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May 2011: More Video Footage of A Second Sun Recorded Worldwide

31 May

Copyright 2011-3011 Photonic Portal, All Rights Reserved.

Astrologer Hassan Jaffer Predicted Major Earthquake on April 4th in the USA Midwest

3 Apr

Copyright 2011-3011 Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

This comment appeared today on 4.2.11 and I am posting it verbatim for readers. I neither endorse the prediction, nor oppose it. I hope and pray of course, that absolutely nothing happens on April 4th, but here is the information below. From listening to the first 30-60 seconds of the video, what seems to emerge is that Hassan Jaffer predicted many of the sudden earth changes and geologic events which have taken place in 2011 at least a year ago in January 2010.

In general, I am leery of predictions that try to target a specific date, as I feel that no one on earth can actually predict either the mind of God, or the exact dates of “acts of God,” but I am posting the link for folks to listen to the show.

– Chase

“Perhaps this page isn’t the appropriate one to post this information, but I was sure you would catch this and post it on one of your sites. But since there are only 2 days left, I’ve decided to bring it to your attention so that other will be informed. Noted astrologer Hassan Jaffer is predicting that on Monday April 4th, 2011 that a major earthquake will hit the midwest. I have searched your site and cannot find anywhere to contact you, so I am using this method to get the word out. “

Here is a link:

“You can go from there and do a search on this guy to find out more. Three years ago he predited the earthquake in Japan and the tsunami to the day, the next one is for April 4th. I really hope that he is wrong this time.

Sincerely, William”

Stunned People Worldwide Videotape A Second Sun Next to Our Sun

30 Mar

Copyright 2011-3011 Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

As if the first part of this video compilation is not staggering enough, [ a mother ship the size of several football fields flies over a city ]  wait and watch for the appearance of a “second sun” at about 4:58 minutes into the clips. It was compiled from videotaped raw footage taken by everyday people in Manchester England, Puerto Rico, Holland, and finally, Bangkok Thailand [ jaw dropping and irrefutable] footage taken from a sitting train waiting to move.

1) Turn off your TV, it is useless. There is no truth in it.

2) Wean yourself off of being a “consumer” who pays for the trash these corporations keep cramming down our throats, their sick and non-nutritious food, their ridiculously meaningless music, their inane and cheap “break in 90 days” products. Form a new world with others like yourself which does not depend on them and what they sell.

3) Start investigating what the people are saying on news portals like this one and pay attention. Millions of people all seeing and video recording these objects and aerial phenomenon ARE NOT CRAZY and they are not wrong.

4) Get educated in a hurry about Nibiru Planet X, suppressed astronomy, the government coverup about the imminent return of Nibiru, urban survival, rural survival, gardening, greenhouses, food storage and all of it. If you haven’t looked into living without the benefit of “society” NOW is the time to begin.

5) Get your spiritual life in order. If you don’t have a spiritual life, now would be a very good time to investigate getting one. Speaking for myself, I go straight to the top. I walk with God and I believe in His Son and His Son’s return. All the signs are there. It WILL happen. But we will have to endure an ultimate imposter first, I’m afraid. I can’t tell you why. But that is coming too. Get your spiritual life in order.

6) Subscribe to this blog and keep reading, learning, sharing and taking action to make new ways to live that will not depend on an increasingly evil, corrupt and dishonest federal government and their cronies. Stop being suckered in by “fake events” “fake wars” and fake news.”

7) Start listening to your heart, and then do what it says to do. one day that skill alone could save your life.

CK Hunter 3.31.11

Timeline to 2012, Science & Research On Earth Changes, Pole Shift, Solar System Warming

28 Mar

Copyright 2011-3011 Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.


Tags: pole shift science, earth changes, ice ages, solar system warming, global climate change, Nibiru Planet X

Pacific Jet Stream Forecasts, Flowcharts, Monitor Radiation, USA Europe Canada Mexico

26 Mar
Clouds along a jet stream over Canada.

The Pacific Jet Stream Aerial View

Copyright 2011-3011 Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

Top Radiation Forecasting Sites:… (click on radiation update)

dutch radiation monitoring:

swiss radiation monitoring:

Finland radiation monitoring:

French radiation monitoring: (thanks to youtube user: RehKurts ! )

jet stream forecasting:

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Luxury Underground Bunker Business Is Booming Post Japan Disaster

24 Mar

Copyright 2011-3011 Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

Tags: VIVOS, underground bunkers, luxury underground bunkers, doomsday preparations, apocalypse mentality, emergency preparedness

Is It Possible That Radioactive Fallout Could Enter The U.S. Via the Jet Stream?

15 Mar

Copyright 2011-3011 By Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

I found this post on another blog this morning and I am re-posting it as an introduction to this topic. What I am stunned by is that so few others are blogging about this topic! Where are your heads bloggers? Today is not the day to blog about recipes, your kid’s new gadgets, or your spouse’s snoring habits.

Today is the day to get your heads up out of the sand and begin educating yourself like mad about radioactive fallout, and how you can safely live through a possible situation where it floats right over your city.

Call me lo0nie, call me alarmist, call me anything you want to: I DON’T CARE. But call me concerned as hell right now about the very CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER for Americans of radioactive fallout floating over the US, posed by what is happening in Japan. They are literally losing control of their nuclear facilities. Read my earlier posts on this topic to get up to speed:

Meltdown Alert at Japan Reactor

Nuclear Expert: Radiation Could Spread To US West Coast: # 3 hours ago

Here’s the re-post, then on to my own research and updates.

The meltdown occurring at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan is growing in intensity.  Out of its six reactors, #1 and #3 have exploded and have ejected their radioactive dust and steam into the atmosphere.  Japanese authorities also claim that the radioactive rods in reactor #2 are  now fully exposed and on the verge of critical mass.  Reactors #4, #5, and #6 have been shut down.  (Could they be the next ones to go?)  This incident is already bigger than Chernobyl.  The radiation emitted from the reactors at the Fukushima plant will, most likely, spread to the United States by way of the jet stream.

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Breaking: Estimated 10 Foot High Tsunami Seen Off Shores of Japan By Helicopter

14 Mar

Copyright 2011-3011 By Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

Estimated 10-Foot Tsunami is Seen Off Japan by Helicopter

On March 19th the Moon Will Be Closest to Earth in 18 Years: What Will This “Super Moon” Bring?

14 Mar
NASA photos of Earth and Moon labeled with som...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2011-3011 By Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved.

Cited: On March 19, Earth’s satellite will be at its closest point to our planet in 18 years — a mere 356,577 kilometers away. The event — also called a lunar perigee — was dubbed a “super moon” by astrologer Richard Nolle back in the 1970s. The term is used to describe a new or full moon at 90% or more of its closest orbit to Earth. Next week, it will be at 100%.

Blue moons, harvest moons, new moons and now “Super Moons.” Although scientists are quick to disregard anticipated possible natural disasters that might arise out of such a “Bad Moon Rising” next week on March 19th, what do scientists really know?

Did any scientist have even the slightest idea what was coming on March 11th in Japan? With all of our sensors and seismographs, our high technology and HAARP electromagnetic weather modification, mother nature still always seems to have the last laugh.

A spiritual Higher Power is in charge, and that Higher Power is now shaking the world. It just happens to be utilizing the near orbit of an unknown and undocumented celestial object to do so.

And the western nations ARE NOT reporting anything that even remotely resembles the truth on this topic of “unidentified celestial objects”, or UCOs, [my own term], because they fear to admit they really do not know exactly how to prepare the hearts and minds of mankind for the terrible news to come. There is really no defense against a global geo-crustal pole shift induced by the close fly-by of a colossal celestial object, possibly a brown dwarf that may be an ugly binary twin to our own sun, traveling on a 3600 year deep orbit, that runs nearly vertical to our own orbit, making it extremely difficult to locate this object unless one is doing so from a south pole location.

I continue to maintain that the gravitational pull of a mysterious unidentified celestial object which is now closing in on closer proximity to planet earth in her orbits, is the culprit and is liable for the sudden increase in sink holes, massive earthquakes, the utterly unheard of new phenomenon of the splitting open of the earth itself in sundry locations, global weather aberrations, and the increase in global warming. Add to these pole shift warning signs, the rise in strange water spouts pouring from trees as the water tables shift around, the occurrence of tornadoes in new places where they have never occurred and a host of other signs, and the evidence continues to pile up.

The earth is screaming her warnings. The astute, the wise, the intelligent who refuse to be placated by the American nay-sayer news media, are already well along in making smart survival preparations.

It’s time to take an inventory in your present location.  Here’s a Pop Quiz:

=> How many routes out of your town or city are you familiar with and do you have them committed to memory?

=> How will you communicate with loved ones if electricity is out and all satellite communications are down?

=> Do you keep a full tank of gas in your vehicles in the event of a sudden evacuation?

=> Do you keep a “bug out bag” packed and sitting by the door?

=> Do you keep at least 2 weeks of food and water stored in your home, preferably more than that?

=> Do you keep a 90 day supply of any vital medications that you must take, not matter what?

=> Have you given thought to where you and your family would meet in the event that something happened, you became separated, and you needed to find each other?

=> Does anyone in your family have the necessary skills to provide emergency first aid in a disaster?

=> Do you keep cash on hand at home, in case banks and ATMS are closed for an extended length of time?

I’ve been surprised to learn how many people live off of an ATM card, and now never keep more than $20 in cash at home. This is a recipe for calamity in the event of a serious natural [or artificial man-made] disaster. Take some time to think about these possible events which could all take place within 24-48 hours, at any given time, and how your existence would change if something like this happened:

An electromagnetic pulse wave bomb is detonated, which wipes out all electricity on the east coast from Maine to Florida. Banks, ATMs, and all electronic devices are rendered useless. No cell phones will work, cars will not start, computers and laptops, Ipads, Iphones, Smart Phones, they are all useless.

What will you do? How will you cope without your beloved electronic pacifier? Are you healthy enough to get on a bicycle and ride out of town with a small backpack on, and do you know where you are going and who will meet you there? Will you have enough cash on hand to carry you through such a crisis?  I don’t think it’s foolish at all to ask these kinds of questions and NOW would be a good time to begin asking them. Those who take the time to make some calm intelligent contingency plans will survive, while others will fail to know how they should proceed if they have not given these disaster related options some thought.

While you are pondering the coming Super Moon, spend some time pondering your next level of super-preparedness training and get your whole family involved. We do not know what mother nature is going to do next. Our earth is under incredible strain and pressure from the gravitational tug of the coming mystery object [ that no one will admit is there, yet thousands are video-taping it daily ] named variously Planet X, Eris, Tyche, Nibiru, The Destroyer, or the Winged Disc. Listen to your gut, because your gut is screaming at you to GET READY. Don’t wait. Get prepared, then tactfully, discreetly help your neighbors to get ready too. The goodwill you will gain will come in handy later.

Chase Kyla Hunter 3.13.2011

March 19th Super Moon, The Moon Closest to Earth in Eighteen Years

The Japan Mega-Quake Moved Japan Eight Feet Closer to USA, Shifted & Sped Up Earth’s Axis Rotation

14 Mar

Copyright 2011-3011 By Alternative News Forum, All Rights Reserved. Re-post cited as shown:

This re-post is courtesy of Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis


Sunday, March 13, 2011 2:35 PM

Earthquake Moves Japan Eight Feet, Shifting Earth’s Axis; Entire Villages Vanish Under Wall of Water; Nuclear Crisis Expands to 2nd Reactor

Scientists upgraded the devastating earthquake that struck Japan from 8.8 or 8.9 to 9.0 on the Richter Scale. That may not sound like much but the scale is logarithmic effectively doubling the estimated size of the quake.

Regardless of what the number is, the quake was devastating enough to move the main island of Japan 8 feet while shifting the earth on its axis. Entire villages in Northern Japan are missing, swept away by the resultant tsunamis.

Meanwhile Japanese authorities struggling with additional meltdowns have flooded a second reactor with seawater hoping to cool the plant. This is a desperate action that will probably ruin both facilities.

Power outages and lack of fresh water add to the misery.

Villages, Trains Vanish Under Wall of Water

The New York Times reports Japan Pushes to Rescue Survivors as Quake Toll Rises

While nuclear experts were grappling with possible meltdowns at two reactors after the devastating earthquake and ensuing tsunami in northern Japan, the country was mobilizing a nationwide rescue effort to pluck survivors from collapsed buildings and rush food and water to hundreds of thousands of people without water, electricity, heat or telephone service.

Entire villages in parts of Japan’s northern Pacific coast have vanished under a wall of water, and many communities are cut off, leaving the country trying to absorb the scale of the destruction even as fears grew over the unfolding nuclear emergency.

In the port town of Minamisanriku, nearly 10,000 people were unaccounted for, according to the public broadcaster NHK. Much of the northeast was impassable, and by late Saturday rescuers had not arrived in the worst-hit areas.

JR, the railway company, reported that three passenger trains had not been accounted for as of Saturday night, amid fears that they were swept away by the tsunami. There were reports of as many as 3,400 buildings destroyed and 200 fires raging. Analysts estimated that total insured losses from the quake could hit $15 billion, Reuters reported.

Even as estimates of the death toll from Friday’s quake rose, Japan’s prime minister, Naoto Kan, said 100,000 troops would be mobilized for the increasingly desperate rescue recovery effort. Meanwhile, several ships from the United States Navy joined the rescue effort. The McCampbell and the Curtis Wilbur, both destroyers, prepared to move into position off Miyagi Prefecture.

One-third of Kesennuma, a city of 74,000, was reported to be submerged, the BBC said, and photographs showed fires continued to rage there. Iwate, a coastal city of 23,000 people, was reported to be almost completely destroyed, the BBC said.

Crisis Expands to Second Nuclear Plant

MarketWatch reports Japanese nuclear-power crisis expands to second plant

Citing Japan’s Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Kyodo News reported the cooling system failed at the Tokai No. 2 Power station. No additional information was available. Tokai, about 75 miles from Tokyo and the site of nuclear-research facilities as well as the power plant, was the site of a 1999 radiation leak, known as the Tokaimura accident, that killed two technicians.

Word of the problem at Tokai came as Japanese nuclear authorities continued working Sunday to avert nuclear meltdown at an earthquake-damaged power plant, Prime Minister Naoto Kan warned Japan of large-scale power blackouts and said the disaster was the country’s biggest crisis since World War II. That came as Japanese scientists increased their estimate of the largest earthquake in the nation’s history to magnitude 9.0 from 8.8, more than doubling the size and the destructive energy release in the Friday afternoon, local time, quake off the coast of Honshu.

[Officials] began flooding the second reactor with seawater, a drastic move that scientists have said might render the units unusable. But the water gauge in the No. 3 has stopped functioning, making it impossible to tell whether the procedure is succeeding, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Earthquake Moves Main Island Eight Feet and Shifts Earth on its Axis

CNN reports Earthquake Moves Japan Eight Feet, Shifting Earth’s Axis

The powerful earthquake that unleashed a devastating tsunami Friday appears to have moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet (2.4 meters) and shifted the Earth on its axis.

“At this point, we know that one GPS station moved (8 feet), and we have seen a map from GSI (Geospatial Information Authority) in Japan showing the pattern of shift over a large area is consistent with about that much shift of the land mass,” said Kenneth Hudnut, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

Reports from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy estimated the 8.9-magnitude quake shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches (10 centimeters).

The Japanese quake comes just weeks after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch on February 22, toppling historic buildings and killing more than 150 people. The timeframe of the two quakes have raised questions whether the two incidents are related, but experts say the distance between the two incidents makes that unlikely.

“I would think the connection is very slim,” said Prof. Stephan Grilli, ocean engineering professor at the University of Rhode Island.

Bank of Japan Readies “Massive Liquidity”

Bloomberg reports Japan Readies ‘Massive’ Liquidity as BOJ Gauges Risk to Post-Quake Economy

Governor Masaaki Shirakawa told reporters late yesterday he’s ready to unleash “massive” liquidity starting this morning in Tokyo, as the BOJ seeks to assure financial stability.

Shirakawa and his board could opt to accelerate asset purchases, including government bonds and exchange-traded funds, within the existing credit programs, particularly if the yen climbs and stocks tumble, said Masaaki Kanno, chief Japan economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Tokyo, who used to work at the central bank.

The economic hit from the March 11 quake will depend on how long it shuts down factories and the distribution of goods and services, with the potential meltdown at a nuclear power facility clouding the outlook. For now, the central bank is likely to ensure lenders have enough cash to settle transactions, and aim any additional steps at providing credit in the areas of northeastern Japan devastated by the temblor, analysts said.

Japan’s currency rose 1.4 percent to 81.84 per dollar March 11 amid prospects for Japanese investors to repatriate assets, bringing its gain in the past year to 10 percent. The government may order the BOJ to sell yen if it soars, Mansoor Mohi-uddin, head of global currency strategy at UBS AG in Singapore, wrote in a note.

Japan is already struggling with huge fiscal deficits and a debt-to-GDP ratio of 200%, highest in the G-20 group of nations. In response, government officials had been planning a series of tax hikes. You can now safely toss those hikes straight into the ashcan.

There is never a good time for a natural disaster, but this one could hardly have come at a worse time. Best wishes to all those affected by this crisis.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock
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