Archive | Big Brother in America RSS feed for this section Wants The ‘Old’ Obama of 2008 to Return

1 Dec

11.29.2010 By Chase Kyla Hunter

Since the Wikileaks cables release, I have been perusing new research and  re-tracing the many myriad orgs, institutes, think tanks, and other aggregates which have either been founded or funded by George Soros. Glenn Beck has laid out some pretty peculiar connected dots between George Soros and Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, and as of this morning, arguably the most despised, yet well known name on planet earth.

Ecuador has volunteered to give Julian Assange permanent safe harbor from the potential legal troubles he may soon encounter for stealing and releasing hundreds of thousands of US diplomatic cables and posting them to the web via Beck maintains that George Soros is financing Julian, which he states might equate to George Soros having the USA in his sights as a target. Along the trail of re-visiting some of Soros’s orgs, I found something I thought to be quite humorous, in a sad sort of way.

It’s a video clip where one of Barack Obama’s young supporters is begging for the “Old” Barack Obama of 2008 to come back,  put on his cape and begin fighting the worldwide evil threat presented by conservatism again, or something like that. Oh, Superman. Oh duh.

I wonder which Obama he really longs for, as there are at least three or four Obamas that I have noted in his NPD mood swings. Let’s see, well we all know “Messiah Obama” – the ONE, the anointed, the great [muslim ] Czar president of the world, then there is “brown shirt” Obama, the one who wants Americans to sit down, shut up, accept socialized healthcare, and stop trying to keep the America they have known and loved since their baby boomer youth. There is spendaholic Obama, who sees every problem in terms of how much electronic printing press money he can throw at it, to keep bailing us out of this, that, and the next sinking financial boat.

And finally the newest Obama is the brooding [ and quick to run away to India ] “shellacked” Obama, the actual man behind the “Wizard of Odd” curtain, the one we now realize was actually telling the truth in 2005 when he earnestly spoke with reporters about how a presidential run in 08 was out of the question, as he knew he did not have enough experience to be the president.

Ahhh. There we have it. There’s our man. He is the one that really lives behind all the other Obamas. He is a liberal intellectual, far left leaning college professor, an academic who was ‘handled’ since his youth by secret government nwo men in suits, has never owned or operated a business, never has actually lived in the real world of finance, usually only voted “present” as a neophyte senator in 05 and 06, is mostly tolerant of Christian beliefs, but only because he knows he must be, is disgusted secretly by America’s historical position in the world, and now is apparently determined to change it. That’s the actual real Obama that I have identified thus far.

And now that he has been thoroughly shellacked by American voters, we all continue to pray, to wait and watch to see which way he will move next on his agenda: the “dismantling of American excellence by degrees” NWO mandate that he apparently operates under. Here are two videos:

Chase Kyla Hunter

Historical videos:

America: From Freedom to Fascism – 8 Part Video Series

23 Nov

11.22.10 re-post by CK Hunter

Tags: federal reserve, illuminati, freemasonry, aaron russo, from freedom to fascism video

Moscow Building 5,000 More Nuclear Bunkers by 2012 “As A Precaution”

23 Nov
Civil Defense logo on a Thunderbolt 1003 siren.

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright Chase Kyla Hunter 2010-3010, All Rights Reserved. Re-posts permitted leaving all content and links intact.

Several years back I was writing about the fact that Russia was constructing entire underground cities. I wondered aloud in posts at that time, whether any shred of a USA civil defense system still existed for the average John and Jane Doe of America.

As a child growing up, we often did “duck and cover” drills in grade school, and we were taught to always look for the black and yellow civil defense signs on certain public buildings, then to enter those buildings and head to the basement if we ever heard the alarms go off.

It’s odd. All those signs are gone now. I have traveled America from coast to coast many times in the past 15 years and I haven’t seen a single black and yellow “civil defense” sign posted on a public building in more than 15 years. Where did they all go, and why are they gone? Has anyone else noticed this? Has anyone else wondered whether we actually do still have a public civil defense system in America? And if we do, what condition is it in?

Further, if Switzerland has enough underground bunkers to ensure the survival of their entire population, and if Russia has been building entire underground cities since the early 1990s, and noting that they now want to build 5,000 new underground bunkers in Moscow [just as a precaution, notes the reporter in the video] then shouldn’t the US be paying attention to our own population’s civil defense as well?

Since we need to put millions of people back to work, wouldn’t a public works project on a national scale to upgrade and update our own American civil defense system be a good and timely idea?

Since our leaders apparently order up fresh new billions for wars, for this and that bail out on a whim, why not order up some improvements to our existing American civil defense system?

How about it Mr. Obama? It might be the only thing your lousy socialist lackluster presidency could do for this country that might actually save lives one day. Let’s get busy improving our American civil defense system. Everyone else seems to be improving theirs. This is one of those cases where keeping up with the “Russian Joneses” might just be the smart thing to do. We waste billions annually. Why not put some of that wasted fleecing of American tax dollars to actual good use?

Chase Kyla Hunter


RE-POSTED: THE BOMBSHELL VIDEO FROM 2008 THAT STUNNED THE WORLD: D.U.M.B.S.  – [deep underground military bases]  Secret Underground Military Bases on US soil built with 50 trillion dollars in black ops money by and for the new world order global Elites …. built in secret with your tax dollars …But  where is the updated American civil defense system for the rest of us???? Registered Sites Statistics Reveal America is STILL Primarily a Christian Nation

21 Nov
Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 Chase Kyla Hunter, All Rights Reserved. Re-posts permitted as intact post only.

Once in a while I run across something online that proves statistically beyond all shadow of a doubt just how wrong Barack Obama really is when he touts in speeches that America is not a Christian majority nation. The internet does not lie, and statistics on the number of religiously themed websites presently listed in the DMOZ.ORG Open Directory Project offer a telling insight into who is publishing online and what their religious affiliation is, here in the United States. The statistics show that not only is America still a primarily Christian nation, but that Christian religious websites, blogs, directories and other web portals outnumber other religious affiliations online by 100s to 1. Here are the raw numbers, which speak for themselves. It is imperative that the reader realize that the Illuminati owned and influenced American mainstream media conglomerate has been operating under a hidden propoganda directive since January 21st 2009 to publish any and everything they can to make it appear as if Christianity is in decline in America. What is clearly revealed in these numbers below, taken from the web portal tonite, November 21st 2010, is that JUST THE OPPOSITE is true in America.

Christian websites outnumber other religious sites online by enormous numbers, thus proving what the deep gut instincts of every American Christian who spends time online already knows – that this White House has attempted an ongoing big media campaign [since early 2009] by the MSM to minimize, denigrate, marginalize, and disregard the religious Christian majority in America,in effect  to actually try to convince Americans that Christians are no longer the majority voting voice.

I do believe that since November 2nd 2010 we have re-established clearly that Barack Obama and the MSM which works for him are WRONG, and that not only is American Christendom alive and well in 2010, but our voice is louder than ever, and our clout at the voting polls is both muscular, purposeful and robust.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Peruse the Open Directory page where these listings were displayed right here.

BOMBSHELL Video Evidence of Secret Illuminati Corporation More Wealthy Than the Combined Wealth of All Nations on Earth

21 Nov
Gold bullion 2

Image via Wikipedia

Copyright 2010-3010 CK Hunter All Rights Reserved. Re-posts permitted leaving post and links intact.

Each day I examine dozens of articles, posts, essays, videos and the like doing what I do. Once or twice a year something, by the sheer grace of God, manages to squeak through and ends up on the internet where John and Jane Doe can see for themselves that things are not at all as they seem, either here in the USA, or overseas in Great Britain.

The extraordinary video you are about to see really needs little explanation if you have eyes to see and ears to actually hear what is being said. The first gentleman giving his report to Parliament is Lord James of Blackheath. This video was recorded on November 1st. [Here’s a link to his voting record.]

The second gentleman, during the course of making an effort to try to present what he knew to Parliament, without divulging who and what “foundation X” was, or is, practically choked on his words in anxiety and fear.

You can’t make this stuff up folks. And grown men cannot “fake” being this afraid and gravely concerned for the future of both the UK and for the United States. We are apparently literally months away from some sort of global financial chain reaction collapse, a worldwide “domino effect” that may make September 2008 look like a dismal dress rehearsal.

The Vatican is mentioned at one point, and it is revealed that their gold bullion holdings exceed all the gold bullion holdings of all the governments of the world. Did you know this? I certainly did not.

For those who insist that the “Illuminati” is a myth, an internet urban legend, or just a whacked out conspiracy theory, I present this video. Only someone who has a pathological need to avoid the truth at all costs would refute the eye witness accounts of these two British Parliamentarians, who obviously knew much more than they felt comfortable in disclosing.

CK Hunter

Another BOMBSHELL video that I located in 2009 provides hard evidence that new world order elites have been building sophisticated underground tunnels for their own survival should a manmade or natural disaster, such as a pole shift, make life on the surface of the earth unbearable:

Project World Awareness: Recent Posts 2010

21 Nov

A Closer look at the markets… loll

Today, November 20, 2010, 5 hours ago | rockingjudeGo to full article
Stock market Chart Overlay of Silver, Gold, Oil, and the Dollar….I saw this pattern once before…~jude

Hiding From Reality…

Today, November 20, 2010, 6 hours ago | rockingjudeGo to full article
By BOB HERBERT Wherever you choose to look — at the economy and jobs, the public schools, the budget deficits, the nonstop warfare overseas — you’ll see a country in sad shape. Standards of living are declining, and American parents increasingly believe that their children will inherit a very bad deal. We’re in denial about […]

Stuxnet Cyber Worm a ‘Game Changer’…

Today, November 20, 2010, 7 hours ago | rockingjudeGo to full article
BY AUSTIN ALONZO You’re watching multisource tech video news analysis from Newsy. The Stuxnet computer worm originally designed to target Iran’s nuclear plants has spread around the world in the past few months, and now U.S. security experts are warning that the worm could be modified to attack industrial control systems around the world. The […]

The TSA is out of control…

Today, November 20, 2010, 7 hours ago | rockingjudeGo to full article
see more..humor to take the edge off…(

Satellite appears to show NKorea nuke building…

Today, November 20, 2010, 7 hours ago | rockingjudeGo to full article
By KWANG-TAE KIM SEOUL, South Korea – New satellite images show construction under way at North Korea’s main atomic complex, apparent proof that Pyongyang is making good on its pledge to build a nuclear power reactor, according to a private American security institute. North Korea vowed in March to build a light-water reactor using its […]

Press Briefing by U.S. Ambassador to NATO…

Today, November 20, 2010, 8 hours ago | rockingjudeGo to full article
Image via Wikipedia Feria Internacional de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 7:49 P.M. WET MR. HAMMER: Good evening, everyone.  Thanks for joining us.  And we’re a little bit tight on time, but we have an on-the-record briefing with our Ambassador to NATO, Ivo Daalder, as well as Ben Rhodes, who you know from the National Security Council, […]

TC Indymedia Exclusive: Secret ‘Trigger’ & blueprint for emergency domestic military crackdown plan revealed…

Today, November 20, 2010, 9 hours ago | rockingjudeGo to full article
Submitted by TCIMC on Fri, 11/19/2010 – 15:31 National Level Exercise 2011 docs found on Army Corps fileserver prove upgrade for Secret ‘Civil Disturbance Operations CONPLAN 3502′ the Master Pentagon Blueprint for RNC/G20 Lockdowns, Policing Disasters & More By Dan Feidt for Twin Cities Indymedia — Digital presentations posted on an Army Corps of Engineers […]

Obama arrives in Portugal to meet with NATO allies…

Yesterday, November 19, 2010, 3:23:53 PM | rockingjudeGo to full article
Portugal…You can run but you can’t hide…on it…who did you think you were messing with?…your tracks are everywhere…whomever took the account…me naive?..think again…been at this a long time..and the timing?…perfect; just made me more resolute in my mission ))~jude By Christi Parsons After the Asia trip, the president aims to show Europeans that their concerns […]

Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11…

Yesterday, November 19, 2010, 11:35:09 AM | rockingjudeGo to full article
Image via Wikipedia by Kevin Ryan Just after September 11th 2001, many governments began investigations into possible insider trading related to the terrorist attacks of that day.  Such investigations were initiated by the governments of Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Monte Carlo, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United States, and others.  Although the investigators […]

5 Solid Reasons to Run Like Hell From Facebook’s New Email Messaging System

21 Nov

Copyright 2010-3010 By CK Hunter. Re-posts granted leaving essay intact only.

I written before about the creepy CIA and NCS [National Clandestine Service] connections to Mark Zuckerberg‘s neo-Orwellian Facebook empire. But just in case you have not been made aware, have a look at these historical items before you read on:

Facebook Messages: The Worst Thing That Ever Happened

Facebook Gone Bad:


Why You Should Run Like Hell from Facebook Messaging:

1. You cannot delete Facebook messages. Stop and ponder the horrific consequences just for one moment. Drunken opinionated thought orgies, changing your politics, irate rants about your spouse, boss, about religion, atheism, about ANYTHING are archived forever in the Orwellian bowels of Facebook and may be used in some future that we have not yet imagined to socially typecast, identify, prosecute, or otherwise harm or legally call you out, when 3, 5, or 10 years have passed and yiou havce long since left those obsolete opinions behind. This one fact should stop every intelligent Facebook user dead in their tracks, and make them genuinely take pause. It’s just exactly like being pulled over by the police when you were sure you were doing nothing wrong. Suddenly anything you do or say might just be used against you later in a court of law. You won’t know until you regretably say it, and you cannot call it back, not ever. Anyone who has ever mouthed off at a tired irritated police officer, and then later got the shit kiced out of them for it, should understand what I am saying here. If there was ever a moment to read between the lines, this is that moment. Call me alarmist, call me a wing nut, I DON’T CARE. I am warning young Americans and everyone else who uses Facebook, this fact alone makes it crystal clear to me that Facebook is not much more than a cleverly disguised social surveillance tool, and an emerging format for international politically correct thought police to call out people they want to target using their own words of years gone by to indict them with.

2. Locating individual emails or messages will be complicated and tedious in that: all of your communications with any one person will be bundled into one GIANT thread of e-mail, text, and chat communication. This also just happens to be very convenient for the FED should that moment ever arise that the FED wanted to examine and investigate every conversation you ever had with one of your more politically radical tea party buddies, whose tactics you might not agree with, but nonetheless, there it is for all of USA Big Brother’s eyes to see… 5 years of unbroken threads of dialogue between you and “firehose Sam” who you emailed off and on for a few years, then moved on. You won’t be able to go in and selectively delete those uncomfortable conversations you had with “Firehose Sam” about why he should not instigate whatever. Everything, the texts, emails, and chat items, that you exchanged with “Firehose Sam” will be bundled into one huge hairball that you cannot go in and selectively edit and delete later. This is yet another breach of personal privacy and can be damning to innocent Facebook users in years to come in ways that we cannot or do not wish to imagine at this time.

3. Whenever you send someone one email, text or chat message, they are automatically granted access to your entire Facebook account. The best analogy for this might be you answer the doorbell at home, the newspaper boy hands you your daily newspaper, and to thank him, you force him to take a guided tour of every room in your home and then hand him the house keys. No one in their right mind would ever do this, right? But Facebook users do it every day when they email someone who is not on Facebook, invite them to look at some posted photos, then the recipient must actually join Facebook (thus procuring access to your own Facebook page)in order  to view the photos. It’s Orwellian, it’s creepy, it’s way too mandatory, it’s unintelligent and unnecessary. Ever heard of email attachments? Just email over the photos from your regular email program as embedded attachments, and the recipient can, with one click, enjoy looking at the photos inside their own email in-box, and leave Facebook out of it. It’s more intelligent and it protects everyone’s privacy, and their fundamental right NOT to be forced to join the ongoing crazy Facebook party.

4. In order to make your Facebook account completely private, you will need to click-through 50 buttons and either select or deselect more than 170 other options as of 11/20/2010. This can change at any time, and assuming Facebook will continue to further complicate its own “privacy policy” frequently, you can assume that in the future, it will become so intentionally complex and time-consuming to alter your privacy settings, you can pretty much be assured that most people who are busy, will give up and use the Facebook defaults, allowing all kinds of third-party websites and companies to continuously datamine their account content. Facebook will continue to outsmart it’s smartest users in the future, when privacy laws in the USA will have been altered as the USA itself becomes politically altered and merged even more deeply into the North American Union. See the video clip below:

5. Watch these videos below:

If you think your Facebook account is secure, you are woefully uninformed about how sophisticated the hackers are in data-mining Facebook for their own purposes. Let’s use simple third grade logic. If hackers can do all of the above, then just assume that the CIA, FBI, NCS, NSA and so forth can and will do 100% more than that in order to investigate you, at any time, for any reason, without a warrant or a court order, without your knowledge or consent,just by using Facebook.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Confirmed: FED Storing Images Procured With TSA Full Body Scanners?

17 Nov

Updated 12.28.10 Please read

Copyright 11/17/2010 By CK Hunter, Re-posted material courtesy of

A truth researcher on has produced documents he alleges prove that the US government, is in fact, storing the images they procure with full body scanners. He cites several instances in Florida which flatly contradict Janet Napolitano‘s statements to the press that the images are not kept or stored.

Let me pose a question to the reader:  If you were an evil secret world government crime cabal, intent on surveilling and identifying, tracking, and marketing your junk non-stop to every world citizen, and you had access to full body scanner technology and the databases compiled from airport security of all passengers who were scanned, then wouldn’t you GREATLY DESIRE to PROCURE and store those scans, just in much the same way that every little transaction we make becomes part and parcel of our so-called “credit report.?”

It’s just one more thing the world beast system can amass and collect on the average citizen: a complete detail of their nude body, replete with any and all identifying marks, moles, scars, tattoos, breast implants, hip replacements, et al.

Of course they DESIRE GREATLY to illegal amass and store these scans. They would be fools not to, if they are intent on being able to identify any human being on the planet, with or without that human’s consent. That’s something they especially want to do with Americans, because we are just about the only population left with the moxie, mojo and spiritual spine to stand up to these people.

Chase Kyla Hunter

Here’s the info posted by the .com blogger:

Government Storing Images of Body Scanners

Government Storing Images of Body Scanners
I saw a presentation on television where Janet Napolitano said that the body scanners did not record and save the images it took of people. Then I remembered hearing that these body scanners can in fact record the images, and are able to do so during testing. According to an article the U.S. Marshals have admitted that these security scanners have recorded images taken at a Florida Courthouse.
From TSA Procurement Specifications (page 11)
“For purposes of testing, evaluation, and training development, the WBI shall (22) provide a Test Mode.
The WBI Test Mode shall (23) be the sole mode of operation permitting the exporting of image data.
“”BI Test Mode shall (24) be accessible as provided in the User Access Levels and Capabilities
When in Test Mode, the WBI:
• shall (25) allow exporting of image data in real-time;
• shall (26) prohibit projection of an image to the IO station;
• shall (27) provide a secure means for high-speed transfer of image data;
• shall (28) allow exporting of image data (raw and reconstructed).”
Article about the Government Storing Images
TSA Procurement Specifications
Court Documents about Body Scanners
TSA reply House
Video about Body Scanners
Video Report about US Marshals storing images
The following information was gleaned on 12.28.10 courtesy of Liquid Matrix Security Digest:

According to the TSA, there are currently 385 full body scanners in 68 different US airports. Check to see if your local airport is using these scanners to sneak a peak at your goodies.

Albuquerque International Sunport Airport
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport
• Boston Logan International
• Bush Houston Interncontinental Airport
• Boise Airport
• Bradley International Airport
• Brownsville
Buffalo Niagara International Airport
• Charlotte Douglas International
• Chicago O’Hare International
• Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International
• Cleveland International Airport
• Corpus Christie Airport
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
• Denver International Airport
• Detroit Metro Airport
• Dulles International Airport
• El Paso International Airport
• Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International
Fort Wayne International Airport
• Fresno Airport
• Gulfport International Airport
• Grand Rapids Airport
• Harrisburg International Airport
• Harlingen/Valley International Airport
• Honolulu International Airport
• Indianapolis International Airport
• Jacksonville International Airport
John F. Kennedy International Airport
• Kansas City International
LaGuardia International Airport
• Lambert/St. Louis International Airport
• Laredo International Airport
• Lihue Airport
• Los Angeles International
• Luis Munoz Marin International Airport
• McAllen Miller Airport
McCarran International Airport
• Memphis International Airport
• Miami International Airport
• General Mitchell Milwaukee International Airport
• Mineta San José International
• Minneapolis/St.Paul International Airport
• Nashville International Airport
• Newark Liberty International Airport
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport
• Oakland International Airport
• Omaha Eppley Field Airport
• Orlando International Airport
• Palm Beach International Airport
• Philadelphia International Airport
• Phoenix International Airport
• Pittsburgh International Airport
• Port Columbus International
• Raleigh-Durham International Airport
• Richmond International Airport
• Rochester International Airport
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Salt Lake City International Airport
• San Antonio International Airport
• San Diego International Airport
• San Francisco International Airport
• Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
• Spokane International Airport
• T.F. Green Airport
• Tampa International Airport
• Tulsa International Airport

Chicago Midway International Airport, Houston William P. Hobby Airport, and Saipan International Airport are supposed to receive their full body scanners soon. Given that many of the airports in the list are major destinations, chances are someone’s going to get a real good look at you the next time you fly (which could very well be this holiday season). Supposedly, TSA’s goal is to up the amount of full body scanners to a 1000 by the end of 2011 too. [TSA via Geekosystem]

Send an email to Casey Chan, the author of this post, at

Operation Paperclip Confirmed: Truth Researchers Vindicated as FED Finally Admits Hiding Nazis After WWII

16 Nov

Feature Essay November 2010

Copyright 11.15.2010 By CK Hunter

ref: Nazis Were Given ‘Safe haven’ in the US, Report Says

Back “in the day” as they say, in the wee early moments of the 1990s, before the internet, I came upon reports and documents published by William Cooper [now deceased truth researcher of considerable fame and renown] which alleged in blunt whistle-blower language that after the Allies were victorious in World War II, that they secretly not only spared the lives of hundreds of German Nazi Stormtroopers and scientists who had been closest to Hitler, but provided them and their families with jobs and safe haven here in the USA. Google Operation Paperclip.

Bill Cooper wrote about this fact nearly twenty years ago in his landmark tell all book which outed the secret world government as it was operating at that time. The book was titledBehold A Pale Horse.” There had been two assassination attempts on Bill’s life while he was trying to finish the book and get it published. He included those accounts in the Forward. With God’s grace Bill got the book published, and lived. Bill’s book was practically inhaled by the newly percolating “truth underground” of the early 1990s here in the US.  That underground was a loose-knit aggregate of ufologists, people who were investigating the “Taos Hum“, people who were investigating the hidden Illuminati secret march toward globalism, which  I was a part of at the time in northwest New Mexico, where dozens of artists, musicians, thinkers, writers and the intellectually curious lived as expatriates in the wilds outside of Taos and Santa Fe.

Bill eventually died fighting the FEDs and he had warned his readers and followers that it would happen for some time before the end came. He gave his life for the sake of continuing to get the truth out to the people, and he believed devoutly that if the truth about what was being planned for the American people in secret wasn’t made known to them soon, they would be trapped helplessly in a global governance system that would usurp every former human right and civil right they had been born with originally in the “former” United States of America.

I am writing about all of this to remind my readers that what we are ridiculed and reviled for pointing out today which is mocked as “conspiracy theory”, becomes the common everyday well-known fact of tomorrow, when the FED release their declassified files on the topic du jour some twenty years later, when they feel quite confident that no retribution will ever occur. This same pattern of 1) strenuous FED  denial, 2) withholding all evidence, and then 3) quiet acquiescence of the truth some 10, 20, 30 or even 40 years later  … is now being seen and noted by truth researchers like me over and over again, as the new world order hidden global crime cabal becomes more confident that they can pull off their long-planned international coup d’etat of installing the Man of Sin in place as the future global Head of State, and calling him a “World Teacher” or the “Global Messiah” (take your pick), then selling him to world populations as whatever it is they had hoped for the most – you pick the Deity. There are at least 5 great “religious deities” that are now being watched for and hoped for by the various religions of the world population (Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish).

The fact that the US federal government, whom I often just refer to as the FED, would make such a brazen confession about hiding the Nazis to the American public, at this particularly sensitive moment, right after the elections, when voters are still shouting and shaking their fists at Washington over the point they recently had to make, is quite peculiar indeed. Either the FED wants to and desires greatly to continue to stir up the wrath of the American people, or the FED now feels so confident of the secure unfolding of their secret plans that they have decided it won’t matter one whit how angry America gets over this latest little bombshell, they will just wag the ugly truth in our faces and tell us anyway.

The vindication of this latest FED disclosure for truth researchers like me doesn’t feel warm and fuzzy, or feel like anything to be proud of.  An American population that has been raised from infancy to “believe in” and support their federal government by paying taxes, fighting their wars for them, putting up with their intentionally inept leaders, the coming and going of president after president over the years, while the value of the currency continues to fade and the American landscape gradually begins to look shabbier and more graffiti sprayed, is not a nation of people at this point who can necessarily be “stirred into real action” over the disclosure of just one more high crime of treason perpetrated by the people we think we elect to high office.

This latest disclosure has been revealed more as a kind of “ha, ha… you can’t really stop us… we do what we do, when and why and where we want to… f—k you” statement to the American population by the Illuminati. It’s their way of mooning us, and giving the American people the finger, a gesture of their contempt for everything that we hold dear.

But just remember my friends: we hold ALL the cards in the end. WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who pay the taxes that hold the stitches together for this whole sorry, sordid mess. WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who buy their cars, groceries, houses, furniture, airplane rides, candy, alcohol, cosmetics, movies, smart-phones and every other product they cram down our throats as consumers. Without our participation, the whole ugly merry-go-round will grind to a halt.

If  WE THE PEOPLE finally get disgusted enough at being given the finger by own government via sickening disclosures like the one they just made [see link at end] then we might just pull the ultimate tea party and REFUSE to continue to buy anything or pay taxes to these fools until they DISCLOSE what has been hidden, and ante up with the TRUTH. Otherwise, at our point of collective exasperation having been reached, acting as one people – we throw up our hands and just say:

We have had enough. Your Illuminati created world system is rotten, and you can count America OUT. We will take care of each other, create new local economies, we will barter, we will do whatever it takes, not to participate in your evil world plan one minute longer, no matter how you try to sell it with a Prince Charles headliner “HARMONY” TV world indoctrination propaganda special.”

I’d like to reiterate: once Americans finally get fed up enough, and cry out to God to show them the next move to make, the next direction to take, it will become clear to every man, woman and young person in this country what they must do. The Holy Spirit will simply reveal to them in their sleep what that is, and they will awaken relaxed, secure, convicted and determined that they KNOW JUST EXACTLY how to proceed next. God is in charge, and the Divine Intervention continues, no matter what ugly little lie they bring to light next. We are already 20 steps ahead of them and there is NOTHING they can do, but gnash their teeth in rage against the last days phenomenon in America of the Rising of the Light.

ABOUT THE PHOTOS & GRAPHICS IN THIS ESSAY: For the younger readers, William Cooper’s heyday (photo one) as a truth researcher and Illuminati / secret world government whistle blower took place in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. By the end of the 1990s he had been so harassed and beaten down by the FEDs for publishing dark and hidden truths, especially of those pertaining to our Illuminati controlled US military-industrial complex, that his health began to fail him, as well as his better judgment. Google “William Cooper biography” for more info.

The other graphics detail the historical use by Freemasons of hidden imagery and Illuminati symbols in the Coats of Arms of the European [Merovingian] family dynasties, many of which are directly connected to the secret history of the Illuminati global crime cabal. The House of Windsor [formerly known as the House of Guelph or Guelfe] has one of the darkest and most sordid histories on the planet. Many modern Christians actually speculate that either Prince Charles or his son Prince William may in fact be, the incarnate Man of Sin, destined to play a major role on the world stage as the “Son of Perdition.” As if they well know of all this and are playing right along, Prince Charles consented many many years ago to the construction of a statue of his likeness as a winged God [Apollyon?] hovering over the world. His son Prince William has a similar image tattooed on his back. I am providing ample dots here for you young whippersnappers to connect and follow. Open your eyes and see. This week [week of November 15th 2010] on NBC television, they will broadcast a TV special featuring Prince Charles, titled “HARMONY”. Pay attention people: this is indoctrinating propaganda American TV. Don’t be duped by the mass media “sell job” that is commencing now on these internationally known monarchical leaders. Do a little bit of deep digging on the real history of the House of Windsor, the Order of the Garter, The black dragon society, and all the other Illuminati clubs that both Prince Charles and his son belong to.

Essay Copyright Chase Kyla Hunter, 2010-3010 All rights Reserved. International Copyright secured in Perpetuity.

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Whatever Happened to the Obama “Messiah” Frenzy of 2008? Ten Years Have Passed in Two Years

12 Nov

Copyright 11.13.2010 by CK Hunter

The very first time I ever saw video footage of Barack Obama, a loud warning bell began ringing in my soul. It came from a deeper place in me, and I could not make it stop ringing.Days passed,  I could not shake it off, so I began to write about what I was sensing, and I began to secretly investigate this lovely man that no one knew anything about. At ever turn in his ascendancy up the ladder of DNC politics, it seemed that someone, somewhere, somehow had paved the way for him, making it all just a little bit easier. After the very public, high profile disintegration of John Edwards‘ political career over a torrid affair with a loopie California new age dabbler, I believe the CFR  establishment elites gave Mr. Obama the shoulder tap for an “all clear” to run for national office. Quite suddenly, out of the blue, he was everywhere at once, in every media portal. It was soon to become an orchestrated mass media  tsunami.

I recall clearly the crazy super-blogging, up-all-night, urgently prayer filled days of early 2008, while I desperately tried to warn the global journalist community, the internet community, and the American public about what my soul saw in Barack Obama. [ No one at the time had actually seen the bible codes on Barack Obama, which can be found in Revelation 13: 1.]

Everyone I knew stopped speaking to me as I tried to speak out about what my soul could sense coming with his possible election to the White House. I frantically emailed journalists and writers, reporters from coast to coast and all the way to Israel, trying to convince them that the deep background research, the usual “due diligence” of combing through the history of this man who would be King, was missing, dangerously, conspicuously missing, and no one in the American media seemed to care. Chris Matthews practically went gay for Barack Obama, Katie Couric fawned over him, the same sickening scene repeated itself on news outlet after news outlet for months on end.

It was the foggiest, off-kilter black magic media landscape in the USA I have ever witnessed, as either a media participant, or as an observer. The entire mass media machine in America was either operating with a hidden gun stuck in their back, or were plainly under some kind of spell, or both.

From March 2008 until mid July 2008 I practically did not move from writing, emailing, researching, posting and praying like mad that the sleeping giant in America would wake up in time to tell their innocent college aged, idealistic, social media addicted kids, not to vote for this man, whom we all knew practically nothing about.

7  Lies Told in Less Than 2 Minutes:

Then came the grim day in mid-summer when I located the article on the Israeli Insider web portal, which detailed seriously alarming irregularities which had been revealed when reporters were briefly allowed to examine Barack Obama’s long form birth certificate. There was NO birther movement at the time. The term had never been invented. To sum it up, Israeli reporters with no ax to grind, flatly detailed what they observed to be heavily redacted sections of Barack Obama’s birth certificate, and they photographed what they saw. [Redacted means blacked out.]

I went into overdrive, emailing the link to the Israeli Insider post with the photos to every media outlet I could find here in the US, to no avail. No one, not one single journalist or reporter, would touch this story with a ten foot pole. No one wanted to be singled out as a racist. The ugliest frame-job one could ever imagine was playing out in the Obama campaign plan.

“If you question Obama’s past, you are a racist.” That one sentence sums up how it came to be that absolutely ZERO journalistic investigative reporting was ever done on Barack Obama within the USA mainstream media during the first half of 2008.

By the last half of 2008 I had managed to raise enough hell online to stir several hundred other citizen journalists like me to join in and do the deep digging ourselves that MSM refused to do, guns poked in their backs by illuminati media cabal bosses, stars in their eyes, as they “drank the koolaid” all the way, throwing all personal honesty, gut instincts, personal integrity and self respect right out the window, doing everything in their power to help this man get elected.

In my 55 years I had never seen a singular presidential candidate from any party appear on so many magazine covers, in so many articles, video clips, newspaper headlines, and other media front pages at one time in a 90 day period as did Barack Obama between May 2008 and September 2008.

Women  were beginning to faint and scream at his appearances like he was some sort of rock star. No one was behaving as if they had any decorum or simple common sense. There was never a logical reason in the world to compare this man to Ghandi or Jesus, or Buddha. He was an inexperienced lack-luster incoming new senator, who mostly voted “present”. He had never actually run a real business in his adult life, and although he was a lawyer, he taught law in the ivory tower setting, rather than rub up against the real world up close and personal by actually practicing trial law.

He, at times, looked almost remarkably svelte for a grown man; it struck me often that he did not seem to be the most masculine card in the line-up, definitely not a “man’s man” but more of a tallish mulatto androgyn, hairstyle carved and shaved to the skin, disliking his own half blackness, never allowing his haircut to grow long enough to show that it might get a little nappy in spots, speaking in measured doses with utterly no accent, narrow shouldered, loosely gaited, limbs swinging as he walked as if he was humming a little self-love chant that guaranteed he would always tune out the real world. I frankly thought he was rather bizarre. He was a highly skilled actor and adept persuader. He was at his best when he was trying to get somewhere, with motive. He seemed to drift once he had actually arrived.

 Where was all the irrational mass hysteria coming from? For the life of me I could not figure it out.

Thankfully I never heard him speak in public in person, but only studied video clips afterward. I learned along the way that he was a master of the new age occult social engineering psychologist’s craft which is called neurolinguistic programming, or simply “NLP‘. NLP emerged from some of the murkier places in the so called new age therapy communities in the mid 1980s, and was a slicker and more psychologically adept form of using hypnosis on an individual, either in a one on one, or mass audience setting, in order to access the subconscious of the target, then by variously changing your vocal intonations,facial expressions, and hand gestures as you spoke with them, utterly putting them under, so to speak, without their knowledge,[or consent]  inserting what is called an “aggressive mental suggestion”, and then guiding the target into changing or altering certain existing behaviors into new ones that most suited the predetermined goals that the NLP user had in mind for them. Bluntly put, it is a mind control tool. Scientology has been known to employ NLP for years.

As I watched his speeches, and the concurrent mass hysteria which would often break out during them, it hit me that it was in his speech patterns, the intentional changing and altering of the cadence of his speech, reiterating certain specific coded repetitions, that was putting entire crowds of people literally into some sort of hypnosis-like trance, most especially when he would incant “yes we can” as a call and response, and the crowd would then reply back the phrase. The whole spectacle was chilling, and I felt hung on a high weathervane, literally whipping in the wind alone, as I tried desperately to explain to  others what I could see happening. My few online friends who were swept into the popular frenzy of being an Obama supporter dared not to defy their peer group, and stand aside to take a deep breath and get a grip. That would guarantee they would be omitted from the peer group, cast out, ridiculed.

No one in America in the summer of 2008 was getting a grip. They practically all had the crazy “he is just IT” fever. I hated my life, and I hated the names that people like me were now beginning to be called. “Racist” was just the beginning of the name calling. Practically anyone who was not wildly in support of Obama was thought to be mentally ill, unintelligent, an illogical end-timer, a crazy redneck, a fundamentalist, uneducated, it just went on and on.

Here we are 2 years later….  and we all can clearly see, who are not dead in the grave, what has come of Obama Messiah Fever. I’m personally not altogether sure who and what the soul of Barack Obama really is, whether he is the Son of Perdition, or just the slickest public dress rehearsal for the same that we have ever been exposed to, since Adolf Hitler.

But I can tell you this: by this time, if you are not yet spiritually awake to the magnitude and gravity of the fraud that has been perpetrated on the American voting public of 2008, along with their good looking, web savvy kids, who practically launched him like rocket to the White House, then your soul is literally incapable of discerning truth from error, a mirage from a solid object, or blunt reality from fantasy.

We have two years left to try to arrange our comprehension of what’s been done to the country into a plan to ensure that this NEVER happens to the land where we were born and raised again, and we must speak discreetly to our family, friends and neighbors about how to construct our best defense [which is always an offense] against what may come in 2012 when they [the illuminati] will pull out all the stops to illegally re-elect him again. I personally believe that he has been exhaustively prepared, may be periodically mind controlled, and to put it bluntly, the illuminati have invested alot into their Manchurian mannequin-man. They do not intend to return him, in disgrace, back to Hawaii without a fight. Gird yourselves.

I actually don’t give a damn at this point whether Barack Obama “gets his groove back” or not. His presidency has thus far been a disaster for this country. I’m not afraid to say it. I don’t care if I am ridiculed, dismissed, or hammered with attack speech and hate speech from the shagrined and deeply embarrassed liberals who all elected him. My soul knows what my soul knows. have a look at the recent exit of Rahm Emmanuel aka “Fucknutsville”. He was certainly privy to the knowledge of what a sinking ship is, when he jumped with a flying leap out of the White House and landed on his feet like a chesire cat in Chicago, where it is confirmed he will run for mayor. Why do yiou suppose that happened? Because he is not stupid. Rahm could see the proverbial handwriting on the wall. He knew his days in power were numbered. It certainly looks better to resign and make a sharp right turn back to the midwest than to go down in flames in D.C.

Pelosi – you’re next. A brave man in North Carolina is going to take you down soon. May your sorry, sorry political career end when he does, and may it end permanently. You nearly single handedly tried to foist an unwanted, unwelcomed mandatory socialist healthcare yoke around this nation’s neck, mortgaging it’s children and future in so doing,  and we will NOT forget it.

The country cannot take another 4 years of Barack Obama, lest the UK, China, and the illuminati Princes from Europe will all be flying in to repossess our bankrupt nation, buying it up, parcel by parcel, in  crooked real estate auctions, and blood bathed foreclosure sales. My beloved American friends, neighbors, and communities everywhere, now is not the time to sleep. And we all know how tired we are. I’m worn out, and I have been for some time. But if we let our collective guard down now, 2012 will rush in like a horde of locusts and scour away the last vestiges of morality and hope out of the land, like bare  bleached bones, long before they begin to trot out their trained 2012 political ponies onto the MSM media stage for the next make believe presidential election roadshow.

Consolidate what we have gained, and take no prisoners. NO compromise. NO back room deals. NO duplicity. He who would lose his life politically via frank verbal constitutional candor might save it in eternity. Do you catch my drift? Don’t become evil to fight evil. Hold fast to the light, hold fast to what we have gained, hold fast to God and let the Holy Spirit show you what to do next. This IS an ongoing Divine Intervention, and God is in charge, no matter what it might look like on the outside.

I am here, I am with you, I am at my post, I am in prayer, I am determined, and I am not intimidated in the least by whatever fresh mountain of lies and subterfuge they may have planned. This is God’s modern day chosen country for the international Body of Christ, and it is NOT going down. So help me God.

Chase Kyla Hunter
