Tag Archives: Hillary Rodham Clinton

Updated: High Possibility of Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Meltdown, Say Japanese Nuclear Safety Officials: Check USA Incoming Jet Stream Maps

12 Mar
Nuclear power plant symbol

International Icon for Radioactive material: Black & Yellow

Copyright 2011-3011 By Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

Japanese nuclear safety officials have stated there is a very high possibility that the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor could fail. Fuel rods are exposed, according to a report in the British press. I would suggest subscribers study maps of the Pacific Jet Stream to ascertain where the air flow might pass over parts of the American land mass and take proper precautions. Mainstream press in the United States may or may not report the gravity of this situation to avoid what they would deem as unnecessary panic. NOW is the time to educate yourself quickly about radioactive fallout and what percentage would constitute a danger to your health if exposed.

Japan Races to Prevent Nuclear Reactor Meltdowns

Japanese Continue to Monitor Nuclear Reactors, Second Explosion Sunday

How the Japan Earthquake Shortened Days on Earth

Maps of the Pacific Ocean Jet Stream

Here is the link to the article and the post found on Twitter:


5.30am: @tukky_nt RT @Reuters: FLASH: #Japan nuclear authorities say high possibility of meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi No. 1 reactor – Jiji. RT @TomokoHosaka: Japan nuclear safety commission official says meltdown at nuclear power plant possible, AP confirms. #earthquake #jpquake

Kill Switch, Egypt Day Seven: Is There Hope for A Nonviolent End to the Egyptian Revolt?

31 Jan

Updated 01.31.2011 Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

World news coverage of the people’s revolt against Mubarak in Egypt is exploding, the revolt being now in it’s 7th day. Riots continue and a call has gone out for a million man march tomorrow on Tuesday. Google News Zeitgeist shows an uptick in the trending of reporting on the crisis, with a very high number this morning of 22,429 news stories appearing in the Google news aggregator which cover the Egypt crisis.

See http://news.google.com

Consensus is that the Obama White House was both personal and intellectually caught off guard by events in Egypt, with WH cabinet members now walking a delicate line of appearing to support the people, while reluctantly disinclined to cease all support for Mubarak either. It’s an impossible political position to take without revealing your own motives and underpinnings.

Tear gas canisters, tanks, rifles, and other military supplies deployed by Mubarak’s troops clearly show “Made in USA” labels. Is this revolt secretly “made in the USA?” I’m not willing or ready to speculate aloud on this blog about that but I am posting at least 2 other videos which make some interesting speculations. See other recent posts on this blog for the coverage of the early days of the rioting.

On Twitter many other American patriots take a” wait and see” position on Egypt or try to ignore the explosion of rage now that it’s seven day old news, and get back to the business of raging and ranting against our own government instead. I feel it’s a mistake to disregard what’s happening now in the Mideast. This does not feel like a “flare-up” of popular discontent that’s going to go away.

For one, the sheer numbers of people who have poured into the streets in Egypt, including the unprecedented appearance of scarf-wrapped Muslim women who have joined the protesters, indicates that the Mubarak regime will have to kill tens of thousands of his own people if he intends to heavy-handedly deploy brute military force to stop the uprising. Watching it all feels rather like sitting on a pile of high dry tinder while watching a wildfire raging about a half mile away, and wondering if the tinder pile you are sitting on is actually really safe.

American patriots have much to mull over as we watch what may come of yet another “people’s uprising” against yet another rotten to the core and corrupt military dictatorship overseas, only thinly disguised as “governance” at all.

I am adamant in my spiritual position that violence is never the proper solution. But that is making me an unpopular writer in the more radical circles of American discontent with our own government. I am well aware that there is a thick vein of inclination among certain anti-government groups here in the states that the only way forward now is to take to the streets, but they are dead wrong.

Using political due process, and voting into the D.C. cauldron the necessary “new political blood” while voting out the corrupted aging and irrelevant  factors which support the CFR and UN positions must proceed, just as it commenced on November 2nd landslide turning of the tide against the incumbent White House, which offers, neither hope, change, or a whit of common sense as to how to govern America.

Let’s keep our wits about us here in the states, and keep our shoulders to the wheel of legal and ethical political “due process”. Those who press for freedom from Mubarak in Egypt should be reminded of the “Gandhi position”, which is to take the spiritual high road, not that I assume by any stretch that they will. Someone somewhere has fomented this tsunami of discontent, and someone somewhere will soon benefit greatly from it. I am presently doing a great deal of reading on “The Muslim Brotherhood” as well as the activities of our own CIA in the past few months and years, regarding Egyptian popular disaffection with Mubarak.

One can only hope that the Egyptian population has the will to proceed with their revolution in a nonviolent and peaceful manner; to state their case with no more bloodshed. But the powder keg fuse appears to be burning now, and events in the Mideast may accelerate toward further destabilization sooner, rather than later.

Somewhere a man is waiting in the wings, who will assume the prophesied role of the Imam Mahdi at the precise moment when he feels it will be most advantageous to his global aims and goals. Once the Mideast violence rises to a cacophony and crescendo that’s deafening to all ears, he may emerge to answer their call. World War III will eventually commence out of his false pretext of peaceful “new age” entry.

I wait. I watch. I write. I pray. It’s too late now to do anything but review The KJV Book of Daniel and ponder the coming “blow by blow news coverage it provides” of the Imam Mahdi’s world conquest, the same world conquest that a man named Daniel saw in visions and wrote about nearly 2,600 years ago.

Chase Kyla Hunter

“You don’t just have a government and a movement for democracy,” former British Prime Minister Tony Blair cautioned on Monday. “You also have others, notably the Muslim Brotherhood, who would take this in a different direction. We need to be anxious to meet the aspirations of the people, but do it in a way that produces something better.”
more by Tony Blair – 1 hour ago – CNN International (1 occurrences)

It’s Not About Twitter or Facebook, It’s About the Power of the Network

Egypt and the Failure of the Obama Doctrine

Article Quotes:

To give Egyptians the greatest possible prospects for liberty, the Obama Administration should change course and press any government that emerges to:

  • Pledge to minimize the use of force and the loss life in its efforts to restore order;
  • Agree to open up the political system to allow meaningful participation by Egyptian citizens in forming a representative government; and
  • Restore Internet service and access to the world.

The Obama Administration should review U.S. assistance to Egypt and make further assistance contingent upon undertaking these actions.

Significant related articles, videos and essays:

“Made in the USA:” Tear Gas Cannisters, Rifles, Tanks, Fighter Jets in Egypt

Repression and Poverty Underpin the Uprising in Egypt

From Democracy Now: “The Rebellion Grows Stronger”

Obama Fears Egypt-Style Revolt in USA

Obama, Liberals Caught Intellectually Unprepared for the Egypt Crisis

Sarah Palin: “I can’t wait to be blamed for the violence in Egypt.”

Tags: CIA Psy Ops, Egypt Riots, Egypt revolt, Egyptians rebel against Mubarak, US black ops, FED black ops, secret world government psy ops

Egypt Riots, Civil Unrest, The Egyptian People Revolt Against Mubarak: Continuing Coverage

31 Jan

Copyright 2011-3011 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

See Alternative News Forum’s first report on the first 5 days of the Egypt riots here.

“An Action Unprecedented in Internet History”

For fastest Twitter breaking news on Egypt follow @EgyptRevolt2011

[January 29th newscast reported 65 deaths by day 5 of the riots below]

[ January 26th Video Report below ]

Egypt Shuts Down Al-Jazeera News Network

Egypt Military Takes Control of Parts of Cairo

Governments Scramble to Fly Citizens Out of Egypt

White House Quietly Preparing for “Post-Mubarak” Egypt

A tight-lipped White House is taking an even-handed approach to the crisis in Egypt, suggesting that President Mubarak might be able to hold onto power if he allows competitive elections and restores individual freedoms. But inside the Obama administration, there are signs that officials are preparing for a post-Mubarak era after three decades.

One former senior administration advisor said he had spoken to his old colleagues inside the Obama administration in recent days about the unrest in Egypt. As early as last Wednesday, the Obama administration recognized that they would not be able to prop up the Mubarak regime and keep it in power at all costs, the former official said.

“They don’t want to push Mubarak over the cliff, but they understand that the Mubarak era is over and that the only way Mubarak could be saved now is by a ruthless suppression of the population, which would probably set the stage for a much more radical revolution down the road.”

Obama gave a much-publicized speech in Cairo in 2009 warning that governments cannot suppress people’s rights. With protesters massing in the street demanding Mubarak’s ouster, Obama would be hard-pressed to side with a repressive leader.

Obama administration officials “recognized that change was coming and they needed to be on the right side of history and not try to keep Mubarak in power against all odds,” the former official said. “It’s a very difficult balance to be struck. Mubarak is, after all, a friend of the United States for the last 30 years. A lot of our allies in the region — the Saudis, Jordanians and Kuwaitis — will be particularly nervous if it looks like the U.S. is doing in one of their friends.

“The administration understand this. But the most important thing they understand is that they have to get in front of this and not behind it.”

The former administration official spoke on condition of anonymity so that he could be more candid about sensitive diplomatic issues.

The White House is trying to deliver a consistent message on fast-moving events in Egypt, dispatching Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, one of the more disciplined speakers in American politics, for a round of Sunday talk-show appearances.

Obama is monitoring events through regular briefings with staff and close consultation with regional allies.

On Saturday, he spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, and to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the White House said.

Obama received a briefing on the Egyptian crisis at the White House on Saturday and Sunday and also spoke to Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain on Sunday.

In the course of those conversations, Obama urged “an orderly transition to a government that is responsive to the aspirations of the Egyptian people,” the White House said in a prepared statement on Sunday. Obama also asked the various leaders to assess the turmoil in Egypt.

Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times

Egypt, More Coverage:

Charter Flights to Carry Thousands of Americans Out of Egypt

Rioters Defy Curfew [Video Footage ]

Fighter Jets Seen Flying Over Egypt As Riots Rage On

US ‘losing credibility by the day’ on Egypt: ElBaradei

Anger Starting to Focus on Israel, USA

Egyptian opposition figure tells crowds in Cairo: “What we’ve begun cannot be reversed”; Muslim Brotherhood throws support behind ElBaradei, gives him mandate to negotiate unity gov’t.

Egypt Protests: What’s Next?

Hillary Clinton: Secretary of State, Super Sleuth, Super Furious Over Wikileaks

30 Nov

Copyright 11.29.2010 By CK Hunter, Re-post courtesy of the Daily Beck

Updates 12.01.2010

Slate magazine has betrayed it’s usual far left, pro Obama posture and has come forth calling for Clintons’ scalp, if not her head on a platter. I tweeted that:

Altnewsforum CK Hunter If every diplomat who had ever spied, or knew of spying were to step down, there would most likely be few diplomats left at all. Kaput.

See also http://athensboy.wordpress.com/2010/11/29/wikileaks-hillary-clinton-and-the-smoking-gun/

TMI! Too much information. Coming to the end of “Wikileaks Monday” I am chuckling. Today was supposed to be “cyber-Monday” for internet holiday shopping, but for me it became cyber-Monday for absorbing the shock waves rolling through digital media about Julian Assange and his global document disclosure stunt. Glenn Beck weighed in with some VERY illuminating deep pockets within the far left wing connections behind Julian Assange, famously flailing in front of his chalkboard. Beck revealed the murky “connect the dots” chain of command leading to Julian, which runs the gamut from “Code Pink” all the way to “The Open Society Institute.” The video link is right here.

Meanwhile in New York, GOP congressman Peter King lifted eyelids when he asked Hillary Clinton to label Wikileaks as a “terrorist organization”. Wasn’t that a bit of an over-reaction? I may not agree with what Julian Assange  did, which appears more than anything to be a worldwide publicity stunt guaranteed to establish him as the ultimate “weberati rock star” of defying US presidents, in effect saying “fuck you” to the US federal government over the weekend by refusing to back down. Mrs. Clinton maintains that Assange stole these documents, and that is a serious charge indeed.

But when you begin legally attempting to redefine one man’s expression of US first amendment rights, [Assange is an Aussie ] and his action of  publishing factual documents on the web as a “terrorist organization,” then it begins to smack of those horrible ten warning signs of approaching fascism that Naomi Wolfe has warned us about. In essence the congressman was asking Mrs. Clinton to redefine freedom of speech online as a potential act of terror. This bothered me deeply.

If this was allowed to take place, then the legal precedent would be in place that any time an inconvenient truth is published anywhere about the US federal government and it’s activities, they would have the legal impetus and backing to go after the publisher as a terrorist organization. Gee, it seems like it was just last summer that the USA big media was calling ma and pa America, who dared to raise their voices in urgent town hall meetings, as “domestic terrorists.” It’s becoming rather a tired old ploy of the FED to try to silence dissent, or to plug holes in the international intelligence data stream when it ruptures.

There is a distinct vein of legal and fascist sounding creepiness here that keeps me writing to call attention to what just doesn’t “feel right.”  Why the next thing you know, they might be calling me out as a domestic terrorist just for writing about it. We are really not sure anymore just how low our own federal government will go. Trust is eroding away.

Celebrity politico Sarah Palin and Michelle Malkin, { I am a fan of both } both vehemently condemned what Julian did. But I wondered how they felt as the day wore on, and the press began reporting what the GOP congressman wanted Secretary of State Clinton to do. I also wondered how such sensitive materials could have been handled with such carelessness that a soldier in the intelligence dept. could datamine the whole lot of this stuff and then send it on. Is it possible this stuff was never that highly classified in the first place, as much as just deeply embarrassing to the Obama White House? I sense that Mrs. Clinton had the most to lose in it’s revelations.

How embarrassing are the WikiLeaks cables? A secret cable from April 2009 that went out under Clinton’s name instructed State Department officials to collect the “biometric data,” including “fingerprints, facial images, DNA, and iris scans,” of African leaders. Another secret cable directed American diplomats posted around the world, including the United Nations, to obtain passwords, personal encryption keys, credit card numbers, frequent flyer account numbers, and other data connected to diplomats. As the Guardian puts it, the cables “reveal how the US uses its embassies as part of a global espionage network.”

Why is Sarah Palin so threatening to the NWO elites and the left?

25 Nov

Sarah Palin speaking at a rally in Elon, NC du...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, re-posts permitted leaving content intact.

The national “hate campaign” by the terrified left against the wildly popular Sarah Palin has already begun, even though she has yet to formally declare her candidacy for president in 2012.

I can answer with ease the current question which is on the lips of many media pundits like Laura Ingraham:

“Why is Sarah Palin so threatening to the elites and to left wing liberals?”

Here is the answer:

Sarah Palin is a personal, genetic, and cultural American original. Her family tree is not morbidly connected to the ancient crime cabal of the modern UK Royals, like more than 80% of presidents we have had during my lifetime.

Here’s what Sarah recently said:

“I don’t think the majority of Americans want to put up with the blue-bloods,” Palin — who is considering a run for president in 2012 – said. “With all due respect, because I love the Bushes, the blue-bloods who want to pick and choose their winners instead of allowing competition.”

Sarah Palin, thankfully, is not “genetically connected by blood” [blue blood] to the hidden family dynasties of the New World Order ruling power elites, who usually hand pick the people who will run for president about 2 to 5 years or more ahead of time.

The Bilderberg hidden power structure did not “pick” Sarah Palin as a possible candidate for high office in one of their disgusting secret meetings, the American people did, by virtue of her popularity with many conservative Americans who share her values. Christian Americans who are educated and informed about the Godless globalist UN power structure that manipulates the White House and both political parties get it.

Sarah Palin is a genuine grassroots American populist, a “woman of the people” – not a pre-packaged genetic political commodity which has been “handled,” prepped, and cultivated toward a UN globalist mindset since his or her youth. Her popularity springs from the same well of hope that gave birth to the Tea Party movement, and she, in every way, is an appropriate and timely spokesperson for it.

Her popularity is also indicative of a deep and heartfelt desire in this nation’s informed Christian heartland to actually elect a President, for once, that wasn’t groomed for the role years in advance by elite east coast [ Illuminati financed and controlled ] colleges, “handled” by CIA operatives and Illuminati  CFR intellectuals since they were just a teen.

If America can unite to elect Sarah Palin, should she choose to run in 2012, they can potentially finally break the UN and CFR ruling elite’s hidden hold on the American electoral process, and the country might have a chance in hell of maintaining it’s historical Christian roots and political self governing sovereignty.  We face Biblical prophesied turbulent years ahead. A massive global financial meltdown is coming, and our country is sitting right in the middle of the tsunami’s path.

For all her rough spots which still need polishing, America needs Sarah Palin’s forthrightness, courage, aplomb, and honest public questioning of the corrupt processes which are presently steering this nation off the financial cliff. Our guts are all screaming that we cannot elect yet another Bilderberg “made to order” UN globalist lackey. She’s our best hope, as a woman like her is less corruptible than a woman drenched in the CFR puppet strings like Hillary Clinton.

As for some of Sarah’s most recent public gaffes, I do recall that on the campaign trail in 2008 Barack Obama made public reference to the fact that he had visited “all 57 states” and fell apart completely in speeches when he could not stare at the teleprompter. Big media overlooked all of it, of course, because they were operating under the NWO “pre-elect Obama” directive. They overlooked, they pushed alot of things under the rug, they forgave him, and he won the election.

Whether the young and the clueless liberal pop culture “idolatry society” realize it or not, electing Sarah Palin to the presidency just might represent the last “hail Mary pass” the American voting public can make in opposition to the country being pulled into the emerging NWO global super-state against it’s will.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Sarah Palin Takes Aim at Barbara Bush, Michelle Obama

Sarah Palin Media Roundup: Links, Videos, Posts:

Could Sarah Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha [New York Times]

Sarah Palin Hits George and Barbara Bush as “Elite Blue Bloods” [she’s right, they are!]

WordPress posts that mention Sarah Palin

Related Articles

Why Sarah Palin is More Popular With Many Americans Than the Bushs & Obamas

25 Nov

Sarah Palin speaking at a rally in Elon, NC du...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, re-posts permitted leaving content intact.

The national “hate campaign” by the terrified left against the wildly popular Sarah Palin has already begun, even though she has yet to formally declare her candidacy for president in 2012.

I can answer with ease the current question which is on the lips of many media pundits like Laura Ingraham:

“Why is Sarah Palin so threatening to the elites and to left wing liberals?”

Here is the answer:

Sarah Palin is a personal, genetic, and cultural American original. Her family tree is not morbidly connected to the ancient crime cabal of the modern UK Royals, like more than 80% of presidents we have had during my lifetime.

Here’s what Sarah recently said:

“I don’t think the majority of Americans want to put up with the blue-bloods,” Palin — who is considering a run for president in 2012 – said. “With all due respect, because I love the Bushes, the blue-bloods who want to pick and choose their winners instead of allowing competition.”

Sarah Palin, thankfully, is not “genetically connected by blood” [blue blood] to the hidden family dynasties of the New World Order ruling power elites, who usually hand pick the people who will run for president about 2 to 5 years or more ahead of time. The Bilderberg hidden power structure did not “pick” Sarah Palin as a possible candidate for high office in one of their disgusting secret meetings, the American people did, by virtue of her popularity with many conservative Americans who share her values. Christian Americans who are educated and informed about the Godless globalist UN power structure that manipulates the White House and both political parties get it.

Sarah Palin is a genuine grassroots American populist, a “woman of the people” – not a pre-packaged genetic political commodity which has been “handled,” prepped, and cultivated toward a UN globalist mindset since his or her youth. Her popularity springs from the same well of hope that gave birth to the Tea Party movement, and she, in every way, is an appropriate and timely spokesperson for it.

Her popularity is also indicative of a deep and heartfelt desire in this nation’s informed Christian heartland to actually elect a President, for once, that wasn’t groomed for the role years in advance by elite east coast [ Illuminati financed and controlled ] colleges, “handled” by CIA operatives and Illuminati  CFR intellectuals since they were just a teen.

If America can unite to elect Sarah Palin, should she choose to run in 2012, they can potentially finally break the UN and CFR ruling elite’s hidden hold on the American electoral process, and the country might have a chance in hell of maintaining it’s historical Christian roots and political self governing sovereignty.  We face biblically prophesied turbulent years ahead. A massive global financial meltdown is coming, and our country is sitting right in the middle of the tsunami’s path.

For all her rough spots which still need polishing, America needs Sarah Palin’s forthrightness, courage, aplomb, and honest public questioning of the corrupt processes which are presently steering this nation off the financial cliff. Our guts are all screaming that we cannot elect yet another Bilderberg “made to order” UN globalist lackey. She’s our best hope, as a woman like her is less corruptible than a woman drenched in the CFR puppet strings like Hillary Clinton.

As for some of Sarah’s recent public gaffs, I do recall that on the campaign trail in 2008 Barack Obama made public reference to the fact that he had visited “all 57 states” and fell apart completely in speeches when he could not stare at the teleprompter. Big media overlooked all of it, of course, because they were operating under the NWO “pre-elect Obama” directive. They overlooked, they pushed alot of things under the rug, they forgave him, and he won the election.

Whether the young and the clueless liberal pop culture “idolatry society” realize it or not, electing Sarah Palin to the presidency just might represent the last “hail Mary pass” the American voting public can make in opposition to the country being pulled into the emerging NWO global super-state against it’s will.

Chase Kyla Hunter

All posts on Alternative News Forum That Discuss Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin: 2012 Serious Contender or Pretender

Sarah Palin Takes Aim at Barbara Bush, Michelle Obama

Sarah Palin Media Roundup: Links, Videos, Posts:

Could Sarah Reach the Top in 2012? You Betcha [New York Times]

Sarah Palin Hits George and Barbara Bush as “Elite Blue Bloods” [she’s right, they are!]

WordPress posts that mention Sarah Palin

Related Articles

George W: “Obama Not Even Remotely Qualified for the Job of President”

16 Sep
September 15, 2009
Posted: September 15th, 2009 06:01 PM ET


Bush on Obama: 'This guy has no clue'.

Bush on Obama: ‘This guy has no clue’.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Former President George W. Bush “seemed to feel considerable unease” with John McCain as the Republican presidential nominee, according to ex-speechwriter Matt Latimer in his tell-all memoir on his days in the White House.

In Latimer’s new book, “Speech-less: Tales of a White House Survivor,” set to hit bookstores on September 22, he reveals Bush’s reactions to the economic collapse, the presidential campaign, and other memorable events. GQ published an excerpt from the memoir in its October issue.

Latimer said Bush liked Mitt Romney best and that he was “clearly not impressed with the McCain operation.” Latimer said the former president wanted to appear with McCain at a campaign event in Phoenix, but after he was told the then-Republican nominee couldn’t get enough people to show up, he called it a “cruel hoax.”

“‘He couldn’t get 500 people? I could get that many people to turn out in Crawford.’ He shook his head. ‘This is a five-spiral crash, boys.'”

Bush presumed Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee, according to Latimer, and was extremely critical of Barack Obama. Latimer said Bush was “ticked off” after one of Obama’s speeches and he said the future president wasn’t “remotely qualified” for the challenges of the job.

“(Bush) came in one day to rehearse a speech, fuming. ‘This is a dangerous world,’ he said for no apparent reason, ‘and this cat isn’t remotely qualified to handle it. This guy has no clue, I promise you,'” Latimer said.

Latimer also made the controversial assertion that after Sarah Palin was tapped as McCain’s running mate, Bush reportedly asked whether she was “the governor of Guam” and said that she was “not even remotely prepared.” A former Bush and Palin aide has challenged the accuracy of the charge.

Filed under: ExtraGeorge W. BushPopular PostsPresident Obama

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