hidden ax to grind, some motive to advance, or some specific agenda to sell to the people.

So, sad and pathetic as it is, and now nearly seven years late, the aging and greatly discredited Donald Rumsfeld is apparently attempting to clear his conscience and buy back a small morsel of his perceived place in history and his need for Americans’ respect by admitting in his new autobiography what we all well know, and have known for years: the three dreadful words that any American male in political public life almost never utters out of the sheer enormity of his ego: “I was wrong.”

Rumsfeld is finally admitting that he was wrong about Iraq having WMD. Why should we care at this point? It seems so irrelevant now. I think about the thousands of good American men and women who have been killed, maimed, and the tens of thousands of children in America who will grow up without their mothers and fathers who died in the Iraq war. These families deserve better than Rumsfeld’s lame ass seven years late admission. His book only makes me more furious about the mountain of lies we have all been told.

Once upon a time in the old American west the lynch mob took care of rotten-to-the-core men like Donald Rumsfeld who lusted for power and tried to rule young western American outposts crookedly by the “might is right” plan. But now, one hundred and fifty years later, we let our national disgraces retire to their ranches, their golf courses, their lobster, their banquet halls.  We are politically correct to our eventual ruin.

Had Rumsfeld admitted what he REALLY knew seven years ago, would it have made any difference? How long must the American people be forced to put up with such screaming hubris, sheer wickedness, corruption and incompetence in our political leaders?

How many more people have to die in these NWO pre-planned and pre-packaged wars, designed by and for the gain of the Bilderberg ruling elites at the top of the Illuminati pyramid before we finally get some intelligent independent leadership in the White House, that’s not owned by the UN / CFR mandate?

Beginning just a few months back, at the end of 2010, the opinion and commentary of the CFR is now openly broadcast on NBC Evening News, on radio newscasts and in the press, with little public outcry. The brainwashing of the unawakened American sheeple is just about complete. As events line up for World War III they will march more tens of thousands of US soldiers to their graves for the profit of the Illuminati clan at the top of the Freemason pyramid, unless the American people say “No more. We will not fight your Illuminati ‘designer wars’ any longer.”

When will the White House be returned to the American people and wrested from the Bilderberg usurpers who have ruined our country, escalated our national debt into the stratosphere, and lied to generations of Americans like me until I now have come to the culminating moment when I trust no man, no book, no news report, no talking head, and no current world event?

I now know EXACTLY how the character “Truman” in the film “The Truman Show” felt as he sailed his little boat to the edge of his fake make-believe world, and crashed it into the “edge of the sky” where the dome’s floor met the sea line. I know exactly how he felt as he groped his way along the seam, looking for an exit, trying to find the door.

I want OUT of this psychotic “orchestrated American reality show” that we have all been forced to live in for 50 years or more, with most world events that we thought were the result of natural processes instead having been the product of hidden Bilderberg, CFR, CIA, NSA, and other machinating elitist orgs behind the scenes, pulling strings while pushing their cover stories down our throats. Modern television “programming” was basically invented to placate, distract and inebriate the national psyche while international actuality was pre-planned for us months and years in advance from behind the scenes. Where does it end?

When will we have a President that is not a CIA bred Manchurian, who does not exist simply to carry out the Bilderberg, CFR and UN mandate, existing more or less as a “public relations hood ornament” to the globalist agenda of the ruling elites?

At this point most Americans would be happy with any man or woman of any race or combination of races who has the sheer courage to stand up and face the ruling elites, decline their directives, run the country without them, and manage the cunning to stay alive and not be assassinated in so doing. John F. Kennedy was trying to “go public” about numerous hidden directives from the elites which he refused to comply with when he was assassinated. It’s not hard to do the math on that.

It’s time to pour some cleansing Red Devil Lye down that CIA black ops rabbit-hole. It’s time to put an end to the Bilderberg group. God will show us how He wants this done. I maintain that there is a Divine Intervention afoot in this nation, and I believe devoutly that the Holy Spirit will lead the American people and show them how to proceed. How NOT to proceed is what we are all watching play out in Egypt. That is the typical testosterone solution and it will never be the answer.

It’s past time to put a woman in the White House. It’s twenty years past time. Nothing is more feared on the planet than the righteous fury of a spiritually empowered woman who walks with the Holy Spirit and knows what she has to do. Nothing is more formidable than a woman in political power who walks with God, and inwardly knows it. If she walks with God, she won’t have to tell the nation. The nation will know. The Holy Spirit will make sure of it.

Is she out there? Is she ready? Is she fully prepared for the hatred and rage will rise up against a woman President in this misogynist male dominated nation of bumbling fumbling aging fools who have now careened our country to the precipice of absolute financial and moral abyss? Is she ready to face all the NYC elitist patriarchal women of power, women who have become “female men,” women like Katie Couric, who will riddle her with queries designed to give her the educational and foreign policy litmus test that Sarah Palin so publicly failed?

The calculated and fomented “hatred of Sarah Palin” that is part of the current directive for Big Media to deploy between now and 2012 has just about guaranteed that would-be supporters and voters will be just as hated as she is by the left. I experience this every time I open my mouth and say anything in support of Sarah Palin.

But the divine equation stands: the more a woman in politics is hated and despised by the ruinous far left, the more likely she is to lead the nation in the spiritual, moral and financial right direction. Rumsfeld needs to take his “talking points” memoir, go home to his ranch, and never return to public life. His day in the Bilderberg sun is over. It’s time to prepare for REAL hope and change. It’s time to put an independent politically free, [ not a bought and paid for Muslim CIA Manchurian fraud ], into the White House, and it’s time to return the White House to her people.

Where the men have failed, I believe the right woman, with the right wisdom, and the right comprehension of the task at hand, and the right determination and courage, can and will do this during her presidency, supported by the majority in this country who want out from under the UN’s thumb. I am waiting for her to step forward. I am waiting to see if she really has what it takes. If you are out there, will you please step forward? It’s time.

Chase Kyla Hunter

This essay was picked up and re-posted by the 2.4.11 release of The Blogs Daily on Twitter.

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What Was the Real Motive for the “Ancient Aliens” TV Series?

21 Jan

Reposted Courtesy of Photonic Portal, 2011. Copyright 2011-3011 By Photonic Portal, All Rights Reserved.

I’ve been watching the DVD series “Ancient Aliens” which was produced by the History Channel in 2010. I’ve had a very poor opinion of the History Channel ever since they aired the program which proudly “outed” the secret [ no more ] generational Illuminati worship of Lucifer to mainstream American TV viewers last year, who I am sure were both shocked and angered by what they were seeing aired on Prime time TV.

The “Ancient Aliens” series has been wildly popular, and the theory that ancient Annunaki aliens who were not terrestrial or indigenous to earth literally “bred humanity into existence ages ago” is now all the rage on every website and video channel I visit. This theory omits real true Diety from the picture entirely, and that bothers me more than just a little bit.

Knowing what I know about HAARP Project Blue Beam it seems awfully convenient that leaving God out of the picture as to the roots of humankind opens up possibilities that are quite horrific in their implications. If we are nothing more than the lab rats of an advanced civilization who left us here, who may soon return and may exercise their technological and genetic superiority over humanity, doesn’t that open the doors for even more global fraud on the part of their colluding hybrid offspring, the despised Illuminati? These inbred families, generational Luciferians like the morbidly wealthy Rothschilds, that have siphoned off the wealth of this world and hoarded it for literally thousands of years, could well be planning some macabre worldwide holographic Coup De’tat in the next few years, which may include specific collusion with their Annunaki and /or Reptilian Overlords who desire to perpetrate a fraudulent “alien invasion.” Doesn’t the KJV Bible flatly state that “Satan fooled the entire world?”

Before you get disgusted with this anonymous author and click off the page, humor me here for a minute. Untold billions have already been spent on HAARP technology and the American public has never really been told what this technology is for. We own it. Our tax dollars paid for it. Holograms of well known public figures like Prince Charles have been beamed into the view of audiences in Dubai from thousands of miles away. That was done several years ago. OK, you say, “and your point is?”

If the Illuminati infested and controlled US military can use HAARP technology to beam images of people here and there from the far corners of the earth, couldn’t they use the same technology to beam an apparent fleet of approaching spaceships into our local skies, igniting fear and apprehension into everyone who sees the apparitions? How would we ever know what was real and what was not?

And if the UN has Ordained itself [ how convenient! ]  since the late 1940s as the chosen “ET contact representatives for the world” as the ANCIENT ALIENS series states, designated to meet and greet these returning “genetic parents of humankind” [ or at least to meet and greet their holograms in a well planned faked global alien invasion ] , wouldn’t that provide the perfect pretext for issuing global martial law into place and clamping down on a stunned and overwhelmed humanity, in readiness for implementing their long planned one world government?

I did not like the way I felt watching “Ancient Aliens”.  The inferred social engineering was palpable in the series. It was all very beautiful, very slick, too beautiful and too slick. There was very little substantiation and very much glamor. Someone somewhere who financed Ancient Aliens and approved it’s production wants humanity to think that we were lab engineered into existence by alien Annunaki ancestors, and that there really is no Deity for humanity any higher than that.

Are TV Shows Like History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” Series the Beginning of 21st Century Illuminati Owned “Antichrist TV”?

Perhaps the more descriptive phrase would be “21st century counterfeit Christ TV.” There was a specific implication in the “Ancient Aliens” series that the God[s] of Genesis was and is NOT not the Heavenly Father that Christians love, worship and adore, but the Annunaki Alien Gods of high technology and DNA instead.

I’m not comfortable with the inference and I didn’t appreciate it being blasted at me throughout the series. Let’s be frank, in a word blunt: If there is a counterfeit Christ waiting somewhere in the wings for humanity’s concept of God to become so debased and befouled that we no longer believe Deity had anything to do with the process of our being here, then it would seem to me that television shows like “Ancient Aliens” conveniently play right into those kinds of debased and decaying anti-spiritual themes.

I could not shake the feeling as I watched this series that someone somewhere had gone to great lengths to refine these ideas and to package them in such a way as to make the whole package very “palatable” to an American Christian TV viewing audience.

I am very aware of biblical, Urantia Book and other accounts of human creation. We are species with some sort of deep and catastrophic amnesia, of that I have no doubt. But when a species has amnesia, aren’t they then even more susceptible to a contrived and calculatedly false story about their deep history and beginnings, for how would they know the difference without the help of their own mortal collective memory? How would they know the difference without the help of real and actual records from the deep past that have not been altered by human religious institutions, like the Vatican, in order to deliberately keep mankind in the dark?

Is the REAL reason that the Urantia Book was given to humankind? Or is the Urantia Book just one more piece of the collective mortal “replacement memory program”, a brilliantly executed artificial spiritual past written by brilliant but fallen Luciferic beings in order to convince humanity that we are indeed their personal creation, their Annunaki laboratory rats from 500,000 years ago?

I dare not proceed further without the most urgent prayer and diligent soul searching on this subject. But I am getting closer and closer to completing my personal 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle about the magnitude of the Luciferian conspiracy to imitate and implement a global counterfeit Christ on this world. I have been putting together those 5,000 pieces for lifetimes. I am coming to the end of my journey. I am about to comprehend how large this lie really is.

Copyright Photonic Portal 01.20.2011, All Rights Reserved.


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Barack Obama Quietly Dissolving American Borders Via “Stealth” Legislation

17 Dec
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North A...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, Essay Link Re-posted from World Net Daily courtesy of Jerome R. Corsi &

See: “Obama Quietly Erasing US Borders”

I began writing about the Bush W. era stealth legislation of the 2005 Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America in early 2008. At that time the actual legal documents that showed what George W. Bush had done were posted for all to see on a Canadian government website.

Since then, most likely due to American patriot outrage,  apparently the new world order people have been quietly scrubbing the web of these stealth legislation documents. I looked at my 2008 research page on the North American Union today and all the links to the NAU legal docs are now giving 404 messages, which means” a scrub the web” activity is taking place. People they are passing these laws without your knowledge, permission, vote or consent, and then they are scrubbing the web and attempting to erase their legal trail as they do so.

Raise as much hell as it takes to get the attention of your congressman and senators and let Washington D.C. know that the American people have NEVER been asked whether they wanted a borderless “North American Union.” We have a right as citizens to bring this to a stop. If we could do what we did on November 2nd, then we can find a way legally and peacefully to STOP THE PRACTICE OF STEALTH LEGISLATION. I think we need to impeach Barack Obama for what he is trying to do. I will have more updates on this breaking story soon.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Related links, video and article:

Judicial Watch files lawsuit against Dept of Commerce RE North American Union:


Top 11 Controversies About What Really Happened on 9-11

16 Dec
September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City: V...

Image via Wikipedia

Re-posted from the web on 12.15.2010 by Chase Kyla Hunter

The 11 Most Compelling 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

See the original post here:

Post by Samuel Aleshinloye in NewsOne Original on Sep 10, 2010 at 3:26 pm

View Photos


9 years after the tragic September 11th attacks, many skeptics still question if the attacks were in truly done by terrorists in the Middle East.

Many conspiracy theories surfaced shortly after the attacks, some bringing compelling arguments, and some not holding up at all. Theorists believe that the World Trade Center buildings were demolished by bombs, phone calls from the planes were made up, and the former President George W. Bush secretly profited from the attacks.

I have compiled a list of the 11 most compelling 9-11 conspiracy theories that exist.

1. Inside Traders Knew About Attacks Before They Happened


Right before the September 11th attacks some fishy business happened within the stock market and insurance firms. An “extraordinary” amount of put options were placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks, the same airlines that were hijacked during the attacks. Many speculate that traders were tipped off about the attacks, and profited from the tragedy. The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an insider trading investigation in which Osama Bin Laden was a suspect after receiving information from at least one Wall Street Firm.

2. Air Defense Was Told To “Stand Down”

In the event that a airplane were to be hijacked, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), is prepared to send out fighter jets which can debilitate or shoot down an airplane. On 9/11/01, NORAD generals said they learned of the hijackings in time to scramble fighter jets. Some skeptics believe NORAD commanded defense systems to “Stand-down”, because of their lack of presence during the attacks.

3. Planes Didn’t Make Twin Towers Collapse, Bombs Did


The World Trade Center collapse appeared similar to a controlled demolition. Many speculate that the towers were in fact blown down with explosives placed in selected locations. Some witnesses accounted hearing explosions inside the building as they attempted to escape. Many architects and scientists even maintain that a planes fuel cannot produce enough heat to melt the steel frame of the two buildings that collapsed.

4. The Pentagon Attack Scientifically Doesn’t Hold Up


The Pentagon crash may be the most puzzling event of the day. Theorists maintain that the impact holes in the pentagon were much smaller then a commercial American Airlines plane. They also question why the plane was not shot down prior to impact, as well as why the plane impacted into a section of the Pentagon that was vacant due to renovations.

5. Flight 93 Was Completely Staged

The fourth hijacked plane, Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville Pennsylvania. It is believed that the passengers fought back, and crashed the plane into a field. Skeptics believe that Flight 93 landed safely, while a substitute plane was shot out of the sky. Other theorists believe that the passengers were murdered or relocated, and will never be found.

6. Hijackers Are Alive. How Did Their Passports Survive Explosion?


After the September 11th attacks, the “Loose Change” documentary stated that all of the hijackers were in fact alive in other countries. Rather presumptuous since it is possible for two different people to have identical names. But they did raise a good point; how did the passports of the terrorists survive the explosion? In the aftermath of the attacks, passports and identification were found as evidence. Many skeptics question how identification made out of paper survived an explosion, which destroyed buildings.

7. Cell Phone Calls Made From Plane Were Faked

In flight calls were made from cell phones in hi-jacked airplanes. Scientists and skeptics maintain that cell phones could not receive reception from the altitude the planes typically fly. Other skeptics questioned a phone call from a son to his mother, in which he referred to himself by his own first and last name.


8. All Jewish People Took Off Work On September 11th


Theorists noticed that 4,000 Jewish employees took off from work on September 11th 2001. Some of the first people to record the attacks on camera were Jewish also. Many became suspicious of their actions, and put them on the radar as suspects in the wake of the attack.


9. Black Boxes Found By Search Crew Kept Secret


During the ensuing weeks after the attacks, the Black boxes were one of the most important items to find. They were the only evidence into what happened inside the cockpits of the plane. 3 of 4 black boxes were found, and only one was in good enough condition to listen to. The tape was not initially released, but was shared with the families in 2002. Skeptics believe the tapes were not disclosed in order to support the secret scheme.


10. The Bin Laden Tapes Are Fake


Initially, Osama Bid Laden denied any responsibility or involvement with the attacks. Soon afterwards, numerous tapes came out claiming that he took full responsibility on the attacks. Many skeptics believe that Bin Laden was targeted because of his stakes in the stocks as well as former President George W. Bush’s personal business ventures in the Middle East.

11. Aluminum Planes Can’t Penetrate Steel Structure of World Trade Center

Commercial airplanes’ frames are constructed with a very light aluminum material, in order to make it easier to fly. Theorists maintain that there is no possible way an airplane can do as much damage as it did to the Twin Towers as it did. Theorists believe that missiles or explosives were used to ensure the buildings collapsed.


9 years after the attack we may never know the entire story, but will always remember the people who we lost on this tragic day.

“The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.”

[ Noteworthy this quote was included in this post at the end, but it’s not attributed to anyone. Who is quoted here? ]



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Tags: September 11th, World Trade Center


John Bolton Essay Indicts Obama Presidency on National Security

10 Dec

Copyright 12.10.2010 By Chase Kyla Hunter

The piece below by John Bolton actually stopped me in my tracks. It’s funny how another writer’s observations will often help to coalesce one’s own discomfort with a situation.  I have taken an unpopular position for an internet pro and citizen journalist blogger regarding Wikileaks, in that I feel what Julian Assange did was both narcissistic, shortsighted and reckless.

The ends do not justify his means and actions in my opinion. I am well aware that thousands of other “truthers” do not feel this way, but when it comes right down to genetic patriotism, the Cherokee Warrior Queen and American patriot in me trumps the internet blogger who was mildly intrigued by absolute unfettered free spewing of  ” FED diplomatic cables”. As a truth researcher of 20 years experience, finding ugly little piles of lies buried somewhere under a false flag event is just another day’s work. Why should the content of those cables be anything that would even surprise someone like me? It’s just another day in the life… I haven’t much bothered to study them.

For me, the bottom line is this:  I don’t want to see my country hurt and humiliated any more than it has been to date in this charade of a presidency with Obama as the hood ornament. There is a huge part of me that is standing aside and watching this melee who doesn’t buy the story as it’s being told anyway. Our government “allows” certain things to take place for their own good reasons. Look at what the FED is gaining in all this: perfect justification to crack down like never before on internet free speech, the free and relatively private process of registering and administering a domain name, I could cite dozens more benefits for a fascist leaning FED that is salivating to take over the web and run it with the efficiency of Obama’s socialized medicine. I can almost hear the elites rubbing their hands together in glee in Washington, NYC, UK while they watch these “cyber-riots” spreading over the web. It’s most likely exactly what they wanted all along, and they will use these events as more pretext to strip away civil liberties online when the dust settles.

Further, my political science mind clearly knows that what Assange did in releasing those cables has imperiled the American nation. That is MY nation, MY America, MY American friends and neighbors, and after all, Assange really has no clue about who and what America is if he did not grow up here on the mainland, native born. We all have before us daily the peculiar new world odor of our own President’s utter lack of interest in defending American interests, religious heritage, or national security in a sudden event like Wikileaks latest disclosures. They should have seen this coming. It was not as if we were not warned by Assange’s earlier actions. But John Bolton points out that funny uncomfortable, “who’s in charge?” feeling, that sense of navigational drift that now emanates from the Obama presidency.

It was as if in reading his piece, my subconscious fixed finally on the point of “Oh, so I am not the only person who feels very uncomfortable with how this Wikileaks / Assange mess is all being so adroitly NON-handled” by the White House.”

When you choose to go white water rafting with a group of strangers, you look around rather nervously to see who will be sitting at the lead point in the raft, calling out the instructions for how to keep the thing afloat and above water all the way down. Barack Obama stopped calling out those instructions to the nation a long time ago, in fact, it occurs he never did take the safety first defensive position for our country. It’s just a very deep gut feeling I have that his inner contempt for America and true American values is now really starting to spill over into all kinds of decision making moments when the moment comes, and goes, and no decision is the action taken. It’s surreal politically, and strategically rather self loathing, perhaps even self destructive.

I’ll just be honest. I want his presidency to end, and sooner rather than later. Barack Obama’s style of empty looking glass leadership is really hurting America. Everyone everywhere who is awake at the helm can feel it. And John Bolton [not that I am particularly a fan, he’s in the UN globalist fan club from way back ] just gave voice to some of my deepest worries and concerns. Thanks John. Oddly, I don’t feel much better now.

Chase Kyla Hunter, the Witness

Article reference:

John Bolton: “Barack Obama is a bigger danger than WikiLeaks”

Also Noteworthy from the WSJ:

We have not in our lifetimes seen a president in this position. He spent his first year losing the center, which elected him, and his second losing his base, which is supposed to provide his troops. There isn’t much left to lose! Which may explain Tuesday’s press conference.

More Rage Against the Machine in the UK: Students Riot Over Tuition Hikes, Attack Prince Charles Motorcade

10 Dec

12.09.2010 Youtube and web re-posts by CK Hunter


Blacklisted news report – share it.

Tags: student riots london 2010, december student riots uk, parliament triples college tuition in uk, uk student riots, london student riots december 2010

NBC Introduces the President of the CFR to America in Response to North Korea’s Attack on South

24 Nov

Copyright 2010-3010 Chase Kyla Hunter, Re-posts permitted leaving content and links intact.

Have you ever heard of Richard N. Haass? He is the sitting president of the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York based new world order “think tank” which is directly tied to the UN and it’s globalist mandate. The CFR tells all top American politicians “what they should be doing” and how to proceed on any number of issues both foreign and domestic, from behind the scenes and has done so for at least 20 years or more. I’ve been monitoring this entity since 1990, so I am not in the mood for anyone who hasn’t studied the CFR for 20 years to try to argue with me.

What had my jaw on the floor this evening while watching the NBC Evening News with Brian Williams was the fact that comments from [so called] President Barack Obama were not necessarily referenced first on NBC in response to yesterday’s blatant provocations by North Korea. No, the man they trotted out to be interviewed on live TV for Americans to see and hear, was none other than the current sitting President of the Council on Foreign Relations. I see this as a strong signal that the CFR will be taking a much more public role in foreign policy crisis management.

So I’d like to ask American readers the 64,000 question once again: Who do you thinks REALLY operates and governs the United States of America, including operating and managing the White House? It’s not the sitting US President, it’s not congress, the Senate or the Judiciary. It’s the NYC based Council on Foreign Relations. Tonite’s media appearance by Richard N. Haass to soothe frayed nerves over North Korea could not be a more clear signal. There is a higher political and advisory power behind the White House, and tonite Americans watching NBC Nightly News met the president of that power.

For other astute “evening news decoders” like me who were watching the opening 5 minutes of this evenings NBC Evening News, we get the signal loud and clear. Barack Obama is a lame duck president, not relegated with enough relevancy to even be referred to first in a moment of possible imminent national crisis. Who did Big Media turn to for a comforting word?

They turned to a live TV interview with the President of the American arm of the new world order: Richard N. Haass. Whether or not anyone else noticed, for me, this was a significant turning point in American big media, possibly the beginning of tacitly introducing more and more of the “hidden powers that be” into the open bright lights of tv news rooms, magazine covers, and related news networks affiliated with nwo big media.

If you are as unhappy as I am, along with other American patriots, then continue to confront these ruling elites just as you have seen done in several of the videos below. The American people are NOT HAPPY to learn that a secret think tank in NYC has been puppeteering the White House and the US Presidency for nearly 40 years, and there has to be a way to put a stop to it, before it is too late.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Here’s the interview from NBC Nightly News and related items:

Want to be totally infuriated? Watch this video:

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