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All Things DARPA: The Newest Stuff

18 Jan

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We all know that we will never REALLY know what it is that #DARPA has secretly achieved in recent decades under various names, alphabet letters and guises, but what they DO allow us to see is just plain amazing. Here are a few choice gems from today’s #science and #militarytechnology search. Check this blog’s new DARPA Page for the latest updates every week or so.

DARPA Earlier Achievements:

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22 Mar
Headquarters of Yahoo! next to Mathilda Avenue...

Yahoo's Headquarters in California

Copyright 2011-3011 Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

Privacy is disappearing on the web, and the only real way to avoid having details about your life posted without your permission or consent is to NOT use the internet. Since many millions now depend on the web, this is not an option that works. I recently found out that all my emails were being read by someone, somewhere, on their back end, and the salient details about me were being harvested from them. This is also called “data mining.”

I was in a dialogue with a distant relative via email. This relative had not seen or heard from me in 20 years. I temporarily forgot where I was during our email exchange [which was on email ] and told her my age.

Within 48 hours my age appeared in my channel, without my consent, without my permission and without me even knowing it until I logged and found it posted. I quickly deduced where this information had been datamined from. Someone from had provided it to Google, which owns Youtube and it appeared in my Youtube account so quickly I was stunned. And furious too.

I need to warn all readers and subscribers not to EVER discuss anything of a private or confidential nature on email. Your emails are being archived, examined and harvested for details about you with each send.

I learned the hard way. What made this worse is that there is NO function now operative in the new settings where you can remove your age from their database. Now every time I log into youtube my channel is hammered with ads for a certain age group that I have no interest whatsoever in viewing or clicking. Below are’s protocols for “deactivating” and then eventually deleting your account. All information that passed through the account, as far as I can tell from their statements, may be stored on their servers indefinitely. Not good.

Here it is. Read, and learn.

CK Hunter

Data Storage and Anonymization

In order to provide products and services, Yahoo! collects and stores information from user account registration and site usage. Yahoo!’s policy is to de-identify user log file data within 90 days of collection, with limited exceptions to fight fraud, secure systems, and meet legal obligations. Yahoo! takes additional steps so that data collected and used to customize interest based advertising and some content on Yahoo! are not associated with personally identifiable information. Yahoo! is committed to continuous improvements and implementation of our data protection and de-identification measures.  We describe the data we store, our processes and your choices in more detail here.

Account Information

  • When you register with Yahoo! or submit information to Yahoo!, a temporary copy of that information is routinely made to prevent accidental loss of your information through a computer malfunction or human error.
  • Yahoo! keeps your account information active in our user registration databases in order to provide immediate access to your personalization preferences each time you visit Yahoo!.
  • If you ask Yahoo! to delete your Yahoo! account, in most cases your account will be deactivated and then deleted from our user registration database in approximately 90 days. This delay is necessary to discourage users from engaging in fraudulent activity.
  • Please note that any information that we have copied may remain in back-up storage for some period of time after your deletion request. This may be the case even though no account information remains in our active user databases.

Servers Log Files

  • The Yahoo! computers (called “servers”) that send your web pages and advertising banners process and store an enormous amount of information every day. These computer records are called “log files”.
  • Log files are used for analysis, research, auditing, and other purposes, as described above. After this information has been used, it is stored and is inaccessible. Until the information is stored, your Yahoo! ID may remain in our active server log files.


  • Anonymization is a process of removing or replacing personal identifiers in data records so that the resulting data is no longer personally identifiable. This is also referred to as de-identification. We use these terms interchangeably.
  • Yahoo! uses a multi-step process to replace, truncate, or delete identifiers in order to de-identify data.

Log file anonymization

  • Yahoo!’s anonymization policy applies to user log file data and includes searches, ad views, ad clicks, page views and page clicks.
  • Yahoo! stores this data in an identifiable form for up to 90 days for most log file data.
  • There are certain exceptions to this policy. Yahoo! will store a limited amount of log file data in identifiable form for up to 6 months for select log file systems involved in product and financial fraud detection and abuse management. There are also exceptions for legal obligations.

Your Interests and Yahoo!

  • Yahoo collects and maintains information about your interests based on your web surfing activity when you are visiting the branded Yahoo! network of web sites as well as when you are visiting other websites in the Yahoo! advertising network.
  • Yahoo! maintains information in both identifiable and de-identified forms. When you are signed-in to the Yahoo! network, Yahoo! associates your observed interests and activity with your Yahoo! account.
    • When you log in to your Yahoo! account, a cookie is placed on that computer which contains information about your interests. This is stored on the hard drive of whatever computer or device you are using when you log in. Your browsing habits on your work computer or a library computer may affect the kinds of advertisements you see when using your home computer.
    • Information that Yahoo! collects related to your activities and interests on and off the Yahoo! network is maintained by Yahoo! on its servers and is associated with Yahoo! cookies regardless of what computer or device you use to sign in to Yahoo!.
    • If you are a Yahoo! registered user who is not signed-in, Yahoo! will continue to store information about your interests based on a unique browser cookie. This cookie is an encrypted (or “one-way secret hashed”) form of a Yahoo! cookie that is de-identified from your Yahoo! account information. This de-identified cookie cannot be used by any third-parties to identify you.
    • When you are not signed in to Yahoo!, Yahoo! will use this encrypted cookie and its stored associated interest information, to match advertisements and content to your interests.

Your Preference and Opt-out Choices

  • To see and/or customize the information that Yahoo! has stored about interests that we use for advertising customization, you can visit our Ad Interest Manager. Ad Interest Manager allows you to opt out of one or more specific interest categories or opt out of all interest-based ads that Yahoo! serves.
  • Yahoo! refreshes cookie information for registered Yahoo! users each and every time you log in to Yahoo! on whichever computer or device you are using at that time. Accordingly, if you do not want Yahoo! to store your interests to deliver more relevant advertising, deleting your cookies will not be an effective way to express this choice. Instead, you should use the persistent opt-out that Yahoo! provides for you. If you are signed-in when you exercise the opt-out, your opt-out cookie will be refreshed each time you log in to Yahoo! – even if you have had previously deleted your cookies and/or moved to a new computer.
  • You can visit the Network Advertising Initiative site to see other networks that you may want to opt-out of or to use other tools to manage your opt-out choices.

Youtube Censorship Continues, Nibiru Footage is Being Removed

6 Jan

Copyright 2011-3011 By CK Hunter

In the past 8 years I have followed with keen interest, as have thousands of others, the news concerning the suppressed astronomy of Planet X aka Nibiru. Late in 2008 Nibiru became visible from certain locations on earth, notably either very far north, or very far south. I began collecting these videos and posting them to my blogs. By late 2009 I had amassed over 4 dozen citizen journalist video clips showing clearly an object which looks like a smaller second sun appearing in the early morning or late evening sky along side our own sun. These videos are not doctored and the evidence that something is there is without dispute in my opinion.

Now these videos are disappearing from Youtube. I have already discovered at least one dozen videos of Nibiru mysteriously missing, their Youtube user accounts either closed, or just deleted by Youtube for some reason that does not hold water. I have not a doubt in my mind at this point that a brazen and overt attempt to censor the truth about Nibiru is taking place. Here, below, is just one more example of what I am finding all over Youtube these days, which is important video evidence about Nibiru missing in action – just gone. The footage below was from an Italian newscast, highly credible, from January 2010. It’s gone. I’m left with a screen shot of what used to be there.

So when you locate good footage of Nibiru, download it right away. It might not be there the next time you look for it. The censorship of the internet is beginning.

Marriage From Hell Forming Between Facebook, Coca Cola & RFID Technology

29 Dec
Logo of the anti-RFID campaign by German priva...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

I have never trusted the Facebook Concept. I couldn’t tell you why. Call it woman’s intuition, or possibly the Cherokee shaman’s precognition which goes with me wherever I travel. I had suspected that at some point the horrible truth might finally come out about Facebook, but I honestly did not know it would come out this soon. I actually joined the site under another pen name about 8 weeks ago, and played with it for about 2-3 weeks.

The very first thing I noticed was how easy it was to dig deep into the online ID of another total stranger and study every friend and relative they had, every post they had ever written, every keystroke they had ever entered, and that there is practically ZERO privacy on Facebook unless you make an effort to click into the privacy settings, and laboriously reset every single one of over 100 items. And even then the settings you choose will often mysteriously default back to the way they were before you changed them. Someone else is always driving the vehicle on FB and it’s NOT the user. The unaware user of Facebook is just naively going along for the ride.

Even after I went in, and took 30 minutes to set all my privacy protocols just the way I wanted them, I found the eerie experience re-occurring of  returning to my privacy settings later to find out  they had all been mysteriously “re-set” to the wide open “no hold barred tell all, show all” default.

This experience, which I had at least three times, told me that there is something deeply wrong with what users experience on Facebook, and that Facebook itself, is really nothing more than a thinly veiled front for a massive“private citizen data mining and online surveillance operation” by our assorted US spy agencies: the CIANSA, NCS and others. I am as sure of this as I am that I am sitting here in this chair. It’s not speculation for me anymore.

I also quickly discovered that Christians and Christianity are not the “favored” identities to the computerized Facebook protocols. One evening I had another spooky and inexplicable experience. I wanted to place certain keywords in my profile so that other Christians could find me a little bit easier. [ My entire reason and motive for joining Facebook had been to not only investigate just how secretly rotten this portal is, but to examine how it worked and report on it, which I am doing now. ]

So I was trying to enter the keyword phrases like:” Jesus follower“, “Jesus of Nazareth”, “Lord Jesus Christ” “Christian Conservative” “Tea Party Patriot” and so forth into my profile. Every time I entered these phrases they vanished. They just disappeared. I entered and re-entered these keyword phrases 6 times over before I realized that the pre-coded protocols of Facebook WAS NOT going to allow me to place those phrases into my profile, yet there was a persistent ongoing effort to get me to put into the profile instead:

My location

My vocation

My date of birth

My high school and college, etc.

Which brings me to my next point. If Facebook is actually really a social networking site, then why was I “put into FaceBook jail” so to speak, and disallowed from returning to the site for 4 days after I networked with about 40 or 50 new and old Christian friends over the course of 2-3 days? The site actually blocked my access for 4 days and sent me a message each time I tried to log in that I had “tried to friend too many people that the site didn’t think I really knew,” therefore I would be disallowed from using Facebook for four days. How the hell would Facebook know who I might know or who I don’t?  The whole experience would have been infuriating if it wasn’t so outright strange and darkly comical. I have been using the internet since 1993. That year predates the invention of the word “internet.” NEVER have I had such a preposterous web experience as I did while experimentally using Facebook for those 3 weeks.

During that time I was also trying to re-establish contact with a network of about 30 musicians from the northern New Mexico region that I have known for more than 20 years. But the computer protocols at Facebook just arbitrarily decided that I could not possibly know all these people, and knocked me off the site. I was actually put in Facebook “time out” for trying to use the site exactly the way it was supposedly designed: to locate long lost friends, family, peers, buddies, etc.

After having my “Facebook moment” for 2 or 3 weeks, my former suspicions have become steadfast convictions. I actually don’t believe for one minute that Facebook is really about social networking. I believe that it’s a brilliant “cover story, a facade, a game of online smoke and mirrors” for an emerging global internet super-surveillance BEAST. I also know exactly how RFID technology will be used to supplement, and eventually to become mandatory for continued use of that online BEAST presence. Please watch the following videos:

See also:

Marriage from Hell Now Forming Between Coca Cola, Facebook and The American Teenage Idiot

For the thinking human being who is attentive to actuality and values their privacy, both personal and intellectual, the implications of this second video are nothing short of horrendous:

Coca-Cola & Facebook sponsor a teenage pool party where RFID wristbands are handed out to all attendees, which update their Facebook profiles for them each time they are scanned – a particularly heinous example of a very public “PSY OP” where masses of young adults are socially engineered to believe that wearing an RFID wristband is a cool, benevolent harmless thing: Wrong!These young people have no idea what is being foisted on them under the disguise of convenience. Once these chips become mandatory, which is what the ruling elites have in mind, it won’t be so much fun anymore. Fail to comply with whatever they want yuo to do, and they turn off your chip, your access to cash and everything else is disconnected. That’s the goal.

I’ll put it bluntly: If the GOAL of the Illuminati motivated and directed New World Order is to addict every child, teen and young adult to Facebook, in order to subtly tacitly begin introducing RFID technology to these population sectors, connecting their Facebook profile to an RFID chip [on a card, on an ID tag, etc, eventually inserted into the flesh of the hand ]  then Facebook is the PERFECT tool with which to achieve this GOAL. Facebook, as far as I am concerned, is part and parcel  to the goals of the NWO to microchip every human being on earth, and I do not want to have anything to do with it. At some point in the next few days I will post the link to this essay on my Facebook profile [Oceanica Blue]. When I do, we’ll see how the behemoth reacts. And that will be my next post on this topic, I suppose.

See also

In the meantime, truth telling videos which try to warn the unwashed Facebook masses about what is really afoot, are quietly disappearing from the web. Here’s what I got when I tried to watch a video called:  “The Truth About Facebook and Your Privacy” ….

I have already written about the mystery of the disappearing Youtube videos which discuss and reveal the hidden plans for RFID Chipping human beings. Not all have been removed, but very many of them have. So I spend my nights trolling the video news portals looking for items I can embed and download that the NWO hasn’t removed yet. Internet censorship is creeping in. If there were nothing to hide, there would be nothing to censor, would there? If there were no hidden plans to foist this terrible “mandatory human RFID chipping” upon people, there would be no need to censor the articles, essays, and videos about it. Correct?

Beware the seemingly benign goals and purposes of Facebook, for it is NOT how it appears. Become a true thinking man or woman. Think before you begin posting the intimate details of your life, your face, [FB uses facial recognition software to scan and store all face images posted ] and every other identifying packet of info about who you are. The day may come when you very greatly desire NOT to have an RFID chip placed in your hand against your will. If you have, prior to that time, loaded up every parcel of privacy about yourself onto Facebook in the years preceding, you will be a sitting duck. They will know how to find you. Think before you post!

Chase Kyla Hunter

Related stories, links, videos:

National Healthcare ID Cards Could Lead to Eventual RFID Hell on Earth

Is the FED and the CIA Spying on Twitter Accounts?

FBI Target Uses Reverse Psychology, Floods Web With His Personal Details: odd But True Story

Walmart Blue Jeans Now RFID Chipped: Buy Your Jeans at a Thrift Instead!

Tracking Your Clothes Via RFID: Walmart

Verichip RFID666 Beast Human Microchip TV Advertisement Is Heinous

An internet collection of videos about privacy, surveillance, the FED spy agencies

Liquid Matrix Security Digest News Feed

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