Tag Archives: Bilderberg Group

Hot WWW Trending Topics 2010, 2011

23 Dec
Ben Bernanke leaving the 2008 Bilderberg Confe...

Ben Bernanke leaving 2008 Bilderberg Meeting by chauffeured Limo

Copyright 2010-3010 By Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved.

What do writers write about and why? My own evolving spiritual trail as a native born American, political conservative, and Christian has led me to feel compelled to investigate and follow certain subjects. Over 20 years of writing and research has finally produced my own personal “trending topics” list, which I culled last night from about 336 topics down to about 180. This year I added several new fledgling blogs to the suite of online portals that I haunt, notably:




To browse these topics, and read posts in any category, visit Alternative News Forum, my main blogging portal. haven’t me me yet? I’m Chase Kyla Hunter,  Christian mystic, Cherokee Shaman and Conservative Tea Party Patriot. You can find me on Twitter under @Altnewsforum. Follow! I promise I will make you think, laugh, pray, and I will follow you right back. 🙂

Here’s my personal evolving “Trending Topics” list which has taken about 12-20 years to evolve. I figure this ought to keep me busy for awhile.

·         2011 2012 Future Predictions

·         2012 pole shift earth changes floods

·         2012 presidential elections

·         2012 Web Bot Predictions

·         Al Qaeda Radical Islam

·         America Christian Nation

·         American Blogosphere

·         American Civil Rights

·         American Economy

·         American Human Rights

·         American Politics

·         american society

·         americans buying silver

·         annunaki aliens illuminati ancient history

·         Antichrist Book of Revelations

·         Barack Obama Presidency in Crisis

·         Bible Prophecy

·         Biblical Archealogy

·         Biblical Astronomy

·         Big Brother in America

·         Bilderberg Group

·         black dragon society

·         Black Ops Secret Technology

·         blacklisted news

·         Blogging as Grassroots Activism

·         bohemian grove

·         Born Again in Jesus Christ

·         BP British Petroleum

·         buying silver

·         Buying Silver Bullion

·         buying silver coins

·         CFR Council on Foreign Relations

·         Chase Kyla Hunter Essays

·         Christians RFID End Times Predictions

·         CK Hunter essays

·         Crime & Punishment

·         Cult Watch

·         Currency Safe Havens

·         D.U.M.B.S. underground tunnels cities

·         Dark Science Coverups

·         Disclosure

·         domestic terrorism

·         Earth Changes

·         emergency preparedness

·         End Times Phenomenon

·         EU Euro European Union

·         European Union

·         Face of Jesus

·         Facebook and the Death of Privacy

·         Facebook Twitter Social Behavior Engineering

·         false signs wonders last days

·         Federal Deficit

·         freemasonry

·         Full Body Scanners

·         gay lesbian homosexual civil rights

·         Glenn Beck

·         global unity consciousness

·         Gold Silver Metals Investments

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·         Grassroots Citizen Journalism

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·         Great Britain UK Politics

·         Great Falling Away Christianity

·         gulf coast BP oil spill spring 2010

·         haarp project blue beam

·         HAARP Technology

·         History Channel Lucifer TV

·         hollywood

·         human dna genetics

·         human RFID chipping

·         illegal imprisonment in america

·         Illegal Obama Stealth Legislation

·         illuminati

·         Illuminati Advertising Commercials

·         Illuminati Event Norway Spiral HAARP

·         Illuminati Families NYC USA

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·         Illuminati TV

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·         Internet Commentary Issues

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·         Maitreya False Messiah

·         maitreya haarp blue beam world messiah ad campaign

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Bilderberg Meeting: 2009 Greece, Members List: Full News Media Black Out – Re-distribute this list

24 Feb

Here are just some of their names and faces:

The Council on Foreign Relations, hand maiden to the Bilderberg Group, was founded in 1917 by JP Morgan:

Bilderberg Group’s World Depopulation Plan Exposed by World Net Daily

Learn More & see more video regarding the 2009 Bilderberg Meeting in Greece

Confront this, people everywhere, in your own countries. The Bilderberg Group: these are the people who are continuing the covert plot hatched in 1917 to secretly rule the world without your permission, your vote, your knowledge or consent. This is REAL and it began in 1917 with the secret takeover of the top 25 USA newspapers by agents of JP Morgan. If you do not know who the Bilderberg Group is, or have never heard of any of this, here is a full list of articles, essays and original posts on Alligator Farm that mention, describe and discuss the Bilderberg Group. Please read these, re-distribute and re-post them so that others can learn also. Hurry, for we have little time left. The Bilderberg  agenda calls for drastic population reduction on a world scale by 2012. That is an equation for world war. They cannot wage war if soldiers around the world lay down their arms and refuse to fight. Send this information far and wide.

Chase Hunter

2009 Bilderberg Group Members List:

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands
Queen Sofía of Spain
Prins Filip Belgian Prince
Étienne Davignon, Belgium
Josef Ackermann, Germany
Keith B. Alexander, Director of the NSA, USA
Roger Altman, USA
Takis Arapoglou, National Bank of Greece, Greece
Ali Babacan, Turkey
Balsemão, Francisco Pinto, Portugal
Nicolas Baverez, France
Franco Bernabè, Italy
Xavier Bertrand. France
Bildt, Carl, Sweden
Jan Björklund, Minister for Education, Sweden
Christoph Blocher, Switzerland
Alexandre Bompard, France, (europe 1 ( french radio ))
Ana Botín (President of Santander Bank Group Emilio Botín´s daughter), Spain.
Henri de Castries, AXA, France
Juan Luis Cebrián, (PRISA Group of Media, CEO), Spain.
W. Edmund Clark, TD Bank Financial Group, Canada
Kenneth Clark, ΤD Βank Financial Group, Great Britain
Luc Coene, National Bank of Belgium, Belgium
Richard Dearlove, ex head MI6, Great Britain
Mario Draghi, Βanca d΄Ιtalia, Italy
Eldrup, Anders, Denmark
Elkann, John, Fiat SPA, Italy
Enders Thomas, CEO Airbus, Germany
José (Manuel) Entrecanales (Acciona Group, Construction and infrastructures), Spain.
Isidro Fainé Casas (President of Caixa “Bank” and SEAT Adviser), Spain.
Niall Ferguson, Harvard Business School, USA
Timothy Geithner, USA, Secretary of the Treasury]
Dermot Gleeson, Ireland
Donald E. Graham Washington Ρost Company
Halberstadt, Victor, Professor of Economics, Leiden University, Netherlands
Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Netherlands
Richard Holbrooke, USA
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO Secretary General, Netherlands
James L. Jones, National Security Advisor, USA
Vernon Jordan, USA
Robert Kagan, USA
Jyrki Katainen, Minister of Finance, Finland
John Kerr, Baron Kerr of Kinlochard, Great Britain
Mustafa Koç, Turkey
Roland Koch, Germany
Sami Cohen, Journalist, Turkey
Henry Kravis, USA
Marie-Josée Kravis, USA
Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition. Netherlands
Odysseas Kyriakopoulos, S&B Group, Greece
Manuela Ferreira Leite, Portugal
Bernardino León, Spain
Jessica Mathews, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, USA
Philippe Maystadt, European Investment Bank, Belgium
Frank McKenna, ΤD Βank Financial Group, Canada
John Micklethwait, The Economist, Great Britain
Thierry de Montbrial, Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI), France
Mario Monti, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Spain
Craig Mundie, Microsoft, USA
Egil Myklebust, SAS Group, Norway
Matthias Nass, Die Zeit, Germany
Denis Oliven, Le Νouvel Οbservateur, France
Frederic Oudea, Societe Generale, France
Cem Özdemir, Alliance ’90/The Greens, Germany
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Italy
Papalexopoulos, Dimitris, CEO, Titan Cement Co. S.A., Greece
Richard Perle, Αmerican Εnterprise Ιnstitute, USA
David Petraeus, Commander, U.S. Central Command, USA
Manuel Pinho, Minister of Economy and Innovation, Portugal
Robert Prichard, Τorstar Corporation, Canada
Romano Prodi, ex Prime Minister, Italy
Heather Reisman, Ιndigo Βooks & Μusic Ιnc., Canada
Eivind Reiten, Norway (Chairman BD Norske Skog, former CEO Norsk Hydro)
Michael Ringier, Czech Republic
David Rockefeller, USA
Dennis Ross, USA]
Barnett Rubin, USA
Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón ?, Mayor of Madrid, Spain
Suzan Sabancı Dinçer, Turkey
Indira Samarasekera, President of the University of Alberta, Canada
Rudolf Scholten, Social Democratic Party, Austria
Jürgen Steb, Germany
Pedro Solbes, Spain
Sampatzi Saraz, Turkey (banker)
Sanata Seketa, Canada (University of Canada)
Lawrence Summers, USA
Peter Sutherland, Ireland
Martin Taylor, Barclays Bank, Great Britain
Peter Thiel, USA
Agan Ourgkout, Turkey
Matti Vanhanen, Prime Minister, Finland
Daniel Vasella, Novartis AG, Switzerland
Jeroen van der Veer, CEO Royal Dutch Shell, Netherlands
Guy Verhofstadt, ex Prime Minister, Belgium
Paul Volcker, USA
Jacob Wallenberg, Sweden
Marcus Wallenberg, Sweden
Nout Wellink, the Netherlands
Vissers Hans, Netherlands
Martin Wolf, Financial Τimes, Great Britain
James Wolfensohn, USA
Paul Wolfowitz, USA
Fareed Zakaria, USA – Newsweek
Robert Zoellick, World Bank, USA
Dora Bakoyannis, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Greece
Anna Diamantopoulou, Greece
Yannis Papathanasiou, Minister for Economy and Finance, Greece
Georgios Alogoskoufis, Greece,
George David, Coca-Cola 3E, Greece


Download the List here:


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Original “Call Global to Awakening” By Chase Kyla Hunter Posted 3.2008

24 Aug
Hand with planned insertion point for Verichip...

Image via Wikipedia

I penned this essay below in March of 2008 after realizing beyond all shadow of a doubt that Barack Obama was not just a hand selected Bilderberg anointed new world order  Manchurian candidate. He was possibly not even a legal American citizen.

Since I wrote this document the skeptics and cynics who told me this was all conspiracy theory and speculation have fallen oddly silent as hundreds of thousands of other Americans began publishing what they knew and understood. It turns out that millions of us had been quietly doing our “due diligence” since our mainstream media now completely belongs to the global NWO elite, and does not represent the American people, but advocates for the New World Order globalist agenda 24-7.

Also in 2008 the USA economy was given a very public controlled demolition, not unlike building seven on 9-11. RFID chips are being put into US soldiers, in the UK all handguns have now been confiscated, surveillance cameras watch their every move in Great Britain, while foolish American teens watch TV shows like “Big Brother” – not even realizing that an entire adult population (the ipod generation) is now being psychologically groomed to have their every move monitored by surveillance 24-7 for the rest of their lives.

Some brave soul managed to get high resolution video out of the USA D.U.M.B. secret underground tunnel system and posted the video to an astonished youtube audience, who in turn grabbed it and posted it around the world. The silence from the nay-sayers grew as what we now began to hear instead was the steady stream of nonsense which spewed from paid NWO disinformation agents, trying in vain to stand against the avalanche of cold hard facts being published online by people like me. Futuristic dark illuminati theme cities are being built, complete with all the occult trappings that glorify their sun worship, which is the ancient worship of Annunaki / Nephilim / Molech / Marduk and finally: Lucifer. Apparently these fiends in the flesh are quite confident.

They have not counted on a Divine Intervention, but a Divine Intervention is exactly what they are about to get. It might look like they have it their way for a very short season, but the faithful in the secret and hidden global Body of Christ know the end from the beginning and they know EXACTLY how this story ends. You all know who you are.

And the Godless know who they are. Let the days pass. Let the wheels begin to turn. Let the Light of God dissolve the evil madness of a few hundred men and women who believe they own the world. The Light of God Never Fails. – CKH


Understanding Why a Historically Re-occurring Scientific Astronomical Event May Bring About A Pole Shift of the Earth and the Seven Last Plagues as Recorded in the Christian Holy Bible’s Book of Revelations

Prelude: [ Authored by CKH, a pen name, for privacy and personal safety ]

I postulate in this Wiki that there is a direct relationship between escalating earth changes, the secret FEMA detention camps that are presently being constructed in many USA states, the global scientific community’s & Vatican’s present cover-up of the scientific actuality (world governments have installed a secret astronomical observatory station to track Nibiru in Antarctica – paid for with taxpayer dollars ) of an extra-solar system planet named Nibiru (brown dwarf collapsing star) and it’s approach toward the earth to arrive at it’s closest point in December 2012 through February 2013, (dates for the end of the Mayan calendar), the sudden rise of Barack Obama to ascend to the White House with little or no governing experience, the rapid covert legislation to create a North American Union to replace the present US Constitution, the rapid approach of a politically super-correct Godless One World UN government, the mystery of CROP CIRCLES and their messages of warning to humankind, RFID chips, martial law, global surveillance, and the UN’s long standing Luciferian Illuminati world dream of reducing the population of the earth to a more “manageable” (controllable) approximately one half billion people. After you read this site and study the supporting links and documents you may find it easier to connect the dots between these many apparently unrelated issues.

Before you read on, it’s important understand that the approach of Nibiru / Planet X is neither hoax or mere speculation, as government disinformation experts would have you believe. So please visit some of these links and watch some videos being produced and distributed by other independent researchers from all around the world, who are frantically trying to publish the truth and share what they know with others. Every human being who is alive upon this earth deserves to know the truth about this long prophesied event, so that they may make their own personal spiritual decisions, along with any survival preparations for themselves and their loved ones.

For more details on the hard science supporting the
approach of Planet X / Nibiru see http://yowusa.com
and http://yowusa.info

There is also a direct relationship between the fact that every major news outlet in the west is now owned and operated by some multinational corporation that has direct ties to the UN, the pro-Obama western press, and the ongoing suppression and ridicule of all persons who are figuring everything out and trying to share what they are learning with others.
There is also a relationship between the ongoing public ridicule of truth tellers and the mass media’s determination to ignore or discredit the research of brilliant credible dedicated investigators like Dr. Steven Greer and his recent Disclosure Project press conference of 2001, Linda Moulton Howe and her Earthfiles Reports, and others.

Scientists and astronomers first began reporting of a new planetary body that was being observed by telescopes and space satellites at the outer edges of our solar system in the 1980s, specifically 1983. Had the governments of the world been attentive to what was being discovered back then, and proper preparations made, we would most likely not be in the dire circumstances that we are in today. If you are alive upon the earth, where-ever you are, and if you want to live past 2012 in your present physical body and physically survive what is to come – then you need to read on.

This information is for every living human being who is alive upon the earth. Everyone else who believes in some sort of Higher Power, a Deity, God, All that Is, The Creator, Allah, The Great Mother, Mother / Father God, the Goddess, or whatever you choose to name your present comprehension of a Universal Divine Creator, this Wiki page is being written for you. The leading governments of the world, their military, the UN, and the VATICAN know about and are presently tracking an ENORMOUS scientific cosmic astronomical event, which is shortly to occur, that will most definitely induce a partial or complete POLE SHIFT of the Earth. NASA has known about this event since at least the early 1980s.

It was decided among the world governments and the UN – NOT TO TELL their civilian populations, as they feared mass panic and hysteria, and overthrow of these governments. The global G8 Group and the UN are the guiltiest of all. The collective soul of certain nations’ populations subconsciously know that MANY GREAT AND SECRET TRUTHS ARE BEING KEPT FROM THEM, and many populations are now revolting against their [ corrupt ] governments anyway. These governments have used taxpayer dollars to construct elaborate facilities for their own survival, with the clear intention of leaving their innocent and uninformed populations to fend for themselves when this event takes place. Various links on this Wiki site will reveal where some of those government world Elite survival hide-outs are located.

What we will be seeing take place in the next 15 years upon this world is the apparently unintentional, yet Divinely directed convergence of Bible prophecy, new age prophecy, Native American prophecy, science, astronomy, geology, archaeology, anthropology, the predictions of famous psychics, visionaries, seers, the re-emergence of indigenous cultures’ ancient teaching stories, along with newly revealed Bible Codes.

The actual imminent return of Planet Nibiru or (Planet X) is the approaching cataclysmic astronomical cosmic event which world governments are hiding from their populations. It is the REAL reason for global warming, not CO2 emissions.

Spiritual seers, prophets, visionaries, shamans ( like myself – I am a clairvoyant, a Christian Mystic and Cherokee Shaman ), scientists, government personnel, traditional religious leaders, Bible scholars, philosophers, new age leaders, military leaders, Native American prophets, astronomers (and even atheists) are now experiencing a phenomenon which no one would ever dream could happen on this war scarred, evil infested, corrupt yet beautiful world: They are all coming to the same conclusions, from wildly different educational backgrounds, philosophies, religions, and theological points of view.

This phenomenon is an activity of the SPIRIT OF TRUTH or “Holy Spirit” at work. It transcends personal religious beliefs, or the lack thereof.

Returning Planet X also known as Nibiru will induce an astronomical event called a pole shift in our lifetime.

This astronomical event has occurred before and takes place approximately every 3,600 years, when the returning orbit of Nibiru comes closest to Earth’s orbit. The approach of Nibiru is well known to the hidden world governing elite, their puppets in office, US and overseas scientists & astronomers stationed in secret on the south pole (where the returning brown dwarf sun Nibiru and 5 of its moons are already visible and many photos and videos have been taken), to NASA, to all branches of the USA military and other nations’ military., and to the Vatican, who have several astronomical observatories stationed around the world watching. (If you are just now learning that 90% of the governments of the world are utterly corrupt then one would have to wonder what planet you were living on all this time.)

The decision has been made to maintain a worldwide mass media blackout on this great cosmic event, as it is expected that up to 1/3rd of the world population may possibly perish during the pole shift, which will be induced due to severe solar activity and the gravitational pull of Nibiru upon the Earth as Nibiru passes closest to earth between DECEMBER 21ST 2012 and February 14th 2013. This is the same date on the Mayan Calendar which indicates the biblical phrase: End of the World as we know it. There is no coincidence here. Many of the scientific astronomical phenomena that will occur right before, during and after the Pole Shift ARE RECORDED IN THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. That also is no coincidence, but was DIVINELY PLANNED ages ago by the Creator.

I’d like to digress to say that I am not authoring this Wiki site in order to try to “save” someone’s soul via the orthodox Christian faith. At this late date, you have either found your truth and your own personal spiritual path or you are sitting in front of a TV, a video game, a casino game, at a bar, at a sports event, s strip club, worshiping NASCAR, or you are just lost and really don’t know where to turn. I might add that every religion upon the earth has been tampered with or else is theologically, intrinsically FLAWED, and not one of the world religions is actually capable of telling the people the complete truth, for they don’t know it themselves.

The Christian prophecies in the Holy Bible come the closest to full disclosure of catastrophic world events in this author’s opinion at this time. (Fall 2008) I’m quite aware of how unpopular such a statement may be, albeit – I am telling you the truth. The Presence of God’s Light within you will teach you to find the truth in time to know what to do between now and 2012. Get out of big loud noisy gang infested cities and go into nature, into the deep wilderness, to listen for God’s inner instructions to you. I am instructing you specifically to do this if you want to become personally tutored by the Holy Spirit and thus “God taught from Within” about how to prepare and what you should do to make changes in your life in time to survive what 2012-2019 may bring.

See: http://ldolphin.org/quakes2.html


Another site author writes:
If earthquakes are not on the increase, then what shall we make of the biblical evidence that earthquakes will increase in the last days? As noted above, Hal Lindsey says that earthquakes will continue to increase “just as the Bible predicts for the last days.”50 If earthquakes are not increasing, does this mean that the return of Christ cannot be near? Closer examination of the New Testament evidence will reveal that Lindsey’s statement is wrong on both counts. Not only are earthquakes not increasing, but also the biblical text never indicated that they would. The popular conception that an increase of earthquakes in frequency and severity is a key sign of the temporal nearness of the end results from a misreading of the biblical text.

Earthquakes in Biblical Literature. Earthquakes and other cataclysmic events often carry theophanic significance in Scripture, demonstrating God’s awesome power. At Mount Sinai the LORD’s presence was indicated by smoke and the shaking of the mountain (Exod. 19:18; cf. 1 Kings 19:1151 ; Ps. 68:8; Job 9:6; Hab. 3:6).

When the New Testament church prayed “the place where they had gathered together was shaken” and the Spirit’s presence was manifested (Acts 4:31). Paul and Silas were freed when God’s power and presence was manifested in an earthquake (Acts 16:26). The most unusual earthquakes were associated with the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. When Christ died on the cross, an earthquake shook the temple and rent the curtain of the temple from top to bottom (Matt. 27:51). No human agency rolled away the stone that sealed Christ’s tomb; it was the angel in the presence of the earthquake (Matt. 28:2).

More specifically, many seismic theophanies are manifestations of God’s anger and righteous judgment (cf. 1 Sam. 14:15; Ps. 18:7,8; Isa. 5:25; 13:13; 29:6; Joel 3:16; Amos 1:1,2; 8:7,8; Mic. 1:3-7; Nah. 1:5,6; Hag. 2:6, 21). The Day of the LORD is the most elaborate judgment motif of Scripture. That day is without fail marked by earthquakes and associated celestial disturbances (Isa. 2:19, 21; 13:13; 24:18; 29:5-6; Ezek. 38:19-22; Joel 2:10; Zech. 14:4, 5). For example, Isaiah’s description of the destruction of Babylon has cosmic overtones:

Therefore I shall make the heavens tremble,
. . . And the earth will be shaken from its place
At the fury of the LORD of hosts
. . . In the day of His burning anger. (Isa. 13:13).

Yet during the awesome shakedown of heaven and earth, “The LORD will have compassion on Jacob” (Isa. 14:1), and all creation will recognize God’s working (Isa. 14:3-8). When Israel is attacked by the armies of Gog, those armies are demolished at the decree of the LORD by earthquake and cosmic hailstones (Ezek. 38:17-23). Zechariah is even more explicit about the extraordinary geologic upheaval in the Holy Land associated with the Day of the LORD. A final earthquake at the LORD’s return will split the Mount of Olives, uplift Jerusalem on its site, and depress the surrounding Judean Mountains (Zech. 14:1-10).

What is coming, transcends most all religious texts which have been accepted as DIVINE REVELATIONS.

How it came to be that so much of the science, geology and astronomy pertaining to the coming POLE SHIFT was included in the Christian Bible’s Book of Revelations, is one of God’s most profound mysteries, and must be relegated to DIVINE PROVIDENCE and the Hand of God Himself. Theologians well know that the present day version of Bible scripture was altered and edited more than 22 times since the Ascension of Christ and the times shortly thereafter when the first scriptures about His life and teachings were written.

Any religious text which includes prophecy that foretells of this catastrophic and species altering event must be looked at with a certain degree of reverence and respect. If the religious text(s) that you study include any reference to this event, then consider that somewhere along the line, AUTHORITATIVE SUPERVISING DIVINE HEAVENLY FORCES made sure that the information was kept in the scriptural text so that people of our day and generation could find it, read, comprehend and act on it. The hidden Hand of God has been at work all along, apparently, as 2000 years of tinkering with Christian scripture failed to omit the passages in the Bible that clearly warn of these events to come. It’s worth pondering, even for the hardened agnostic.

There is no time left for groups to argue back and forth about whose science or astronomy found Nibiru first, who gets the credit, whose name might appear in the Washington Post, or other such spiritually immature childishness. The populations of the world must move quickly and invisibly to work around their corrupt controlling governments to make provisions for survival and the rebuilding and repopulating of the world. This pole shift event has been prophesied repeatedly in ancient times and modern times.

“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as
sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its
late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every
mountain and island was moved out of its place” (vv. 12–14).

From Zephaniah: The great day of the Lord is near; it is near and hastens quickly. The noise of the day of the Lord is bitter; there the mighty men shall cry out. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of devastation and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of trumpet and alarm against the fortified cities and against the high towers. (Zephaniah 1:14-16)

Joel 2:10-11: The sun and moon grow dark, and stars diminish their brightness . . . for the day of the Lord is great and terrible; who can endure it?

These passages of scripture quoted above from the Christian Holy Bible are describing what will occur geologically and scientifically during a complete pole shift, as will occur with the imminent return of Nibiru, or Planet X between 2012 and 2019.
The pole shift will be preceded by a worldwide earthquake of staggering magnitude, possibly a 9.0 or even 10.0+ on the Richter scale. Looking skyward during the pole shift itself, it will appear that the stars are “falling from heaven” as the planet careens wildly out of it’s former fixed rotation and re-aligns itself and it’s poles due to the gravitational pull of brown dwarf star Nibiru as it makes it’s closest pass to the earth.

If you already know, and have known, about this event, then God bless and keep you as you “Work While You Have the Light.”
I will add that those who have known of this event for years or even decades, who have refused to share this knowledge with the innocent populations of the world, will bear the full brunt of KARMA and God’s Wrath once the Divine Hammer comes down and God’s Heavenly Justice System finally swings into session for the final reckoning of all events from this last dispensation of 500,000 years in our sector of the local universe neighborhood. Begin educating yourself by following these links. Watch these videos in the exact order as shown:

Links, Notes, Insights, Interpretations, Comparisons, Scientific Documents, Astronomy, Theories:
See: http://www.tomorrowsworld.org/cgi-bin/tw/tw-mag.cgi?category=Magazine23&item=1104165518

“Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying,
‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Matthew 24:4–5).

The first four seals are also known as the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. See Bill Cooper’s book “Behold A Pale Horse”. The white horse and its rider represent false religions“false Christs” (v. 24). In Matthew 24, Jesus continues describing the sequence of events: war, famine, pestilence and tribulation. Jesus is the One who interprets the seals of Revelation. He tells us: “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake” (vv. 6–9).

A General Time-line of Prophesied World Events from the Book of Revelations


Is the year long “Day of the Lord” also the same year that the poles shift? Evidence indicates that this could be true. Revelation 8 describes the seventh seal being opened. We find that this seal—the Day of the Lord—is comprised of seven trumpet judgments or seven last plagues.

THE “DAY OF THE LORD” may be a year-long period of Divine Intervention, during which time the poles will shift.
One Christian author writes: “The Day of the Lord, mentioned in more than 30 places in the Bible, will be a time of God’s intervention in the affairs of men on this earth, when He will punish the inhabitants of the earth for their flagrant sins.” (Joel 1:14-20; 2:1-32; 3:9-17).

According to Matthew 24:29-31, there will be signs in heaven, “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven” immediately after the tribulation and before the Day of the Lord. God said, “I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth… The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord” (Joel 2:30-31).
Let’s look at some of the science explaining what happens when the planetary poles shift.

First Plague: ( The White Horse) A Foul and Painful Seeping Sore for Those Who Take the Mark of the Beast

Second Plague: (The Red Horse) The Death of Clean Ocean Waters – Changes in the Chemical Composition of the Oceans http://www.apocalypsetheunveiling.com/into_the_sea_.htm

The second seal reveals a horseman riding a red horse, having the power to take peace from the earth.

Third Plague: (The Black Horse) Fresh Water Lakes, Rivers, Streams Polluted, Unfit to Drink – Dire Water Pollution, Water Shortages, Food Shortages, Famine

The third seal presents a rider on a black horse, representing a scarcity of food and resulting famine.

Fourth Plague: (The Pale Horse) Excessive Scorching Heat from Our Sun, Pestilence ( Nibiru Brown Dwarf Approach Overheats our Sun, Bringing also a Fierce Heat of It’s own – Global Warming Skyrockets to Unbearable Levels ) http://www.apocalypsetheunveiling.com/upon_the_sun_.htm

The fourth seal shows a rider on a pale horse with the power over one fourth of the earth to kill “with sword,
with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth” (Revelation 6:8).

Fifth Plague: Tribulation as the Locale of the Seat of World Authority is Tormented by God’s Wrath, Persecution and Martyrdom of Christians


“When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held” (Revelation 6:9).

Sixth Plague: The Euphrates River Dries Up; False Miracles Occur, Armies Begin to Gather in Armageddon

“Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east (armies of China) might be prepared. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” (vv. 12–14).

The name Armageddon comes from the Hebrew, “Har Magedon,” which means “the hill of Megiddo.” Megiddo is located in Modern Israel about 55 miles north of Jerusalem. The hill or mount of Megiddo overlooks the largest valley in Israel, the Plain of Esdraelon, or the Valley of Jezreel.

“When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets” (8:1). The trumpets give us warning, announcing seven plagues, or judgments! The seven seals reveal end-time trends and events. The seventh seal represents the year-long Day of the Lord (cf. Isaiah 34:8). And the seventh seal consists of seven trumpet judgments during the year-long Day of the Lord. As we will see later, the seventh trumpet itself consists of the “seven last plagues” mentioned in Revelation 15:1.

Seventh Plague: Thunder, Lightening, A Worldwide Earthquake Magnitude 9.0, 60 Lb. Hailstones Fall from the Skies, the Armies of the Nations make war at Armageddon, Nuclear Warheads are Launched.

“And I looked, and I heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, ‘Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!’” (Revelation 8:13).

Revelation 9 describes the first woe or the fifth trumpet plague. The fifth angel sounds a trumpet that begins a military action that lasts for five months. The second woe, or the sixth trumpet plague, is pictured with symbols of horses and horsemen. Here we see an intense military counter-attack. We read: “One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things. Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, ‘Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates’” (9:12–14).

An army of 200 million moves westward across the Euphrates River and destroys one-third of the earth’s population.

“So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone. By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed; by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths” (vv. 15–18).

This is passage is describing world war III. And this phase of World War III will kill billions of human beings! Jesus said that unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved—all life on earth would be destroyed (Matthew 24:21–22).

The Voice of the Seventh Angel

“Then the seventh angel sounded: and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!’” (Revelation 11:15).

Barack Obama: NPD Narcissist or Just Narcissistic?

21 Aug

Copyright 2010-3010 by Chase Kyla Hunter, Updated 12.2010

Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. writes on a variety of topics, but his experience and understanding of the personal clinical psychology of NPD, or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, is thorough and exhaustive.

His website,  Audacitywatch.com examines the possibility that Barack Obama possibly suffers from NPD, also known as narcissistic personality disorder. I noticed behaviors and irregularities about Obama last summer 2008 during the presidential campaign that had me wondering, and apparently others have been watching him as well. I believe more people with psychology backgrounds would have spoken out sooner last year, but once again, anyone who raised any kind of skeptical musings about Obama was instantly pounced on as a racist. It is my belief that in the next four years, excepting any final decision to impeach, that this country is about to pay a dire and terrible price for electing a man to the White House who had not been properly vetted, investigated, examined, and placed under the typical looking glass of big media scrutiny that USUALLY takes place during election years.

What took place last year in 2008 was not so much an election proper, with all the usual big media due diligence, as it was a trance worship-fest of Obama the Messiah, celebrity superstar and Hollywood style icon. If we compare and contrast how big media regarded Obama in 2008, as opposed to the way big media regarded Bill Clinton in 1992, we see the glaring differences easily. I suppose I am dating myself here. But when Bill Clinton ran for president in 92 as an unknown Arknsaw Governor, he was grilled in public and on live TV within an inch of his human life for months on end. None of that took place with Obama. Why?

He was pre-screened and pre-selected by the Bilderberg and secretly attended their summer 2008 meeting, that’s why.

Our US Presidential elections have become dog and pony shows to appease the American citizenry’s need to believe that they are, in fact, electing a president by their choice.

The majority of young people who came out in swarms to support and elect Barack Obama did so mostly becuase of his good looks, his ‘coolness’, his speech-making magic, his internet skills, the fact that he owns an ipod, and his well crafted was oratory that promised us the moon, while the nation was and is, in fact, teetering on bankruptcy. I would surmise tht 80% of those kids do not even know who or what the Bilderberg Group is. They most likely think the “new world order” is a comical conspiracy theory. Meanwhile every day they are being ever so subtly indoctrinated by media and TV into thinking that globalism is THE WAY of the future, and that being RFID chipped is harmless and cool.

Why does this NPD issue really matter?

Some of the most heinous tyrants in world history turned out to be clinically disturbed psychological narcissists whose sense of entitlement, illusory sense of personal grandeur, and overt lust for more power over others led to callous disregard of the pain and suffering that their actions inflicted. They ultimately wrought havoc on the populations that they ruled. Hitler was a text book case “NPD individual” gone beserk with his own sense of destiny and power hunger.

In light of the fact that we have already inherited early on in the Obama presidency a nation struggling under a highly suspect and questionable “financial bailout” – combined with the fact that Obama had zero governing experience when he was elected, we are not really in a position to endure another president who may further harm and damage the overall interests of the nation and her future. In many ways America was in shambles by the time George W. Bush left Washington DC. We have to protect the nation.

I have studied NPD off and on for years, and I see many of the telltale signs of it in Barack Obama. I don’t make these statements lightly, I don’t consider it to be a frivolous discussion under any circumstances. The presidency is a position in which the power to make war can be exercised.

Baack Obama needs to be watched, handled, and handled with care at that. If he begins to exhibit certain behaviors we better be ready as a nation to move quickly to remove him from office before he leads the country straight into a political foreign policy situation from which there is no safe, and face saving retreat.  – CKH

Further Reading:

Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited

Why Obama Will Be Worse Than Bush

Barack Obama: Narcissist or Merely Narcissistic?

See also: http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/05/narcissus_and_echo_obama_and_t_1.html

Where Is James Bond When You Need Him?

24 Jul

Alligator Farm: Breaking News From Actuality

USA Mandatory Swine Flu Shots?


Taxpayer March on DC 9.12.09 See http://912dc.org

It’s another 3 am moment of quietly connecting the dots. This past spring FEMA had secret meetings with the heads of all big city USA police departments, during which they were told they would soon be federalised. An astute youtuber overheard  one of the meetings, and the info was posted to youtube.  Hundreds of truthers like me who actually give a damn about what happens to America grabbed the video, re-posted it and one more FEMA secret meeting was not so secret anymore. We know that under martial law, FEMA will actually try to use Bible scripture to make local clergy and officials  comply with their demands. We know that incidents of police brutality and unwarranted arrests and harassment are skyrocketing in America. Policemen can now get away with unparalled acts of brutality and they are found to be “breaking no laws” by corrupt complicit courts.

We are doing the math.

Experimental Flu Shots Administered by US MIlitary Killing Soldiers Already

Experimental Flu Shots Administered by US MIlitary Killing Soldiers Already

We  know about fake CIA (cough:  Baxter International) lab created swine flu, the 3700 USA FEMA camps, the millions of polyguard coffin liners stacked out in Georgia and elsewhere. We know that Obama’s speech phrases sound REALLY DIFFERENT when they are scrutinized with special audio software and played backwards.

We know Czar Obama’s health care plan will finish the bankrupting of the nation, we know that Goldman Sachs now runs America, so when you see Obama’s mouth move in certain ways like when the ventriloquist has his hand up the puppet’s back, that’s really Goldman Sachs and Wall street’s hand waaaayy up Obama’s rear end,  making him say those things. He belongs to them. It shows. We are not stupid.

brownshirt-obamaAnd when Goldman Sachs gets tired of squeezing Obama’s nads and they go on coffee break, Obama’s Bilderberger men and women trot in from stage left to run the show til they come back. We know that new age believers think Obama is a global messiah.

We know better than that.

We know about the vast underground network of black op financed undergound tunnels and cities built for the elite and their tea party friends to cuddle in together while the poles shift, leaving us to broil on the surface. We know, in contrast, Norway appears to have the good sense and decency to try to make some preparations for themselves AND THEIR PEOPLE. The other governments of the world should follow suit. We have now had a few American Tea Parties of our own, here recently.

We know Oprah, the Church of the New Earth’s founder and Tolle bedazzled promoter, (Why does Oprah need have her own Church?) might secretly want to rule the world all by herself, using Eckhart Tolle as her footstool. Eckhart: Not Tolle, Oprah’s Tool.

Have you looked deep into Oprah’s eyes lately? Um, excuse me:  “Who the hell are you and what did you do with Oprah?!

Oprah Pitching Her New Church & Eckhart-Trance Religion
Oprah Pitching Her New Church & Eckhart-Trance Religion

Yikes. But the new “evil alien eyed” Oprah might have to soon arm wrestle another power hungry soulless freak to see who comes out on top.

Enter illuminati lunatic  Supriem David Rockefeller, and make room for his large  fake Lucifer horns.

Tim Curry eat your heart out.

Wingnut extraordinaire bastard child miltary brat trillionaire financier and “AI mad scientist” Supriem D. Rockefeller now thinks he is Lucifer. Furthermore, he recently stated that he has proprietary rights to a technology so evil and proficient that it could disarm and disable any nation on earth via EMP pulse wave from a hovering satellite, (one of his own – he owns a private satellite network, you see) and they would never know what hit them and or where it came from.

Hey, that ought to get you on the Oprah show. It makes Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah’s sofa look kind of tame in comparison. And  by the way, has anyone contacted the FBI, DoD, or ummm…. “Hello:  Homeland Security? I think we need to reign in Supriem Rockefeller – he is threatening to blow up the USA infrastructure …no, really.”

Talk about your psycho-killer loose cannon. Whew. Here is an excerpt from his letter:

Quote Supriem Rockefeller:  “We have a technology that no one can stop. The ramifications of this technology used as a weapon are something out of a science fiction movie. We have to ensure that this technology stays within our working group. Someone could use this to disable aircraft from 400 miles away and there is nothing to trace, it would just look like the aircraft had a system failure and plummeted out of the sky.

Someone could use this to disable any alarm system, create a financial crisis by aiming at a stock exchange, someone could start wiping out every satellite in constellation and leave zero trace of what, where and how this happened. The 400 mile range is minimum, it can be increased via plasma antennas.”

You can read the entire lettter here. Who breeds these lunatic lab rats anyway? The Priesthood of Amen? Oh, right. The deep undergound Dulce reptoid aliens, that’s who . I almost forgot. Pass me that petri dish.

Supriem D. Rockefeller Attired as Amen-Ra: Ewwwwh. NOT Scary, Just Stupid.
Supriem D. Rockefeller Attired as Amen-Ra: Ewwwwh. NOT Scary, Just Stupid.

Supriem even recently had the gall to announce that Stanley Kubrick’s last and most noteworthy film, EYES WIDE SHUT, accurately portrayed one of his private  Priesthood of Amen rituals, complete with the gold mask, red robes and all the tall matched sets of airline stewardess perfect “loveme dolls” in attendance.  I have two words: Who cares?

“We are just not that into you Supriem.”  We’re all bored to death with the endless banal tales of evil, intrigue, plot, conspiracy, truth in jest, telltale movies, presidents who can’t even prove they are legal US citizens, it’s all ludicrous and it all wreaks of a very cheap shabby “hall of mirrors” arcade at the county fair.

We have all walked through these NWO stories too many times. We are just not scared any more. America is not scared of ANYTHING they throw at us, and THAT is what makes the illuminati stooges so scared of us instead. After all, we have God on our side:  they know it, we know it, and the rest will be history soon enough. I know in my heart that every red blooded American that I know would just as soon die fighting than live in the NWO RFID chipped fascist elite controlled world that they have planned for us. So I believe the watchwords for 2009 may be:


Watch for events & individuals associated with the re-building of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem.
Watch for events & individuals associated with the re-building of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

We know that Supriem is buddy buddy with the Temple Institute in Jerusalem and plans to finance the rebuilding of the Temple. We know he makes the locals bow to him when he shows up for PR photo ops over there. Thanks Wes Penre. You actually did well on letting the REAL Body of Christ in America know about that.

We know Supriem wants to usurp the good work of 100,000 devoted spiritual students and teachers of the Urantia Book, who love Jesus of Nazareth more than any being in the Universe, (the Urantia Book is the world’s most intelligent revelatory progressive and scientifically accurate conservative Christian document), and steal their 50 plus years of hard spiritual labor to use for himself to sell us his own self centered version of a One World Government. He wants to call his version of the NWO the Allied Union. and he wants to call his currency the Allied Unit.

Proposed chip-embedded United World Future Coin from G8 Summit: Italian Sandro Sassoli Designed it.
Proposed chip-embedded United World Future Coin from G8 Summit: Italian Sandro Sassoli Designed it.

Now that would be in apparent conflict with the coin presented reccently to G8 members by Russia’s president which they were all calling the United Future World Currency. See photo. The coin will include some sort of embedded technology that allows the holder to be tracked of course, and I’m sure a whole suite of equally Orwellian other features are secretly embedded as well.

FYI – They know we are onto them. The United Future World Currency website was taken down about 4 days ago. However, good old Google keeps a cache for quite a while  – you can still locate some of the text from the site, just in case you think I am making all this up. Just google this string of keywords below then follow the links:

Italian state mint Sandro Sassoli United Future World Currency

It gives one pause to consider: Are there wars going on behind the scenes between different Illuminati factions for whose coinage, verbage and  garbage will finally win the hearts of uneducated sheep people around the world?  Better not to be a sheeple – (herds of uninformed TV brainwashed blindly followng sheep-like people) but to be educated and aware, than in denial – then suddenly duped when they spring the  diabolical plan du jour on us all – most likely this fall around September, October. ( So if you are reading this and realizing oh expletive this stuff is really happening – then get busy emailing this article to others so they can wake up in time  too. I thank you for that and God thanks you for that.)

Sniff, sniff. Hmmm.  These “one world order coin wars” do not smell like teen spirit folks. This smells like the approach of an even bigger controlled demolition financial meltdown in America, and possible martial law. Coming soon to a national theatre near you. It will be quite interesting to see how they worked all this knowledge into the script for the feature film 2012. More things that make you go hmmmm.

So: we now know Supriem wants to USE the precious truth in the Urantia Book to make us worship him, instead of God. We get it. We’re quick studies out here in tattered middle class America, while we save our country in between breakfast dishes, afternoon laundry and grocery errands. We’re on it.

I actually knew the minute I read that Supriem thinks he is Lucifer that he has not actually comprehended The Urantia Book. Anyone can read the book, then walk away just as uninformed as before. The key is in the comprehension. In fact, I believe it has been said that “Comprehension is the passport to Paradise”.  Wink.

The Lucifer Rebellion is over. It was technically over when Jesus was incarnate, and it was most definitely over when he ascended. Lucifer has actually been in the legal custody of the Ancient of Days lll on a Jerusem prison planet for several decades  now. Study the Urantia Book for further details of the legal actions that have recently taken place by the Courts of the Ancients of Days pertaining to the closing out of the Lucifer Rebellion and the preparations for the Roll Call Resurrection of Souls at the close of our current dispensation. The harvest is nigh my friends.

The Face of Jesus As Imaged from the Shroud of Turin
The Face of Jesus As Imaged from the Shroud of Turin

I hear alot of  fundamentalist Christians going “Say what?” out there.    Uh-huh. You orthodox Christians, who I love and respect, (I am the grandchild of a Christian minister) who are being cast aside as out-dated, who are being pushed aside by a secular media as passe’  who are now being told that America is not a Christian nation (we ARE a Christian nation, don’t believe NEWSWEEK) precious harvest wheat that you are,  I have a bone to pick with you.

You have been railing like rowdy spiritual children who don’t want to do their homework, against the Urantia Book – trying to paint the Urantia Book as a demonic document for 56 years – you better knock it off. You are going to need the truth in this book like a starving man needs food soon.

Why not get a head start on your neighbor? You can read the entire text online at http://urantia.org/papers/index.html

My King of Kings had a very personal hand in the preparation and approval of those enlightening papers after His Ascension, and you better give that book a good long read, with your Bible in your other hand, or you are going to be sadly left behind when things heat up here soon.

The new world order Luciferian elite are planning to try to steal your 5th Epochal Revelation from you and make you think it’s Lucifer’s bible, when nothing could be further from the truth.

The Urantia Book is the "little book" spoken of in the book of Revelations.

The Urantia Book is the "little book" spoken of in the book of Revelations.

The Urantia Book is “the little book” spoken of in the book of Revelations, that is described that it would taste sweet in the mouth, but bitter in the belly. You better read it and then you better get down on your hands and knees and pray for the Holy Spirit to open and enlarge your mind for deeper understanding.

I mean what I say here. We live in perilous times and the evil men and women who conspire to run this world want to take the “little book” and use it to hurt you.

That “little book” is God’s gift to you.  Start reading it and learn to fight for and defend the Greater Truth, rather than attack it because it has big words in it that you do not understand.

So… duh, Supriem. You did not do your homework. You have a crack in your engine block, my man. Furthermore, you are delusional.  Go back to your mansion, drink some more German beer, and videotape Hathor’s scorpion foot tattoo again for posterity. Your time is better spent re-counting her 12 toes than plotting to rule the world.

supriemsuperman041809The real problem with Supriem is that he is certifiably as mad as a hatter.  The man would have to be, with all that he has planned for years in secret, then to intentionally let the cat out by hiring Wes Penre to be his fawning promoter and press release agent to advertise all over the web that he, Supriem, is Lucifer incarnate.

(You see, this is always their downfall. They just cannot resist the urge to beat their chests, and his is actually tattooed with a Superman logo – I am not kidding, and crow about “who is the most evil of them all”. )

Isn’t it all hilarious? “Mirror mirror on the wall…. who is the most EVIL of them all?”   And the mirror replies: Oh get a life man. You’re an idiot.

Oh but he is redeemed.  And he actually has a Superman logo tattooed on his chest in powdered gold. I am as serious as a heart attack. You just can’t make this stuff up folks.

If one is to give any credibility to the account of Wes Penre, then as “whacked out of their mind” evil villians go,  Supriem is right up there in the kookiest wingnut gallery of psychotic narcissists who always plotted to destroy the world in the original James Bond movies. I’m sure he must fly out to North Korea on occasion to dine with Kim Jong mentally Il. They sound just exactly alike.

The Legal Right to Bear Arms Must Be Guarded in America

The Legal Right to Bear Arms Must Be Guarded in America

And to think we all thought when we were kids watching those fabulously campy Sean Connery 007 movies, where the villains were just beyond all definitions of insane, that it was all just make believe.  You know:  Bond kills the evil villian, saves the world, makes love to the pretty girl, and they jet away toward a waiting  white yacht to have lobster and chardonnay for dinner.

Where is James Bond when you need him? Maybe he will show up between now and 2012? Maybe James Bond will be a woman this time.

I actually don’t think anyone would pay one dollar to see Supriem “play the role” of the “evil gobalist banker villian who tries to take over the world” in our next real life make believe James Bond movie plot.  We have already seen through his “global bank in the sky” dog and pony show. I would rate his movie “B” for bored to death by it all.


Chase Hunter lll

Copyright 25/07/2009-25/07/300  Chase Hunter, (a pen name). International Copyrights Secured. Permission is granted to re-print & re-distribute this post leaving  text, photos & links intact, for educational, non-commercial purposes only.

Breaking News Alerts:

World Health Organization Moves in Secret to Proceed with Mandatory Global Swine Flu Vaccinations

More Background on Baxter International, The REAL Origins of Swine Flu and NWO Bio-terrorism Disguised As Mandatory Vaccinations

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